Monday, 24 March 2025


By BA Hamzah

CDiSS will be publishing (republishing) some stories of the operations undertaken by the Malayan Special Force (MSF) in the Congo in late 1960s authorized by the United Nations. The Security Council of the United mandated a peacekeeping operation which was put under the direct authority of the Secretary General. The original mandate for establishing the United Nations Operation in the Congo (in French: Operation des Nations Unies au Congo-ONUC-for short- was to ensure the withdrawal of Belgian forces from the Republic of the Congo and to assist the Government in maintaining law and order and to provide technical assistance to the newly independent state of the Republic of the Congo. The mission of ONUC was modified to include maintaining the territorial integrity and the political independence of the Congo.

ONUC was started in July 1960 and ended in June 1964. At the peak of its operations, ONUC has 20,000 officers and men (including civilians) from several states including India, Ireland, Sweden and Ethiopia.

The Malayan military Contingent comprising in total 613 men all ranks. The MSF was drawn from two of the finest units in the Federation Army, 4th Battalion, Royal Malay Regiment (A, B and C Coys) and C Squadron 2nd Reconnaissance Regiment (now 2 Armour)

On 13 September 1960 all the units of this Special Force were assembled at Imphal Camp (outside Mindef), Jalan Padang Tembak (Rifles Range Road) for a fortnight training. On 28 September, all the Ferret Scout Cars plus all other soft skinned vehicles departed for Woodlands, the former RMN Naval Base in Singapore to await the arrival of two US Navy Landing Ship Tanks (LST) to transport the MSF to the Congo.

The two LSTs arrived at Port Swettenham (now Port Klang) on 3 October 1960 to pick up the rest of the MSF on a very long voyage to the heart of Africa via the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) to the Port of Matadi, the furthest port in the Congo for oceangoing vessels, along the Congo River.

The MSF was a well- balanced force, predominantly Infantry but well supported by light armour with a Signal Detachment and Logistic service support. It was a multiracial force that excelled itself in the Congo. The officers and men comprised Malay, Chinese, Indian and Eurasian. They were there as a team to undertake a mission for the nation where race, colour, orientations and beliefs were held in high esteem.

The man given the honour to command the MSF was Lt Col Ungku (Bruno) Nazaruddin Bin Ungku Mohamad, CO 4 RMR and Maj Zain Hashim the Reconnaissance Squadron led the Recce Squadron.

Ungku Nazaruddin’s leadership, courage, and utmost confidence in troops under his command, in the face of a crisis, was exemplary and will be cherished forever. The way he succeded in calming the enemy troops was a high moment in the test of his leadership.

The tense moment is captured in the accompanying story by Major Tan Siew Soo who served the MSF twice.

I had the unique of opportunity of serving General Ungku Nazaruddin in 3rd Malaysian Infantry Brigade, Kuching, Headquarters Land Forces Malaysia (Kuching) in the late 1960s and finally, I was his MA when he became the Chief of the General Staff (now Chief of Army) in 1971. Before he left the Service, Bruno was made a four- Star General.

In recognition of his service to the nation, Ungku Din (as he was fondly known to his close friends) was appointed Ambassador to the Netherlands.

I am publishing this story to honour the contribution of the MSF Contingent, many of whom have passed on. I am indebted to my senior Col (Retd) Tan Siew Soo for penning these stories of the brave soldiers who gave their lives for the nation to ensure peace in the world.


CDiSS plans to carry more stories of the MSF from time to time.



Editor, CDiSS Commentary.

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24/3/2025 @ 23 Ramadan 1446H: 2.47 p.m

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