- Rear Admiral A.G. Kirk : USS Augusta - Task Force 123 at Normandy
- Rear Admiral A.G. Talbot : HMS Large (British Navy)
- Lt.Col. A.P. Johnston : British 12th Parachute Battalion - KIA at Breville on June 12, 1944.
- Major A.R. Rouse : South Lancashires Regiment (British) at Sword Beach
- Sgt. Alan Anderson : 116th Combat Team, 467th AAA Battalion at Omaha Beach.
- Gen. Alan Brooke : Chief of The General Staff
- Pvt. Albert King : 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, British 43rd Infantry Division.
- Lt. Gen. Alexander Holle : Commanding Officer German Fliegerkorps X
- Lt. Cdr Alexander V. Stewart : USCG Rescue Flotilla - rescued 1437 soldiers and one female nurse.
- Lt. Gen. Alfred Bulowins : Commanding Officer German Fliegerkorps III.
- Generaloberst Alfred Jodl : Chief of Operations, Oberkommando der Wehmacht.
- Pvt Arthur "Dutch" Schultz : US 82nd Airborne Division
- Air Chier Marshall Arthur Harris : Royal Air Force Bomber Command.
- Lt. Arthur Jahnke : 1st Platoon, 3rd Coy, 919th Grenadier Regiment at Utah Beach.
- Air Chier Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder : Deputy Supreme Commander for Operation Overload.
- L/Cpl B. Lambley : 2nd Battalion the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry (British) at Pegasus Bridge.
- Lt.Col. Benjamin H. Vandervoort : 2nd Battalion 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd U.S. Airborne.
- Field Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery : British 8th Army.
- Brig. Bernard Leicester : 4th Special Service Brigade at Juno Beach.
- Oberfeldwebel Bernhard Bergsdorf : Pilot Jagdgeschwader 26
- Admiral Bertram Ramsay : British Royal Navy - Allied Supreme Commander.
- Major Bill Fraser : A Squadron, 1st British Special Air Service - Operation Houndsworth.
- Sgt. Bill Irving : British Royal Engineers.
- Piper Bill Millin : No. 6 Commando (British) at Sword Beach.
- Capt. Bob de Latour : 22nd Independent Parachute Company - KIA on June 20, 1944 near Ranville.
- Col. Bodo Zimmermann : German HQ OB West
- Lt. Gen. Brian Horrocks : British XXX Corps at Gold Beach.
- Capt. Brian Priday : 2nd Battalion the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry at Pegasus Bridge.
- Rear Admiral C. Bryant : USS Texas - Bombarding Force 'C' Omaha Beach.
- Commodore C.D. Edgar : USS Maloy - Task Force 126
- Major C.K. King : 2nd East Yorkshire Regiment at Sword Beach.
- Pvt. Calvin Grose : 22nd Infantry Regiment, US 4th Infantry Division at Utah Beach.
- Pvt. Carl Weast : Omaha Beach
- Pvt. Carlton Barrett : Reconnaissance Platoon, HQ Company, 18th / 1st Infantry Division - awarded Medal of Honour at Omaha Beach.
- Capt. Charles Cawthon : Commanding Officer HQ Company, 2nd Battalion, 116th Infantry at Omaha Beach.
- Maj.Gen. Charles H. Gerhardt : US 29th Infantry Division at Omaha Beach.
- Maj.Gen. Clarence R. Huebner : US 1st Infantry Division.
- Capt. Colin Maud : British Royal Navy, Beachmaster at Juno Beach.
- Hauptmann Curt Fromm : 6th Coy, 100 Panzer Brigade, German 22nd Panzer Division
- Gen. D.A. Graham : 50th Northumberland Division at Gold Beach.
- Lt. D.J. Wood : British 6th Airborne at Pegasus Bridge.
- Rear Admiral D.P. Moon : USS Bayfield - Task Force 125
- Flight Officer David Campbell : British Royal Air Force fighter Pilot.
- 2nd Lt. David Holbrook : British East Yorkshire Yeomanry Commando
- David Niven : British Commando - British actor after the war.
- Lt. Den Brotheridge : British 6th Airborne - KIA at Pegasus Bridge, the first British soldier to die during D-Day at Normandy.
- Pvt.Denis Bowen : 5th Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment at Sword Beach.
- Lt. Col. Derek Mills-Roberts : No. 6 Commando (British) at Sword Beach.
- Group Captain Desmond Scott : Commanding Officer 123rd Wing- 2nd Tactical Air Force.
- Lt.Gen. Dietrich Kraiss : German 352nd Infantry Division at Contentin Peninsula.
- Lt.Gen. Dietrich Peltz : Commanding Officer German Fliegerkorps IX
- Gen. Don F.Pratt : US 101st Airborne Division - died on D-Day Glider crash at Normandy, June 1944.
- Lt. Donald Wells : 22nd Independent Parachute Company.
- Gen. Dwight D. Eishenhower : US Army - Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Forces.
- Captain E.W.L. Longley-Cook : HMS Argonaut - Force 'K' Gold Beach
- Maj. Ed Steiner : U.S. 20th Fighter Group.
- Lt. Gen. Edgar Feuchtinger : German 21st Panzer Division.
- Lt.Col. Edward Krause : 3rd/505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, US 82nd Airborne Division at Ste Mere Eglise, Normandy.
- Brig.Gen. Edwin P. Parker Jr. : US 78th Infantry Division.
- Hauptmann Emil Priekschat : German 1st Battalion, 6th Regiment.
- Corporal Emile Bouetard : 4th Free French SAS Battalion , KIA at Normandy, the first Allied soldiers KIA in the same time as Lt. Den Brotheridge form the 2nd Ox & Bucks Light Infantry at Pegasus Bridge.
- General der Artilllerie Erich Marcks : Commander of the German LXXXIV Army Corps.
- Gen. Eugen Meindl : Commanding the German 2nd Parachute Corps.
- Col. Eugene M. Caffey : Commander, 1st Engineer Special Brigade.
- Sgt. Ewell B. Lunsford : 4th Medical Battalion, US 4th Infantry Division
- Rear Admiral F.H. Dalrymple-Hamilton : HMS Belfast - Force 'E' Juno Beach
- Pvt. Felix Branham : 16th Infantry Regiment, US 29th Infantry Division
- Pvt. Frank Gardner : 2nd Battalion the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry at Pegasus Bridge.
- Lt.Gen. Frederick Edgworth Morgan : Chief of Staff to the Allied Supreme Commander (COSSAC)
- Lt. Gen. Friedrich Dihm : German Army (Assistant to Rommel).
- Gen. Friedrich Dollmann : German 7th Army
- Gen. Fritz Bayerlein : Lanzer Lehr Division at Sword Beach.
- Leutnant Fritz Theen : German 352nd Artillery Regiment, 352nd Infantry Division.
- Gen. Fritz Ziegelmann : German 352nd Infantry Division at Omaha Beach.
- Lt.Gen. G.C. Bucknell British XXX Corps at Gold Beach.
- Commodore G.N. Oliver : HMS Hilary - Assault Force 'J'
- Gefreite Klaus Herrig : Kriegsmarine Signal Corps.
- Pvt. Geoff Peters : 2nd Battalion Warwickshire Regiment, British 3rd Infantry Division at Sword Beach.
- Geoffrey Harding : RAF Chaplain - awarded Military Cross at Omaha Beach.
- Lt.Col. Geoffrey Pine-Coffin : British 7th Parachute Regiment at Pegasus Bridge June 6, 1944.
- Rear Admiral George Creasy : Chief of Staff to Admiral Ramsay.
- Lt. George Honour : Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve - River Orne.
- Gen. George S. Patton : 1st US Army Group - FUSAG
- Sgt. George Self : 8th Battalion Durham Light Infantry, British 50th Infantry Division
- Col. George Taylor : US 16th Regimental Combat Team at Omaha Beach.
- Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt : Commander OB West, German Army.
- Pvt. Gilbert Murdock : 116t Regiment US Army at Omaha Beach.
- Lt. Cdr. Gotz Baron von Mirbach : German 9th Schnellboote Flotilla.
- General der Infanterie Gunther Blumentritt : Chief of Staff, OB West, German Army.
- General - Lieutenant Gustav Wilke : Commanding the German 5th Parachute Division.
- Second-Maitre Guy de Montlaur : 1er Bataillon de Fusiliers Marins Commandos (French).
- Maj. Hans Schmidt : German Bridge Commander.
- Generalleutnant Dr. Hans Speidel : Chief of Staff, German Army Group B.
- Maj. Hans von Luck : German 21st Panzer Division
- Gen. Hans von Salmuth : German 15th Army
- Gen. Hans-Valentin Hube : German 1st Panzer Division
- Gen. Heinz Guderian : German Army
- Hauptmann Helmuth Lang : ADC to Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
- Oberstleutnant Helmuth Meyer : Chief of Intelligence, German 15th Army.
- Pvt. Helmut Romer : German Army
- Lt. Cmdr Herbert Peterson : US Naval Combat Demolition Team
- Hermann Goering : Commander of German Luftwaffe
- Hauptmann Horst Trebes : German 3rd Battalion, 6th Regiment.
- Brig. Hugh Kindersley : British 6th Air Landing Brigade - seriously wounded at Breville, Normandy on June 12 1944.
- Field Marshall Hugo Sperrle : German 3rd Air Force Luftflotte III
- Lt. Ian Hammerton : Commanding Flail Tank Troop.
- Brig.J.H.N. Poett : 5th Parachute Brigade, British Army at Sword Bridge.
- Maj. J.J. Astor : 'F' Squadron, GHQ Liaison Regiment, British Special Air Service Brigade.
- Group Captain J.M. Stagg : Chief Meteorological Officer.
- Lt. Gen. J.T. Crocker : British I Corps at Juno Beach.
- Maj. Jack Stone : South Lancashires Regiment at Sword Beach.
- Maj. Jacob Vaughan : Medical Officer, 2n Battalion , Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.
- Col. James A. Van Fleet : US 8th Regiment at Utah Beach.
- Pvt. James Bromwell : 9th Parachute Regiment, British 6th Airborne Division.
- James Doohan : Royal Canadian Artillery - later an actor played as "Scotty" in Star Trek.
- Lt.Gen. James Doolittle : US 8th Army Air Force
- Maj.Gen. James M. Gavin : US 82nd Airborne Division - Ste Mere Eglise, Normandy
- James Murdoch : LST 507
- Lt. Col. James Rudder : US 2nd Ranger Battalion at Utah Beach.
- Jerry N. Markham : US Naval Combat Demolition Team - awarded Navy Cross 1944.
- 1st Lt. Jimmie Monteith Jr. : I Company, 3/16 Infantry, US 1st Infantry Division - Omaha Beach - awarded Medal of Honour.
- SS-Sturmmann Jochen Leykauff : 12th SS-Hitlerjugend Division
- Lt.Gen. Joe Collins : US Vii Corps at Utah Beach
- Sgt.Joe Pick : 16th Regiment US 1st Infantry Regiment at Omaha Beach
- Field Marshal Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel : Popular known as Desert Fox. German Panzer Division.
- Lt. John Carroll : US 16th Infantry Division at Omaha Beach
- Pvt. John E. Fitzgerald : 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, US 101st Airborne Division
- Rear Admiral John Ford : US Navy: Commanded a photography group of the OSS (presently CIA) during D-Day at Normandy. He was a film Director after war - direct John Wayne in more than 20 movies.
- Sgt. John H. Fuller : Combat Engineer, US 29th Infantry Divison. He was promoted to Lieutenant during the invasion but later KIA.
- Gunner Mate John H. Line : US Naval Combat Demolition Team - awarded Navy Cross 1944.
- Maj. Johd Howard : Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry at Pegasus Bridge.
- Tech.Sgt. John Pinder : 16th Regiment, US 1st Infantry Division at Omaha Beach - awarded Medal of Honour.
- Pvt. John Steel : 'F' Coy, 2nd/505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, US 82nd Airborne Division at Ste Mere Eglise.
- Capt.John Tonkin : 'B' Squadron, British 1st Special Air Service - Operation Bulbasket.
- Lt. John Vischer : 22nd Independent Parachute Company
- Josef "Pips" Priller : German Military Aviator and Wing Commander of the Luftwaffe, credited with 101 enery aircraft shotdown in 307 Combat Missions. Awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords during Normandy Invasion.
- Maj.Gen. Josef Reichert : 711th Infantry Regiment, German Army.
- Lt.Col. Julian J. Ewell : U.S. 3/501 Parachute Infantry Regiment.
- Brig. K.G. Blackader : 7th Canadian Brigade at Juno Beach.
- Lt.Gen. Karl von Schlieben : 795th Georgian Ost Battalion at Utah Beach.
- Cpl. Kenneth Bargmann : US Rangers - Pointe du Hoc, Utah Beach.
- Maj.Kenneth Lord : US 1st Infantry Division at Omaha Beach.
- Rear Admiral L.Hall Jr. : USS Ancon - Task Force 124
- Ensign 1st Class Lawrence S. Karnowski : US Naval Combat Demolition Team - awarded Navy Cross.
- Capt.Le Blond : French Battalion - Operation Samwest.
- Lt.Gen. Leonard Gerow : US V Corp at Omaha Beach.
- Sgt. Leonard Goodgal : 506th Parachute Regiment, US 101st Airborne Division at Utah Beach.
- Pvt. Les Cartwright : 9th Battalion, 3rd Parachute Brigade
- Lt.Gen. Lewis Brerreton : 9th US Army Air Force
- Chief Aviation Loran E. Barbour : US Naval Combat Demolition Team - awarded the Navy Cross.
- Commander M.O.W. Miller : British Royal Navy - lead an LCT Squadron to Normandy.
- Gen. Marie Joseph Pierre Francois Koenig : Free French Forces at Normandy.
- Lt. Martin Poppel : German 6th Paratroop Regiment.
- Mary Verrier : Hants 12th Detachment - Army Nurse
- Maj.Gen.Matthew B. Ridgeway : US 82nd Airborne Division
- Generalleutnant Max-Josef Pemsel : Chief of Staff, German 7th Army.
- Lt.Col. Max Schneider : US 5th Ranger Battalion.
- Maj.Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor : US 101st Airborne Division.
- Rear Admiral Morton L. Deyo : USS Tuscaloosa - Force A at Utah Beach.
- Lt. Murdoch McDougall : 'F' Troop at Sword Beach.
- Lt.Col. N.C. Ries : 45th Royal Marine Commando (British) at Sword Beach.
- Lt. N.E. Fraser : Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve at Utah Beach.
- Naina Beeven : Red Cross Nurse, Portsmouth, England
- Maj.Gen. Nathan Twining : 15th US Army Air Force.
- Lt. Col. Nathaniel Hoskot : 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division.
- Capt. Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott : Combined Operations Pilotage Parties (COPP).
- Brig.Gen. Norman Cota : Asst.Commander, US 29th Infantry Division.
- Lt.Gen. Omar N. Bradley : Commander US 1st Army.
- Sgt. Oval Wakefield : US Navy Construction / Demolition Battalion at Utah Beach.
- Trooper P.H. Pritchard : No. 6, Commando, British 1st Special Service Brigade at Sword Beach.
- Lt.Col. Paddy Maine : British 1st Special Air Service at Merville, Normandy.
- Lt. Parker A. Alford : 3rd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment , US 101st Airborne Division.
- Paul Hausser : SS-Obergruppenfuhrer
- Maj.Hen. Paul Williams : IX Troop Carrier Commando.
- Maj.Gen. Percy Hobart : British 79th Armoured Division
- Maj. Peter Selerie : Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry, British 8th Armoured Brigade at Gold Beach.
- Lt.Col. Peter Young : No. 3 Commando (British) at Sword Beach.
- Capitaine de frigate Philippe Kieffer : French Free Forces, Fusiliers-Marins Commandos, landed at Ouistreham, Benouville, Amfreville and Bavant designated as Sword Beach, Normandy June 6, 1944.
- Rear Admiral Philip Vian : HMS Scylla , Eastern Naval Task Force.
- Commandant Pierre Bourgoin : 4th French Parachute Battalion (4 SAS), Operation Dingson / Grog.
- Pierre Koenig : Commander Free French Force.
- Lt.Col. Pine-Coffin : 5th Brigade
- Lt.Col. R.F.L. Keller : Canadian 3rd Division at Juno Beach.
- Maj. R.J.L Jackson : The Green Howards at Gold Beach.
- Capt.R.M. Hicky : North Shore Regiment, Canadian 3rd Division - a Catholic Padre.
- Maj.Gen. R.N. Gale : British 6th Airborne.
- Lt.Corporal Ralph Jackson : Queen's Own Rifle, Canadian 3rd Infantry Division at Juno Beach.
- Maj.Gen. Raymond O. Barton : Commanding the US 4th Infantry Division.
- Lt.Col. Richard Burbury : South Lancashires Regiment at Sword Beach.
- General-Lieutenant Richard Schimpf : Commanding 3rd Parachute Division.
- Lt.Col. Robert Dawson : French Speaking veteran of Dieppe raid.
- Maj.Gen.Robert Haines : Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF).
- Sgt.Robert J. Slaughther : 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, US 29th Infantry Division at Omaha Beach.
- Contre-amiral Robert Jaujard : Commander 4th Cruise Division, Free French Naval Forces.
- Capt. Robert Medwood : 22nd Independent Parachute Company.
- Grenadier Robert Vogt : German 726th Infantry Regiment at Gold Beach.
- Gunner Mate Robert W. Bass : US Naval Combat Demolition Unit- Navy Cross.
- Brig. Roderick McLeod : British 1st Airborne Corps.
- Maj. Rolf Mager : German 2nd Battalion, 6th Regiment.
- Field Marshal Rudolf Gerd Von Rundstedt : Commander in Chief, German West Army.
- Capt. Rudolf Peterson : German Army - awarded Oakleaves for his Knight's Cross.
- Lt. Rudolf Steiner : 1716th German Artillery at Pegasus Bridge.
- Col. Sam Basset : Inter-Services Topographical Unit.
- Capt. Sam Gibbons : 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division.
- Corporal Samuel Fuller : 16th Regiment, US 1st Infantry Division at Omaha Beach.
- Pvt. Sigurd Sundby : US 2nd Ranger Battalion at Utah Beach.
- Brig.Simon Christopher Joseph Fraser @ Lord Lovat : No. 4 Commando, British 1st Special Service Brigade at Sword Beach, 6 June 1944.
- CSM Stan Hollis : 'D' Company, The Green Howards at Gold Beach - awarded Victoria Cross.
- Lt.Col. Steve Chappuis : 2nd Battalion, US 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment.
- Maj. T.G.Rennie : British 3rd Division at Sword Beach.
- Lt. Col. T.M. Gray : 41 Royal Marine Commando - Lion-Sur-Mer, Normandy.
- Lt.Col. Terence Otway : Commanding 9th Battalion, 3rd Parachute Brigade.
- Admiral Theodore Krancke : German Naval Group Command West.
- Brig.Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. : Asst. Commander, US 4th Infantry Division.
- Maj. Thor M.Smith : Supremen HQ Allied Expeditionary Forces.
- Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory : Commander in Chief, Allied Expeditionary Air Force.
- Sgt. Victor Fast : US 5th Ranger Battalion at Utah Beach.
- Sgt. Vincent Powell : US 237th Engineer Combat Battalion at Utah Beach.
- Rear Admiral W.E.Parry : Follow UP Force 'L'
- Rear Admiral W.R. Patterson : HMS Mauritious, Force "D' Sword Beach.
- Lt. Wallace C. Strobe : 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, US 101st Ariborne Division.
- Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith : Chief of Staff, SHAEF
- Gefreiter Walter Hermes : German 21st Panzer Division, Motorcycle Despatch Rider.
- Oberleutnant Walter Ohmsen : German Crisbecq Battery, first German defender of Fortress Europe to sight the invasion Force on June 6, 1944. Awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for the defence of Cirsbecq Battery against the US 4th Infantry Division.
- Lt.Gen. Werner Junk : Commanding the German JagdKorps II
- Maj.Werner Pluskat : Commanding the 1st Battalion, 352nd Artillery Regiment, German 352nd Infantry Division. He was the first German Officer who saw the Allied Invasion Fleet on 6 June 1944.
- Lt.Gen.Wilhelm Falley : German 91st Air Landing Division - decorated with Knight's Cross.
- Lt.Gen. Wilhelm Richter : 716th Regiment, German Army
- Brig.Willarm Wymann : US 1st Infantry Division at Omaha Beach.
- Sgt.William Clayton : US 4th Infantry Division at Utah Beach.
- Lt. William Jones : US Army at Omaha Beach.
- Staff Sgt. William Lewis : 116th Infantry Regiment at Utah Beach
- LTJG William N. Jenkins : US Naval Combat Demolition Unit - Navy Cross
- LTJG William R. Freeman - US Naval Combat Demolition Unit - Navy Cross
- Lt. Col. William Stirling : 2nd Special Air Service , Merville , Normandy
- Rear Admiral William Tennant
- Major Prince William von Schonberg-Waldenberg : 2nd Battalion, 130th Panzer Lehr Regiment at Sword Beach.
- Lt.Col. William Warfield : US 29th Infantry Division.
- Generalleutnant Wolfgang Hager : Luftwaffe Kommado West.
- Yogi Bera : US Navy Gunner - saw action on D-Day at Normandy on 6 June 1944, later a baseball legend.
Thursday, 26 September 2019

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