Sunday, 23 March 2025


  1. African Ostrich : the largest of all living birds. A male ostrich can grow to a height of 3 metres and weigh up to 150 kg. 
  2. Alocasia Macrorrhiza : found in Sabah, Malaysia > the largest speciman of leaves in the world, over 3 metres long and nearly 2 metres wide. 
  3. Altair : the first home computer, available in 1975. 
  4. Althing: The Althing is the parliament of Iceland, it is the world's oldest parliament , has been in existence since the 10th century.
  5. Angel Falls : the highest waterfall in the world - located in the country of Venezuela and is more than 3,000 feet high. 
  6. Antibiotics : a chemicals produced by a micro-organism that can stop bacteria growth or destroy other bacteria. Their development has revolutionized the treatment of disease. 
  7. Ayers Rock : at Australia near the town of Alice Spring was discovered by an Englishman, W.G Goose in 1873 and was named after the Prime Minister of Australia Sir Henry Ayers. 
  8. Black Death : a bubonic plague that spread from Asia to Europe in the 14th century. The disease was carried by fleas on infected rats which were found on ships travelling from the Far East. It killed between 25 to 50 % of the European population. 
  9. Book of Kells The most beautiful book in the world, produced by monks in the 9th century on the Hebridean Island of Iona. 
  10. Borneo Island : The third largest island in the world, located in Southeast Asia's Malay Archipelago, shared by 3 countries, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. It houses the world's oldest rainforest.
  11. Brachiosaurus : the largest dinosaurs which lived 140-165 million years ago. 
  12. Centaurs according to Greek legend, were a race of creatures who were hald man and half horse. 
  13. Compsognathus : was the smallest dinosaurs about the size of a hen. 
  14. Deer Cave : located at Mulu National Park, Miri, Sarawak,Malaysia > the world's largest cave passage, can occupy 40 Boeing 747 jetliners. 
  15. Diplodocus : the biggest plant-eater dinosaur which measures over 23 metres from nose to tail. 
  16. Domeire : the first refrigerator for use in home was manufactured in the USA in 1913. 
  17. ENIAC : stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator > The first completely electronic computer was built between 1942 and 1946 by J.Presper Eckert  and John W. Mauchly at University of Pennsylvania, USA.
  18. First World Hotel : located at Genting Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia > the world's largest hotel with 7,351 rooms. 
  19. FRIM: The Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia > the world's largest manmade Rainforest
  20. Grand Canyon: the largest canyon in the world - located at USA. 
  21. Hereford Cathedral: The largest remaining chained library in the world. It houses 1500 books. 
  22. Hypselosaurus: The largest dinosaur eggs ever found -  live some 80 million years ago, measuring 300 x 255 mm, discoverd in Southern France in 1961. 
  23. Kampung Kuantan Firefly Park : Located in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia > home of one of the biggest firefly colonies in the world
  24. Kek Lok Si Temple : at Ayer Itam, Penang, Malaysia > houses the largest Buddhist Temple complex in the world.
  25. Lake Baikal: in Siberia > the world's deepest lake, measuring one mile deep. It is also the world's oldest lake, about 25 million years old. 
  26. Lake Superior :  @ North America > the largest freshwater lake in the world, covers more than 83,000 sq km and about 200 different rivers flow into it.
  27. Lutine Bell: the bell that came from HMS Lutine, which sank during a storm off the Dutch coast in 1799. It was recovered in 1859 and now hangs in the insurance house Lloyds of London. 
  28. Loch Ness Monster : known affectionately as Nessie, is a mythical creature in Scottish folklore. 
  29. Magna Carta : was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law.It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.
  30. Mauna Loa  : the largest volcano in the world > located in Hawaii - about 6 miles tall from the sea floor to be opening. 
  31. Megalosaurus  : the meat-eating dinosaur - the first dinosaur to be identified by scientist in 1677
  32. Morse Code : a method of sending message by a series of long and short signals. The signals are sent using a telegraph or by flashes with a torch. In written form dots represent short signals, dashes long ones. 
  33. Nicholas Cugnot: a French Artillery officer > invented Steam carriage -  the first mechanical powered vehicle to be used on roads in 1763. 
  34. Nile River  : the longest river in the world - it is 4,184 miles long. Its flows through 9 countries and empties in the Mediteranean sea. 
  35. Nordmann's Greenshank : the world's rarest birds has been spotted at Kuala Selangor Nature Park, Selangor, Malaysia
  36. Orang Utan: Asia's only great Ape - only found in Sabah and not found anywhere else in the world. 
  37. Perak Man : The world's oldest complete human skeleton ever found in Lenggong,  Hulu Perak, Malaysia, dating back some 11,000 years. 
  38. Pegasus was a legendary winged horse created from the blood of Mudusa. 
  39. Petronas Twin Towers : at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia > the iconic 88-storey twin towers -the tallest twin buildings in the world & the highest two-storey bridge that connect the towers
  40. Phoenix was a mythical bird of Egypt lived for 500 year then burn itself to death on a large fire. After death it was reborn, and rose from the ashes.
  41. Putrajaya Roundabout  : located at Putrajaya,Malaysia > the world's largest roundabout with a diameter of 3.5 km. 
  42. Pomelo @ Citrus Maxima > the largest citrus fruit in the world found in Malaysia.
  43. Rafflesia : the world's largest flower found in Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia
  44. Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy : The first book printed in English in 1474 at Belgium. 
  45. Sarawak Chambers : located at Mulu National Park, Miri, Sarawak > the world's largest natural rock chambers
  46. Semaphore: a signalling system using two flags. The way in the flags are held represent the letters of the alphabet. It was adopted by the British Navy in ajbout 1816, for ships to communicates with one another.
  47. Sipadan Island : located at the Coast of Sabah, MalaysiaOne of the richest marine habitats in the world and the best Diving site in the world 
  48. Sunway Lagoon : located at Bandar Sunway, Selangor , Malaysia > had the world's largest man-made sandy surf beach
  49. Taman Negara : Malaysia's National Park > the oldest Natural Rainforest in the world
  50. Tower of London: built by William the Conqueror after he crossed the channel to conquer England in 1066. 
  51. Trans-Siberian Railway : located in Rusia > the longest railway in the world, completed in 1916 runs from Chelyabinsk in the Ural Mountains to Nakhoda. Connection to Moscow, and extensions to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast. The entire journey of some 9,250 km takes over 8 days to complete. 
  52. Tualang Tree : the world's tallest tropical tree found in Malaysia - base diameter over 10 feet (3m) and reaches height of around 262 feet (80m). 
  53. Tyrannosaurus : the largest ever meat-eating creature which lived some 70 millions years ago. 
  54. Unicorn is a beautiful creatures of fable which resembled a horse but bore a single long horn in the centre of its forehead, with white body red head and had blue eyes. 
  55. Windsor Castle  : the world's largest inhabited castle, it has been the home of British royalty for over 900 years. 
  56. Yeti: an ape-like creature purported to inhabit the Himalayan mountain range in Asia. In Western popular culture, the creature is commonly referred to as the Abominable Snowman.On 8 November 1951, the British Mountaineer and explorer, Eric Shipton took photographs of Yeti's footprints in the snows of the Himalayas
  1. The earliest book known to be printed with wooden blocks is a Buddhist scroll printed in China in the year 868. 
  2. The word 'Dinosaur' comes from latin and Greek meaning "Teribble lizard".
  3. The first time a radio was fitted in a car was in August 1921 at the suggestion of the Cardiff and South Wales Wireless Society. 
  4. George I was the King of England from 1715 to 1727. He could not speak English, only German. 
  5. The word "Jeans" comes from the name of the city of Genoa in Italy. Genoan sailors used to wear trousers of a thick, canvas-like material. The French called them Genes. 
  6. The world's first crossword puzzle was published in the USA on 21 December 1913. 
  7. The Chinese were the first to have used paper money. 
  8. From May 1841 to May 1842 the people of Mexico used bars of soap as money. 
  9. The first dollar coin was issued in Bohemia (now Czech Republic) in the 16th century. 
  10. The first adhesive postage stamp was issued by Britain on 6 May 1840. 
  11. Dogs can hear very high and very low noises that humans cannot. They can detect sounds that are 4 times farther away than humans are to hear. 
  12. There are 2 kinds of elephants: African elephants with very big ears and Asian elephants with smaller ears. 
  13. A lion's roar can be heard up to 5 miles away!
  14. There are five oceans in the world: the Artic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Southern. The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean in the world
  15. The first use of paper was in AD 105 when a court official, Ts'ai Lun suggested writing on a solid mixtures of pounded rags and wood - pulps. 

1. 1000 Fantastic Facts : Peter Eldin - Grandreams Limited (1999). 
2. 366 and More Wonders of the World - Brown Watson
3. Zulheimymaamor Blogspot : Facts about Malaysia
4.  Zulheimymaamor Blogspot : Who' Who in History

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