Sunday 3 May 2020

Fasting is valid but there is no reward

Creidt : FB Kongsi Ilmu Bermanfaat


What is the thing or act that if we are fasting but do it also we will lose our fasting reward?


The perfect fasting is the condition and the rukunya then the fasting is legal.

However, the legal fasting does not necessarily have a reward in the afterlife. Only fasting that is safe and healthy from the disease will be given the reward of the reward olih Allah taala sebagaimna comes in many hadith that explains the fasting fasting and or the futile fasting and the same.

From Abu Hurairah R.A. Nafter aw said:

Not fasting from eating and drinking only, fasting of language and know

Meaning: " It is not the meaning of fasting is not eating and drinking but the meaning of fasting is to refrain from vain and vile." (Al-Hakim & Al-Baihaqi's history)

Therefore the fasting people must take care of their fast from being damaged and lost their reward.


The fasting must not expose the fast of what he ruins and waste his dress; he will be, his members and his answer about all that Allah is angry and wasting fasting and gossip, said and said, and looking at what Allah has denied, and the fight and Split, cut off the connection of the womb, and other things that would lose the reward of fasting; in accordance with the saying (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), " a Lord fasting has no forgiveness except hunger, and an existing God has no other than his " taken by the women and the son of his integration and Ahmad about abi kitten

It means: " it is compulsory for people who fasting do not reveal the puasaanya of things that will be destroy and eliminate their rewards.

Then he must hold around his members from what is wrath of Allah and make his fast empty as the deeds of cursing and do people who do not know not know right or wrong and look at the forbidden by God and fight and fight and disconnect and disconnect and other than that from the matter that waste the reward of fasting.

This is because of practicing the word of Prophet saw: many people are fasting but have nothing from the fast except hunger and many people who pray at night but have nothing but tired only. Hadith legit the history of nasaai and ibnu majah and Ahmad from Abu Hurairah R. A." (Darul Ifta Egypt)


The fasting that has rewards in the afterlife is the fasting of the taqwa which is to hold all its members from doing the ban of Allah.

Good morning

Ustaz Azhar idrus

Copy and paste: 3/5/2020 @ 10 Ramadan 1441H: 5.43 am

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