Thursday, 30 November 2023


By Nora Dora

Being Muslims, Al Quran and Al Hadith (Prophet Muhammad S.A.W recorded actions and sayings) are our primarily guidance to live successfully in this World and HereAfter. InsyaAllah. You might didn't know that Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is the descendant of Prophet Ibrahim pbuh through his first born, Prophet Ismael pbuh.
The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’, and is derived from a word meaning ‘peace’. As such, the religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law.
Islam is not a new religion because ‘submission to the will of God’, i.e. Islam, has always been the only acceptable religion in the sight of God. For this reason, Islam is the true ‘natural religion’, and it is the same eternal message revealed through the ages to all of God’s prophets and messengers.
According to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, Allah had already sent 124 000 prophets before him to every nations and tribes in their own languages to guide people to the oneness of Allah but as Muslims we are only required to know only 25 names mentioned in Al Quran. 

A few people claimed that Buddha is one of the prophets but we can't tell anything because his name is not mentioned in Al Quran or Al Hadith. The main message of all the prophets has always been that there is only One True God and He alone is to be worshipped. 

These prophets start with Adam and include Idrees@Enoch (the first man to be taught to write), Nuh@Noah, Ibrahim@Abraham, Ismael (Ibrahim's first son) Ishaq (Ibrahim's second son) , Ya'akob@Israel, Musa and his brother Haron, Dawud@David and his son, Sulaiman; Yahaya ibn Zakariyya@John the Baptist, and I'ssah Al Messiah ibn Maryam@Jesus, peace be upon them all. God has revealed in the Holy Quran:
“ And We did not send any messenger before you (O Muhammad SAW) but We inspired him saying: La ilaha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I (الله) so worship Me.(Alone and none else) ’” (Al Quran 21:25)

However, the true message of these prophets was either lost or got corrupted over time. Even the most recent books, the Torah and the Gospels were adulterated and hence they lost their credibility to guide the people to the right path. Ancient Hindu scripture Veda is not mentioned in Al Quran but if we could refer, the teaching of oneness of God is there and idol worshipping is absolutely prohibited.
Therefore 600 years after Jesus, God revived the lost message of previous prophets by sending the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W with His final revelation, the Glorious Quran, to all of mankind. Since the Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet, God Himself has promised to preserve His last revealed words so that it is a source of guidance for all humanity till the Last Day. It is now imperative for everyone to believe and follow this final message from God. God Almighty has revealed in the Quran:
“We have not sent you (O Muhammad) but to all mankind as a giver of good news and as a warner, but most people do not know.” (Quran 34:28)
“Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” (Quran 3:85)
The word “Muslim” means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of his/her race, nationality or ethnic background. Hence, any person who is ready to submit to the will of God is eligible to become a Muslim. I invite you towards The Creator of the Seven Heavens and the Earth: ALLAH by following all the teachings of the last and final prophet of ALLAH in Al Quran and Al Hadith.
There is none worthy of worship except ALLAH (الله) and Prophet Muhammad SAW is the last and final Messenger of الله until the Day of Resurrection.
Jesus@ Issah Al Messiah ibn Virgin Maryam was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel (descendant of Prophet Ya'akob alaihis salam) for guidance and as a warner and to continue the law given to Prophet Musa alaihis salam in the original Taurat
May Allah guides is all to the truth. Aamiin

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30 November 2023 > 16 Jamadilawal 1445H: 12.15 am

Monday, 27 November 2023


Resource: QUORA.COM

Since Orang Asli originate from the Malay Archipelago, are they not Malays?

Malays which comprise around 60% of Malaysian population today are mostly ‘constitutional Malays’.

According to Article 160; ‘A Malay is a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom and (a) was before Merdeka Day born in the Federation or in Singapore or born of parents one of whom was born in the Federation or in Singapore, or is on that day domiciled in the Federation or in Singapore; or (b) is the issue of such a person;

Orang Asli on the other hand, officially comprised of 18 sub-ethnics that come from these 3 main ethnics:

  • Semang or Negrito (Sub ethnics: Kensiu, Kintak, Lanoh, Jahai, Mendriq, Bateq)
  • Senoi (Sub ethnics: Temiar, Semai, Semoq, Beri, Jahut, Mahmeri, Che Wong)
  • Proto-Malay (Sub ethnics: Orang Kuala, Orang Kanaq, Orang Seletar, Jakun, Semelai, Temuan)

Some of them are Muslims, others are Animists, Christians, Hindus or Buddhists. (Non-Muslims are automatically disqualified as Malays by law)

They communicate using their own language which are either Austro-asiactic or Austronesian.

Sometimes, they like to whistle and make sounds using their lips to communicate with each other.

(Man, they sure are amazing whistlers)

Both Malays and Orang Aslis are deemed Bumiputras by constitution.

To answer one of the posters’ question, yes, Orang Aslis and those ethnics in Sabah/Sarawak are actually more ‘native’ than the Malays (which are mostly Malays because the book says so) and they are the ones who should be getting more of the perks (going by ‘who came here first’ basis)

The constitutional Malays should be humble, accept the fact and stop calling Chinese and Indians as pendatang (immigrants).
- Hassanul Hadi Zakaria
How old is the Malay Civilisation?

The oldest archaeological evidence of Ancient Malay Civilization was found in Kedah specifically the Lembah Bujang Archaeological site on the bank of Sungai Merbok. The site was dated all the way back to 535 BC. This means that Malay Civilization is 2500 to 3000 years old. There are evidence that concludes that earlier Malay City States to have also existed. The cradle of Tamadun Melayu was the Northern Malay Peninsular which is mostly modern day Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Terengganu and the Pattani Region of Thailand. It was once thaught that Malay Civilization was an offshoot of Vedic (Indian) Civilization however the earliest evidence of Indians in the Nusantara Region only appeared in the 6th Century AD. Pre-Hindu-Buddhist Malay Civilization consist of sovereign City States (kinda like the Greeks) and as Indian influence spreads, the small states slowly grew and gobble up each other and slowly Malay Civilization spreads southwards replacing the Austronesian Proto-Malays and inland replacing the Austroasiatic speaking Australoid Aslian Tribes and since Malays, like other Austronesians are inherently seafarers, they expand into Eastern Sumatra and the Coast of Kalimantan (Borneo).

Map of Alam Melayu (Malay Reich) where the Red Circle was the Cradle of Malay Civilization.


[1]Malays (ethnic group) - Wikipedia

[2]Bujang Valley - Wikipedia

(Putera Iskandar Zainuddin > B.A. in Bachelor of Science in Physics with Honors & PhilosophyUniversiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)

When did the Malay Civilisation started?

The most popular pre-Islamic Malay Kingdom is probably Srivijaya but it’s actually among the last Malay Kingdoms before Malays embraced Islam. Srivijaya rose quite late in the 7th century.

There were many older Malay Kingdoms in the region and they usually arose in the peninsula. Kadaram/Kataha could be found as early as 1AD. Langkasuka was found in 2AD. and other Kingdoms/polities such as Chih Tu, Kolathana, Gangganegara and so on which were older than Srivijaya.

So I guess Malay civilisation started as early as the 1st century.
(Nafran Naif > Former Librarian at Public Libraries

Do Malaysian Malays really come from Indonesia?
Simple Answer: No, because Indonesia didnt exist back then before 1945.

Long Answer: Yes and No (because culture and genes evolved seperately);
  1. No, genetically speaking, the people that will be known as the Melayu have long settled the Peninsular for 2 to 3 thousand years. They were the product of interbreeding between the Austronesian Proto Sumatrans (they were a Batak-like people) and the Native Orang Asli. Back then, those people althrough they have the same genetic makeup as the Melayu will be (aside later Indian Arab and Chinese influences) but they did not called themselves Melayu and are similar to the Proto Malay Orang Asli people in Southern parts of Tanah Melayu, the Orang Laut and native tribes of Sabah and Sarawak.
  2. Yes, culturally and linguistically speaking. The ancestor of the Malay Language split of with the ancestor of the Ibanic Language. The speakers than began to colonise the Coast of Kalimantan before moving out to colonise Eastern Sumatra and finally spreading to the Peninsular where they unify most of the Proto Malay tribes (and even assimilate various Orang Asli Tribes) of the Peninsular. The reason why Ancient Malay spread is probally because of trade since Austronesian expansion throughout SE Asia was mostly because of trade where Bahasa Melayu Kuno became a Lingua Franca. Some of these tribes (especially in the North) benifitted a lot from trade and started to urbanise and they found kingdoms like Langkasuka and Kedah. The Indians then came btw 1500 to 2000 years ago and Malay Civilisation spread to Sumatra where a Kingdom was founded on the Banks of a Rivier called Sungai Melayu which was Old Javanese meaning “to accelerate”. When Malacca came to power, the people who speak these set of closely related language called themselves Orang Melayu.
  3. Yes (AGAIN !), remember the Kingdom that was founded on the Banks of the Melayu river ? There is a theory that the Kingdom was a centre of the ancient Malay Kingdom of Sri Vijaya. When the kingdom fell to the Majapahit, the last prince of the Kingdom, Parameswara escaped to establish Melaka and “Melayu” was what the Malaccans called the now forgotten Kingdom of Sri Vijaya until it was rediscovered by a French Archeologist named George Cœdès in the 1920s where he named the kingdom Sri Vijaya. Anyways, the theory goes that the Malaccans saw themselves as the heir of Sri Vijaya and decided to call themselves Melayu and the name stuck as Sri Vijaya fades away from the Malay Collective Memory.
(Putera Iskandar Zainuddin - B.A in Bachelor of Science in Physics with Honors & PhilosophyUniversiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) (Expected 2023)


Compiled by : Hj. Zulheimy bin Maamor

  1. Malay was first used in the first Millenia as Old Malay, a part of Austronesian Language family (Malayo-Polynesian). The term "Austronesian" was introduced by Wilhelm Schmidt in 1906. 
  2. The Malays are made up of a huge racial group basically based in Sundaland (Benua Sunda), normally referred to as Malay Archipelago or Southeast Asia (Oppenheimer, 1998 : Santos, 2005). 
  3. The Malays speak various dialects belonging to the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) family of language. 
  4. Britannica Encyclopedia defines the Malay or Orang Melayu, any member of an ethnic group of the Malay Peninsula and portions of adjacent islands of Southeast Asia, including the east coast of Sumatera, the coast of Borneo, and smaller islands that lie between these areas.
  5. The earliest record in the origin of the Malay is found in a Ptolemy's map as early as the 1st Century AD which also name is as the Golden Chersonese also known as Maleu-Kolon (Gerini, 1909). 
  6. Another record from the Chinese such as Dan Ming, mentioned about the Malay. The world Malay was pronounced in accordance  to the Chinese accent such as Bok-la-yu, Mok-la-yu, Ma-li-yu-er, and Oo-lai-yu. 
  7. The Tang Dynasty Chinese were, in general , familiar with the Malay language and referred to it as Kunlun-yu
  8. The famous story of "The Kunlun-Nu" by Pei Xing (825-880 CE)  which potrays a Malay security guard cum martial arts expert named Mo Le who is invulnerable, capable of flying and has other supernatural abilities. (Xing, Jue & Roney, 2013). This literaty piece had been a main source for other artistic pieces, and has been adopted into a movie "The Promise" (2005) with Mo Le's name change to Kunlun. 
  9. The term "Mo-lo-yu" was mentioned by Yijing (I-Tsing or I-Ching) a Tang Dynasty Chinese Buddhist monk who visited Southeast Asia in 688-695 AD. The Kingdom was located at a distance of 15 days sailing from Bogha (Palembang), the capital of Sribhoga (Srivijaya).  
  10. During the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) and Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the world "Ma-la-yu:  was mentioned often in the Chinese historical texts.  
  11. The term "Malayur" was inscribed in the south wall of the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Tamil Naidu, India. It described the Kingdom in Malay Peninsula that fell to the King Rajendra Chola I in the 11th century. 
  12. A transcription from the Prasasti Padang Roco dated 1286 CE by Slamet Muljana mentioned the term "Bhumi Malayu" which is associated with Dharmasraya Kingdom.  
  13. Malayapura was inscrited in the Amoghapasa Inscription dated 1347 CE, used by Aditywarman to refer to Dharmasraya. 
  14. The oldest form of Malay is decended from the Proto-Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by the earliest Austronesian settlers in Southeast Asia.
  15. Ancient Malay or ProtoMalay is the language believed to have existed in prehistoric times. Malay proto is one of the aboriginal trives in Malaysia such as Jakun and Temuan.
  16. Proto-Malay: translated to Melayu Asli, refers to Austronesian speakers who moved to mainland Asia to the Malay Peninsula and Malay Archipelago betweem 2500 to 1500 BC.
  17. Deutro Malay is the modern Malay today. They set up the early Malay Kingdom.
  18. Among the Malay characters were dated from the 16th century onward, such as the one compiled by Tom Pires when Malacca was conquered by the Portuguese. Followed by another Portuguese named Duarte Barbossa in 1518  and a Spaniard Emanuel Godhino de Eredia observed the Malay in Malacca and claimed majority of them were cheerful, roguish and wanton. 
  19. The earliest civilization of the Malay Nation can be traced at Sungai Batu, Kedah aged 788 B.C. It is found in the western part of the ancient port and 4 of the discovery are over the age of 500 BC (Arkeologi Sg Batu, 2014).
  20. This is followed by the other Malay Kingdom such as Champa, Chih Tu, Funan, Sri Dharmaraja, Langkasuka, Tambralinga, Gangga Negara, Bruas, the old Kedah, the Old Brunei Kingdom, Kutai Kingdom, Pasai, Old Kelantan Kingdom etc... (Hussin 2011). Srivijaya was the first Malay Empire founded in the Malay Archipelago. 
  21. Robert Blust (1986) briefed “Malay is one of the races in the family of a very broad ethnic group known as the Malayo-Polynesian or Austronesian. Among the tribes in this family are Malay, Javanese, Bugis, Sundanese, Maori, Hawaii, Fiji and so on.
  22. The word Malayo-Polynesian was originally coined in 1841 by Franz Bopp as the name for the Austronesian language family. 
  23. Alfred Russel Wallace in the “The Malay Archipelago” (1863) mentioned “the Malay Archipelago as the whole Southeast Asia that forms a triangle, starting from Nicobar Island in the East Sea to the Solomon Islands in the South East, and Luzon in the North to Rotti near the Island of Timor in the South.”
  24. Mpu Prapanca a Javanese poet from the Royal Majapahit, in his “Desawarnama” in 1365 has listed some areas identified as the land of the Malays such as Jambi, Palembang, Jakarta, Kampar, Rokan, Pane, Kampe, Aru, Mandaileng, Tumiang,Lamuri, Barus in Sumatra and Langkasuka, Kedah, Kelantan and Pahang in Malay Peninsula (Malkiel-Jirmounsky, 1939).
  25. The terms ”sons of the soil  ” could be traced from The Malay Classical texts such as “Malay Annals ” (Sejarah Melayu), ‘Undang-Undang Melaka “ (1470-1750), “Hikayat Merpati Mas dan Merpati Perak “ (1883) and “Adat Raja Melayu “ 1779, MSS 1817.
  26. Expedition Pamalayu > the expedition where the Singgahsari Empire wanted to expand and subdue the Power of the Srivijaya Empire. This prove that the name Malay and the Malay Civilization had been around a long time.
  27. Datuk Dr. Wan Hashim Wan Teh , Malaysian archeologist that published the latest theory about the origins of the Malay said that the Malay were in the country since 74,000 B.C. rejected the earlier theories that the Malay came from Yunnan and Taiwan.
  28. Martin Richards, archeogenetics Professor from Leeds University reported an evidence in the study of DNA that rejected the theory of Malay came from Yunnan and Taiwan. 
  29. The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published in 1889) – The theory of Proto-Malays originating from Yunnan is supported by R.H Geldern, J.H.C Kern, J.R Foster, J.R Logen, Slamet Muljana and Asmah Haji Omar. Other evidence that supports this theory include: stone tools found in the Malay Archipelago are analogous to Central Asian tools, the similarity of Malay customs and Assam customs. R.H.Geldern and his team who mentioned that Proto-Malays migrated from the Mekong River to Malay Peninsula (Van Nguyen et al.2000)
  30. The Taiwan theory (published in 1997) – The migration of a group of people from Southern China occurred 6,000 years ago, some moved to Taiwan (today's Taiwanese aborigines are their descendants), then to the Philippines and later to Borneo (roughly 4,500 years ago) (today's Dayak and other groups). These ancient people also split with some heading to Sulawesi and others progressing into Java, and Sumatra, all of which now speak languages that belong to the Austronesian Language family. The final migration was to the Malay Peninsula roughly 3,000 years ago. A sub-group from Borneo moved to Champa in modern-day Central and South Vietnam roughly 4,500 years ago. There are also traces of the Dong Son and Hoabinhian migration from Vietnam and Cambodia. All these groups share DNA and linguistic origins traceable to the island that is today Taiwan, and the ancestors of these ancient people are traceable to southern China.
  31. The fact that Malay Ancestors were the first people who founded the political formation or actual government in Nusantara in general and in Malaysia in specific, could be verified by the 3rd century B.C. Indian Primeval texts Ramayana and Vayu Purana which had chronicled an entity called “Malayadvipa “ in Nusantara.
  32. Stephen Oppenheimer ( 2004) said that the Malays were originally from Southeast Asia. During the Ice Age, the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, Borneo, Philippines were mutually joined to one another before sinking due to the end of the ice age. The result of the great flood the Malay were scattered all over the place as far as Hawaii.
  33. A study of the origin of the Malays show Malay Kelantan are the most likely the original Malay settled in the Peninsula over 60,000 years ago. The study involved 10 sub-ethnic Malays in Peninsula Malaysia such the Javanese in Johor and Selangor, the Acheh in Perak, the Minang in Negeri Sembilan, the Banjar in Selangor and Johor, the Bugis in Selangor and Johor, the Rawa in Perak, the Malay Champa in Perak, Kedah and Kelantan, the Pattani in Kelantan, the Kelantan Malay and the Langkawi Malay. This study is the first in the world to identify the basic genetic of the origin of the Malays. 
  34. In Madagascar, the Malays became the ancestors of the Malagasy people, with their well-known Merina-Kingdom
  1. The oldest Chinese accounts that described the Malay Kingdom was Fukantulu and Shenli as recorded during Han Dynasty in the 2nd Century BC. 
  2. The Ancient Kedah existed long before the establishment of the Malacca Sultanate. It stretched from Takuapa, Thailand to Kuala Selinsing in Perak,Malaysia. 
  3. The oldest Indian accounts about Malay Kingdom probably from Kalki Purana that mentioned about Malai Land or Mountainous Land but most researchers believe it was actually about Maldives. 
  4. An earliest record of the Malay name is about a Malay Kingdom that existed since the 4th century AD in the North Sumatra, known as Moloyu
  5. Marco Polo's account mentioned a kingdom located in the Malay Peninsula as Malauir. 
  6. Srivijaya was the first Malay Empire founded in the Malay Archipelago (Yaapar, 2014)
  7. Among the earliest Malay Sultanate that existed on the Peninsula is the Sultanate of Kedah. 
  8. The most detailed description of Langkasuka is found under the orthography 'Lang-ya-xiu', first in the 'Book of Liang' (Liang Shu). 
  1. Ancient Kedah existed long before the establishment of the Malacca Sultanate in the 13th century. 
  2. Tamil literature Sillapadikaram and Pattinapalai are the first type of Indian written records concerning the Ancient Kedah
  3. Sillapadikaram one of the Tamil epics has been dated around 2nd to 3rd century AD, during the Sanggam age. It is stated that Malay Archipelago has already established trading network with the Southern India. 
  4. Pattinapalai has been dated around 190-200 AD, it is stated that goods from Kazhagam are being traded in Puhar or in Kaveripattinam. The term Kazhagam refers to Ancient Kedah (Nilakanta Sastri 1975). 
  5. Parunkhatai another Tamil epics dated in 10th century AD had mentioned Ancient Kedah as Kataraththu Irumpu denotes "irons came from Kataram"  which refers to Ancient Kedah (Zuliskandar et al 2017). 
  6. Kedah Tua name was mentioned early in Sanskrit literary works such as the famous Kathasaritsagara (Ocean of Stories). The record was compiled by Brahman Somadeva around the year 1070 AD. Ancient Kedah was mentioned several times using the name Kataha Dvipa (Wheatley 1961). 
  7. A Sanskrit drama in 8th century AD, the Kaudimahotsava also mentiones Ancient Kedah using the term Katahanagara. It is stated that Ancient Kedah is a famous city-port and has been continuosly visited by Indian Traders. 
  8. The Malays also had strong commercial ties with India. Through the recent findings by Universiti Sains Malaysia's Global Archaeological Research Centre (GARC), it should has started at least approximately 1,900 years ago, involving the Kingdom of Kedah Tua which was known as Kadaram to ancient Indians, Kalaha to ancient Arabs and Cheh-Cha to ancient Chinese
  9. The Malays also had strong commercial ties with India. Through the recent findings by Universiti Sains Malaysia's Global Archaeological Research Centre (GARC), it should has started at least approximately 1,900 years ago, involving the Kingdom of Kedah Tua which was known as Kadaram to ancient Indians, Kalaha to ancient Arabs and Cheh-Cha to ancient Chinese.
  10. Written records from Chinese sources > one records regarding Ancient Kedah came from the travel Journal  made by I Ching who has travelled from China to India and back, and had also stayed in Srivijaya for a while during the 7th century AD. In 671 AD I Ching stops in Chieh-cha (Ancient Kedah) before continuing journey to Nalanda in India. On his way back from Nalanda in 685 AD he again stopped in Kedah and reported that Kedah was then a vassal of Srivijaya together with Malayu (Jambi). 
  11. Another important Chinese record in 638 AD stated that Chieh-cha (Ancient Kedah) has sent their diplomatic mission to the Chinese court (Manguin 2022). This Chieh-cha is the same as the Chieh-cha that I Ching visited during his time in this region, and the Chinese classified the polity as a guo (state) (Wheatley 1961; Zuliskandar & Nik Hassan Shuhaimi 2012: 100).
  12. From the Arab-Persian records, Ancient Kedah was known as Kalah or Kalah-bar. Abu Dulaf Misa'r stated that Kalah was a large Kingdom surrounded by walls, flower gardens, water resources facilities market and houses with a large population (Braddell 1950). 
  13. Other Arabic record such as the Akhbar as-Sin wa'l-Hind has also stated that al-Zabaj or the Srivijaya has dominated the polity of Kalah-bar (Zuliskandar & Nik Hassan Shuhaimi 2008). 
  14. Ancient Kedah was also recorded by Al-Idrisi, an Arab traveller and geographer in his book Ar-Rujjar (1154 AD). 
  15. The Buddhagupta Inscription of Bujang Valley, one of the oldest inscriptions of the Southeast Asia, marked the period of the existence of Ancient Kedah as an early polity. 

  1. Historian indicates that in the 1st century C.E, vast fleets of Malay outrigger ship went back and forth to Aden in the Middle East,and some Malays even settled there. (Shaffer, 1996 pp. 16). 
  2. The Indian literature in B.C.E to praise the Malay sailors as the speedy sailor. 
  3. The name "Kunlun" has been noted down in Nanchouiwuchih by Wan Zhen , a well-known Chinese historian of the 3rd century. The Malays were highlighted for their navigational skills and trading abilities. They were great ship builders, sailors and traders. They built and sailed large vessels known as "Kunlun-po" (Malay ship), measuring 200 ft long , 20 ft high above water, with 4 sails, cargos of 900 tons, and 600-700 people (Wang, 1968).
  4. According to Lynda N. Shaffer (1996, p. 12) by at least the 3rd century B.C.E, the Chinese had witnessed Malay sailors and traders approaching their shores in a huge ocean-going vessels (Kunlun-po, colandiophonta) from the so-called Kunlun Islands in the southern seas
  5. The Malay sailors were highly skilled navigators, sailing over the oceans for thousand of miles without a compass or a written chart. They navigated by the winds and the stars, by the shape and colour of the clouds, by the colour of the water, and by swell and wave patterns on the ocean’s surface. They could locate an island when they were still like 30 miles from its shores by analysing the behavior of various birds, the animal and the plant life in the water, and the patterns of swell and waves. (Shaffer, 1996 pp. 11-12, Taylor, 1976) 
  6. According to historian, the Kunlun were great ship builders, sailors and traders. They built and sailed large vessels known as "Kunlun-po" (Malay ship) measuring 200 feet long, 20 ft high above water with 4 sails, cargos of 900 tons and 600-700 people. (Wang, 1968). 
  7. The Malays were among the first people to be involved in giant-size shipbuilding, advanced navigation and long distance maritime trafe. 
  8. By 3rd century B.C.E the Chinese had taken notice of the Malay sailors approaching their shores from the Kunlun Islands. (Taylor, 1976). 
  9. Malay sailors were also the first to use the balance-lug sail for their Jongs and ghalis (galleys)
  10. Third century C.E Chinese descriptions of the foreign vessels indicate that they were of type of called Jong by the Malays,  a local term later adopted by European languages as Junk. (Manguin, 1980 / Shaffer, 1996). 
  11. The Chinese also knew these islanders (the Malays) as builders and crew of ocean-going vessels engaged in long-distance overseas trade. The Chinese, in fact, appear to have learnt much from these sailors. The Malays independently invented a sail, made from woven mats reinforced with bamboo at least several hundred years BCE and by the time of Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 221 BC) the Chinese were using  such sails. (Shaffer, 1996 PP 11-12, Johnstone, 1980).
  12. The Southeast Asian sailors have been important actors in world history. Long before the Portuguese arrived in Asian's waters, sailors from East Africa to East Asia has already been drawn to Southeast Asian Ports. (M.E. Shaffe, 1996)
  13. The Malays independently invented a sail, made from woven mats reinforced with bamboo, at least several hundred years B.C.E., and by the time of the Han dynasty (206 B.C.E. to 221 B.C.) the Chinese were using such sails (Shaffer, 1996, pp. 11-12).
  14. Researchers believed it has been quite long as Spice Route already exist 5000 years ago and camphor (kapur barus) from Nusantara being used in mummification at least since 3000 years ago
  15. According to the Portuguese chronicler, Tom Pires, in his Suma Oriental of 1515, in Canton, the vessel of Malacca were usually asked to anchor far from the harbour, because of their big size could be dangerous to Chinese ships which were mostly smaller. In fact, Malacca's ghalis  and jongs were also bigger compared to the Portuguese galleon. 
  16. According to Dato' Goh Hin San, Yi-Jing, the Buddhist Monk who spend quite sometime in Kedah wrote that iron was part of trade item in Kedah Port, or Chieh-Cha, as what was the Chinese called, where they do not have the syllable 'Ke' and 'dah'. 
  17. Iron from Kedah was recorded in Indian Poem 2nd century AD and in Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin official log as one of export commodity. 
  18. USM's finding at the Sungai Batu Archaelogical Sites in Bujang Valley, Kedah from 2009 confirm vibrant iron smelting and other mettalurgical activities as well as Maritime trading activities in the vicinity back to 4th century B.C.E. 
  19. Prof Mokhtar Saidin said that in recent study of Roman road construction, some of the iron that used for the reinforcement came from Kedah
  20. The Malay Maritime trade was revived much later with the establishment of the Sultanate of Malacca in the 15th century. Malacca became an International  Maritime Trading Centre. For centuries, Malacca hosted 2,000 ships each day. Tom Pires made it clear to his readers that, "Whoever is lord of Malacca shall have his hands on the throat of Venice" (Ludher, 2015). 
  21. 3rd or 4th century AD, Chih Tu Kingdom sent "Long-nao xiang"  which is a very quality camphor (Kapur Barus) sent to China Emperor Court. Chih Tuh located at Malay Peninsula. 
  22. 5th and 6th century AD, Chinese traders mentioned P'o-lu perfume of Lang-ya-hsiu (Langkasuka). While in 7th century, camphor was found during Arab invasion in Ctesophon (Middle East) as told by Ibn al-Attir.
  23. I-Tsing mentioned about P'olu-shih (Camphor perfume), camphor is one of precious item exported by Srivijaya Kingdom. 
  24. In 9th century AD, the book "Ajai'ib al-Hind" mentioned a place named Fansur. Fansur is a port that camphor come from as mentioned in a book named "Akhbar al-Sind wal Hind" (851 AD).
  25. In discussing Chinese Maritime Commerce and shipping during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 221 BC), Hill (2004) for example, points out that > Roman and Arab ships dominated the Egypt to India trade, but most of the trade between India and China was carried by Malay, Indonesian and Indian ships.  

Reference :

  1. Braddell, Roland. 1989. A Study of Ancient Times in the Malay Peninsula and the Straits of Malacca and Notes on Ancient Times in Malaya. Kuala Lumpur: MBRAS. 
  2. Casparis (1956) > Prasasti Indonesia II: Selected Inscriptions from the 7th to the 9th Century A.D. Bandung: Dinas Purbakala R.I. & Masa Baru.
  3. Casparis (1975)  Indonesian Paleography : a History of Writing in Indonesia from the Beginning to c AD 1500. Leiden: E.J. Brill 
  4. Herman Kulke 1993 >  Kadātuan Śrīvijaya"-Empire or Kraton of Śrīvijaya? A Reassessment of the Epigraphical Evidence. Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 80(1): 159-180. 
  5. A. Lamb (1966) > Old Middle Eastern Glass in the Malay Peninsula. In. Ba shin, J. Boisselier and A.B. Griswold (eds.). Essays Offered to G.H. Luce. Ascona: Artibus Asiae. 
  6. Leong Sau Heng (1973) > A Study of Ceramic Deposits from Pengkalan Bujang, Kedah. Master Thesis, Universiti Malaya. 
  7. Leong Sau Heng (1990) > Collecting Centres, Feeder Points and Entrepots in the Malay Peninsula, 1000 B.C – A.D 1400. In Kathirithamby, Wells and Villiers, J. (eds.). The Southeast Asia Port and Polity, Rise and Demise, pp. 17-38. Singapore: Singapore University Press. 
  8. Pierre-Yves Manguin (2022a) >  Early States Of Insular Southeast Asia. In. C.F.W. Higham & Nam C. Kim. (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of: Early Southeast Asia, pp. 765-790. New York: Oxford University Press. 
  9. Pierre-Yves Manguin (2022b) >  Srivijaya. In. Higham C.F.W. & Nam C. Kim (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of: Early Southeast Asia, pp. 791-818. New York: Oxford University Press. 
  10. Mohd Shamsul Bahari Abd Hadi, Zuliskandar Ramli, Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir, Junko Mori. 2018. The Application of Digital Reconstruction in the Documentation and Interpretation of Candi Kampung Baru, Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah. International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.9): 52-54.
  11. Junko Mori (2020) > Kepelbagaian Jenis Seramik Asing di Tapak Candi Kampung Baru, Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah . Master Thesis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 
  12. Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abd. Rahman. 1979. Srivijaya: Satu tinjauan tentang organisasi sosial dan pentadbiran. Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies 9: 166-172. 
  13. Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman & Othman Mohd Yatim. 1992. Warisan Lembah Bujang. Bangi: Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Malaysia. 
  14. Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman. 1984. Art, archaeology and the early kingdom in Malay Peninsula and sumatra: c400-1400 AD, PhD Thesis, University of London. 
  15. Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman. 2008. Archaelogical Evidences of Early Settlements in the Malay Peninsula. Proceedings of International Conference on Human Habitat and Environmental Change, pp. 15-22.
  16. Nilakanta Sastri. 1949. History of Srivijaya. Chennai: University of Madras.
  17. Nilakantha Sastri. 1975. The Colas. Madras: The University of Madras.
  18. Nuratikah Abu Bakar. 2020. Pensejarahan Dan Sintesis Tapak Arkeologi Sungai Mas (Tapak 32/34). Master Thesis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
  19. J.Takakusu.1896 >  A record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India and the Malay Archipelago AD 671-695, by I-tsing. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  20. H.G.Q Wales (1940) >  Archaeological research on ancient Indian colonization in Malaya. JMBRAS 18(1): 1-85. 
  21. P.Wheatley. 1961. The Golden Khersonese. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. 
  22. O.W. Wolters.1967. Early Indonesia Commerce: A Study of Origins of Srivijaya. New York: Cornell University Press. 
  23. O.W.Wolters.1970. The Fall of Srivijaya in Malay History. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press. 
  24. Zuliskandar Ramli & Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman. 2012. Zaman Proto-Sejarah di Malaysia: Satu Pengenalan. Bangi: Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA, UKM). 
  25. Zuliskandar Ramli, Nasha Rodziadi Khaw & Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir. 2017. Kedah Tua Dari Kurun Ke-2 Hingga Ke-14 Masihi: Kronologi Sejarah Dan Peralihan Budaya. Prosiding Seminar Antarabangsa Ke-10 Ekologi, Habitat Manusia dan Perubahan Persekitaran Di Alam Melayu, pp. 391-416.
  26. Zuliskandar Ramli, Nur Qahirah Abdul Rahman, Azimah Hussin, Sharifah Nur Izzati Sayed Hasan, Azharudin Mohamed Dali. 2017. Compositional Analysis ff Sungai Mas, Kuala Selinsing dnd Santubong Glass Beads. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 17(2): 117-129. Muhammad Nu’man Mohd Nasir & 87 Zuliskandar Ramli 
  27. Zuliskandar Ramli. 2014. Discovery and Research of Various Types of Beads in Bujang Valley, Kedah. Research Journal of Applied Sciences 9(12): 912-923. 

Updated by Hj. Zulheimy Maamor
Date: 20 Oktober 2023 : 8.47 pm



  • A.J. Barnet Kempers : Keris adalah hasil daripada pengaruh kebudayaan Gendang Gangsa Dongson di utara Vietnam yang dipercayai bertarikh 2,500 S.M. 
  • A.H.Hill dalam bukunya 'The Keris and other Malay Weapons' menjelaskan bahawa orang Melayu bertempur menggunakan senjata api seperti Lela, Rentaka, Pemuras, Terakor serta Istinggar. 
  • Abu Dulaf al-Muhalhil > dalam Majmu'Fil Jughrafiyya menyatakan salah satu dari 8 pedang koleksi Rasulullah s.a.w. adalah berasal dari Kedah Tua iaitu Pedang Qala'i
  • Al-Idrisi (1099-1165M) pernah mencatat tentang kehadiran orang-orang Melayu dari Kerajaan Srivijaya di Timur Afrika. 
  • Al-Jahiz : beliau menyatakan "Jika pedang itu diperbuat daripada Qala'i (Kedah) , berhati-hatilah."
  • Al-Kindi : Dalam catatan Al-Kindi pada abad ke 9 M, pernah menyebutkan bahawa kualiti pedang yang terbaik diperbuat dari besi Yemen, Qalai (Kedah) dan Hindi. Kalah adalah Kedah Tua
  • Alfonso de Albuquerque : Dalam "Comentarios do Grande Afonso de Albuquerque" bahawa ada lebih kurang 3,000 senjata api dirampas oleh Portugis selepas tentera Melaka berundur. Ada catatan lain yang mengatakan 8,000 senjata api. 
  • Ananda Kumaraseri (Datuk Dr.) : New Straits Times (2012) > Bangsa Melayu merupakan etnik paling dominan di Malaysia  dikenal pasti berasal dari Tibet dan wilayah Yunan di Selatan China. 
  • Anthony Reid : Teori Pentas Sunda > Bangsa Nusantara adalah perintis kepada peradaban Maritim dan perdagangan Laut. 
  • Antonio Pigafetta:  Pengembara Itali yang mula-mula mengumpulkan kosa kata Bahasa Austronesia. Beliau adalah anak kapal yang mengikuti ekspedisi Magellan  pada 1519 - 1522. Beliau turut mencatatkan tentang seorang pemuda Melayu yang ikut serta dalam Pelayaran Magellah yang diberi nama Kristian "Enrique the Black" berasal dari Sumatera. Semasa beliau melawat Brunei pada 1521M, beliau melihat di istana Sultan Brunei terdapat 56 pucuk meriam tembaga dan 6 meriam besi. 
  • Arnold Henry Savaage Landon: "Across Unknown South America" > persamaan Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa penduduk Asli Amerika, Bororo.  
  • Arthur E.Powell: dalam bukunya "The Solar System" bab 35 menyatakan bahawa akar bangsa keempat Lemuria merupakan Malayan Brown yang membawa maksud rumpun Melayu atau nama saintifiknya Austronesian-Polynesian. Akar keempat ini digelar Atlantean. 
  • Aryso Santos (Professor): dari Brazil - dalam bukunya "Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found, The Definitive Localization of Plato's Lost Civilization" (2005, beliau menyatakan bahawa Sundaland adalah benua Atlantis. 
  • Atlas Lopo Homem-Reines atau Atlas Miller dilukis oleh Pakar Kartografi bernama Lopo Homem, Peidro Reinel, Jorge Reinel dan Antonio de Holanda pada tahun 1519. Atlas Miller ini adalah atlas pertama menggambarkan kewujudan Jong Melayu
  • Batalhas e Combates Marinha Portuguesa: 1580-1603: Sumber Portugis menyebut "In the estuaries north and south of the city, about two thousand ships were burned, among them naus, galleys, junks, galliot, foists, lancharas, bantins, champanas and other lesser crafts !
    The king of Jor lost four thousand soldiers who have been killed in combat by the Portuguese and three thousand who have been killed during the withdrawal by ‘javos’ he carried."
  • Battle of Duyon River:  Rekod Portugis mengenai pertempuran di Sungai Duyong antara Portugis dengan Armada Kerajaan Acheh pada tahun 1629. Diakhir pertempuran sebuah kapal raksasa Acheh bernama Cakra Donya  telah ditawan dan dibawa ke Melaka. Portugis amat kagum dengan kehebatan kapal raksasa tersebut dan menggelarnya "Espanto del Mundo" bermaksud "Keajaiban Dunia."
  • Batu Bersurat Terengganu: ditemui pada tahun 1887 di Kampung Buluh di Kuala Berang, Hulu Terengganu. Kandungannya berisikan undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam. Pentarikhan yang diterima umum adalah 4 Rejab 702H bersamaan 22 Februari 1303M.
  • Book of Jobs 28:16: Didalam Kitab Injil Hebrew King James Version menyebut tentang Mount Ophir yang merujuk kepada Gunung Ledang yang terkenal dengan emas. Para pedangang China yang menyusuri Selat Melaka menggelarkan gunung ini Kim Sua yang bermaksud Gunung Emas.
  • Buddha Cannon: Catatan Buddha Cannon "Kapal ini cepat dan dapat mengangkutdari 1,000 orang, selain kargo. Mereka juga dipanggil K'un-lun po. Kebanyakan mereka yang membentuk anak kapal dan tukang kapal-kapal ini adalah orang K'un-lun (Melayu) .
  • Buddha Theravada : menggelarkan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu sebagai Suvarnabhumi yang bermaksud Tanah Emas
  • Charles Donald Cowan
    • dalam buku "Nineteenth Century Malaya - The Origins of British Political Control" (1961) > Orang Melayu adalah pelayar - pengembara yang jauh lebih hebat dari orang-orang Phonecia. 
    • Beliau berpendapat bahawa Shem yang merupakan anak lelaki kepada Nabi Nuh a.s. menetap di Mesopotamia selepas banjir besar yang merupakan bapa kepada orang-orang Semitic. Salah seorang dari keturunan Shem bernama Ophir telah datang dan menetap disuatu tempat yang paling jauh dikenali sebagai Kepulauan Melayu. 
  • Charles Truxillo : Dalam "Crusaders In The Far East: The Moro Wars In The Philippines In the Context of The Ibero-Islamic World War" > Masyarakat di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu bertindak balas diatas pencerobohan orang-orang Iberia (Portugis) dengan mengadakan perikatan bersama umat Islam dan memohon kepada Sultan Uthmaniyyah untuk bantuan. "
  • Cladius Ptolamaeus :  Dalam "Geography" > Merekodkan kapal-kapal besar yang datang dari sebelah Timur India (Nusantara). 
  • Cyrus Thomas (Professor) : Daripada Bureau Ethnology, Washington, USA dalam Jurnal bertajuk "Mayan and Malay" - perkaitan antara tamadun Mayan dan Tamadun Melayu. 
  • D.G.E. Hall: bangsa Melayu ialah pengasas kepada kerajaan yang seusia dengan tamadun Yunani dan Rom. 
  • Damian De Goes : "The Chronicle of theMost Happy King Don Manuel of Glorious Memory" > Melaka dikenali sebagai Kota yang terkaya di dunia
  • De Silva (Prof. Dr. ) : Penyelidik Arkeologi dan Ahli Sejarah Sri Lanka > beliau telah menganalisis bahan arkeologi dan mendapati sudah wujud tamadun di Alam Melayu sejak 15,000 S.M. 
  • Dirk Van Hogendorp : Pegawai tentera Belanda yang terlibat dalam serangan Belanda di Kuala Selangor berkata bahawa pihak Belanda telah merampas 68 pucuk meriam di Kota dan Kubu di Kuala Selangor. 
  • Dom Paulo Lima de Pereira : Dalam Surat kepada Raja Philip bertarikh 18 November 1587 ada menyebut tentang kapal perang milik Kerajaan Johor yang berjaya ditewaskan oleh Portugis ketika cubaan Portugis menawan Johor Lama dan Kota Batu. Diantara kapal-kapal tersebut terdapat sejenis kapal besar yang dipanggil Galleons.
  • Dr. Barry Fell Ahli Arkeologi Barat menemui bukti kedatangan pelayar Melayu Islam dari Melaka di Amerika berdasarkan tulisan jawi / Arab ditemui terukir disebuah gua di daerah Corinto, El Salvador. 
  • Dr. Horst H. Liebner seorang Pengkaji Arkeologi Nusantara berasal dari Jerman ini menyatakan bahawa orang Melayu pada abad ke 10 sudah berupaya membina kapal yang berukuran 25 hingga 35 meter panjang dan 12 meter lebar. 
  • Dr. Isabella Desjeux pada tahun 2015, telah membuat sebuah dokumentari mengenai seorang Saintis Melayu dari Sarawak bernama Buang bin Muhammad Ali yang namanya telah hilang dalam lipatan sejarah tanahair. 
  • Dr. Joyce E. Chaplin sejahrawan dari University Harvard menyatakan orang yang pertama berjaya mengeliling dunia adalah seorang lelaki Islam berbangsa Melayu yang bernama Enrique de Malacca.  Beliau menulis buku 'Round About the Earth: Circumnavigation  from Magellan to Orbit.'
  • Duarte Barbosa pada tahun 1512, merekodkan kewujudan kapal besar milik orang Jawa yang mempunyai 4 tiang layar , kulit kapal *hull)  dilindungi 4 lapisan kayu jati. Dalam "The Book of Duarte Barbosa" beliau menyatakan bahawa Pelabuhan Melaka adalah Pelabuhan yang terkaya di dunia
  • Edward Tregear: "Notes on Mayan and Malay" >bukti linguistik mengaitkan Melayu dan Maya
  • Ernest Small : Dalam catatan China, bangsa India, Arab, Parsi dan Turki belajar tentang Ilmu Pelayaran dari orang-orang Melayu
  • F.D.K Bosch : pada tahun 1946 telah menegaskan bahawa pedagang-pedagang dari Kepulauan Melayu pernah sampai ke pelabuhan-pelabuhan di India. 
  • Fernao Lopes De Castanheda: sejarawan Portugis menyatakan bahawa semasa Portugis berperang dengan Melaka, tentera-tentera Kesultanan Melaka telah pun menggunakan senjata api. Beliau mencatatkan bahawa Sultan Melaka memiliki sebanyak 8,000 pucuk senjata api yang terdiri dari meriam dan senapang pelantak
  • Fernao Pires de Andrade: Pada 1513 : Jong Patih Unus dari Demak mempunyai antara 3 - 7 lapisan kulit kapal yang tidak dapat ditembusi peluru meriam. 
  • Fountain Magazine : Isu 58 (2007) > penemuan batu di gua di El-Salvador di Corinto. Dalam batu itu tertulis sebuah tulisan dipercayai tulisan Jawi yang bermaksud "Melaka Haji Malaya".Batu dipercayai berusia seawal abad ke 13 Masehi, zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. 
  • Francois Valentijn (1666-1727):  pendeta dan ahli Sejarah Belanda telah menulis tentang sejarah Kepulauan Melayu dan kehebatan Bahasa Melayu.Beliau meletakkan bahasa Melayu pada abad ke-16 setaraf dengan bahasa Latin dan bahasa Perancis yang menjadi lingua franca di Eropah ketika itu. 
  • Gabriel Ferrend : dalam manuskrip "Sutra of the Twelve Stages of Buddha", ada menyebut tentang Kerajaan lama yang bernama Cho-Ye yang bermaksud Jaya atau Vijaya.
  • Gaspar Correia: Dalam "Lendas da India" > pencatit Portugis yang mencatatkan bahawa sewaktu armada Portugis bertembung dengan kapal Melayu dari Acheh, kapal tersebut sangatlah tinggi sehingga tidak ada sesiapa yang berani hendak memanjanya dari mana-mana kapal Portugis.
  • George Coedes: Ahli Sejarah Perancis menerbitkan memoir bertajuk "Le Royaume De Crivijaya" pada tahun 1918 mengenai Srivijaya. Dari memoir beliau inilah Srivijaya yang sebelumnya kurang dikenali mula mendapat perhatian ahli sejarah. 
  • George Murdock:  Seorang Professor dari Amerika pada 1959 melalui penelitianya mendapati bahawa beberapa tanaman yang didapati di Madagaskar seperti Kelapa, Ubi Jalar, Keladi, Padi Sawah dan Jagung adalah berasala dari Nusantara yang di bawa oleh Pelaut-pelaut Melayu. 
  • George Percy Badger : Seorang ilmuan Inggeris pada tahun 1863 yang mengulas pengembaraan Ludovico di Varthema di Mekah, turut mengulas mengenai Jemaah Haji dari Alam Melayu dengan cara pakaian mereka di Mekah. 
  • Georgio Bucallati :  dalam kajian mendapati cengkih telah digunakan di Syria sejak tahun 3,700 S.M. 
  • Gospels Hebrew King James Version:  Book of Job 28:16 > "It cannot be Valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious Onyx or the Sapphire." Mount Ophir means Gunung Ledang of today.
  • H.D.Collings : "AN IRON AGE FIND NEAR KLANG" > This paper was produced in December 1949 about ancient iron work in Bukit Jati, Klang. P.W.D workers found 21 iron ages tools and part of its the kind which the Malays call Tulang Mawas. 
  • Han Shu : Buku Dinasti Han > karya Ban Gu , Rekod terawal mengenai "Nanhai Trade" antara China dengan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu sudah wujud sejak 140 SM. Nama 'Duyuan' dalam catatan ini ialah Duyung di Terengganu.
  • Heidi Roupp dalam 'Teaching World History: A Resource Book' bahawa pelayar-pelayar Melayu telah tiba ke Pantai Timur Afrika selewat-lewatnya pada abad pertama Sebelum Masihi.
  • Horst H. Liebner (Dr.) : Pengkaji Arkeologi Nusantara berasal dari Jerman ini menyatakan bahawa orang Melayu pada abad ke 10 sudah berupaya membina kapal yang berukuran 25 hingga 35 meter panjang dan 12 meter lebar. 
  • Huayi Tongyu  : Kamus China - Melayu terbitan tahun ke-9 Maharaja Guangxu (1883M).
  • Isabella Desjeux (Dr.) : pada tahun 2015 telah membuat dokumentari tentang Saintis Melayu Sarawak bernama Buang bin Muhammad Ali. Penemuan kehebatan Buang bermula apabila sebuah kotak besi yang tertanam dalam tapak pembinaan sekolah di Ternate di kesan. Kotak itu mengandungi catatan Buang mengenai Kajian-kajian Sains. 
  • Isabella L. Bird : Didalam buku "The Golden Chersonese and The Way Thither" Selepas kejatuhan Kota Melaka ke tangan Portugis,Empayar Melayu Acheh telah cuba menawan kembali Kota Melaka dengan kapal-kapal perang berjumlah 500 buah yang mana 100 daripadanya adalah jauh lebih besar dari kapal-kapal yang pernah dibina di Eropah.
  • Ismail Husein & Amat Juhari (1996):  orang-orang Melayu di Nusantara mempunyai aksara tersendiri sebelum Aksara Palavi. Aksara ini dikenali dengan nama Huruf Rencong atau Rencung (Zain, 2000). 
  • J.A. Richardson : In his book "The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Neighbourhood of Raub, Pahang" > according to him in page 36 "People found that for every 'Dulang' of sand there was a handful (raub) of gold." 
  • J.C. van Leur's : 1960 : "Indonesian Trade and Society" Hlm 57 > Bahasa Melayu menjadi LIngua Franca bagi gugusan Kepulauan Nusantara dan disamping itu mereka semestinya bertanggungjawab dalam usaha penyebaran agama Islam."
  • Jacques Dumarcay : dalam bukunya "Cambodian Architecture: Eight to Thirteen" mengatakan bahawa senibina awal Khmer mempunyai banyak pengaruh dari Kerajaan Melayu Champa dan juga Jawa. 
  • Jim Siebold (2016) :  menyatakan bahawa Atlas Miller atau Atlas Lopo Homem-Reineis, atlas yang dilukis oleh pakar kartografi Portugis bernama Lopo Homem, Pedro Reinel, Jorge Reinel dan Antonio de Holanda pada tahun 1519 adalah atlas pertama yang menggambarkan kewujudan Jong Melayu. 
  • Joao de Barros : (1456-1570) mencatatkan tentera Pimpinan Alfonso de Albuquerque telah diserang jong dari Pasai. Portugis mengambil masa 2 hari untuk mengalah jong tersebut. 
  • John Crawfurd menulis didalam 'A Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and Adjacent countries.' bahawa orang-orang Melayu telah menggunakan kompas sebelum orang Eropah
  • John D. Baldwin dalam 'Ancient America' (1871) : beliau mencatatkan 'Civilization was brought to America in Ancient times  by the Malays'The Malayan Empire was maritime and commercial, it had fleets of great ships, and there is evidence that its influence reached most of the Pacific islands. 
  • John Dessision Baldwin: "Ancient America in Notes on American Archaelogy" > ada menyebut bahawa bangsa Melayu meninggalkan jejak sejauh Easter Island dan Afrika Timur. 
  • John M. Miksic (Prof.) : dari Universiti Kebangsaan Singapura (NUS) dalam buku bertajuk "Singapore - The Silk Road of the Sea, 1300 - 1800." berdasarkan kajian J. Miksic terhadap 300,000 artifak yang berkaitan masyarakat Melayu. Artifak ini membuktikan masyarakat Melayu bukanlah pemalas seperti yang dimomokkan sesetengah pihak bahkan bangsa Melayu adalah pembina kota dan tamadun. 
  • John Tiffany dalam 'The Malay- A People of Fascinating Division' orang Melayu adalah peneroka dalam Ilmu Pelayaran sehingga mereka digelar The Viking of the Orient.  
  • John Van Wyhe & Gerrel M. Drawhorn: dalam sebuah artikel bertajuk "I am Ali Wallace The Malay Assistant of Alfred Russel Wallace" dalam JMBRAS Vo. 88 Part 1 (2015) menyebut tentang remaja Melayu Islam bernama Buang (Buang bin Muhammad Ali) sebagai pembantu Saintis Inggeris bernama Alfred Russel Wallace di Sarawak. 
  • Joyce E. Chaplin (Dr.) : dalam "Round about the Earth - Circumnavigation from Magellan to Orbit." > Sejarawan dari University Harvard menyatakan orang yang pertama berjaya mengelilingi dunia ialah lelaki Islam berbangsa Melayu bernama Enrique de Malacca.
  • K.G. Tregonning : dalam bukunya "Malaysian Historical Sources" (Singapore, 1965, m2) dan "The Encyclopedia Americana" (Edisi 8,1963 m.164) menyatakan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu merupakan persinggahan terbaik perdagangan China-India.
  • Kang Tai pada 260 Masehi mencatat kewujudan Jong Melayu yang mempunyai 7 liang layar dipanggil Kun-lun Po (kapal Negeri Selatan) yang direkodkan belayar hingga ke Syria. Perkataan 'Po' dikatakan berasal dari perkataan Melayu "Perahu". 
  • Kaushik Roy : (2011) > War Culture and Society In Early Modern South Asia 1740-1849: Hlm.12) >Melaka mengimport Meriam dari Calicut, meriam terbesar yang dijumpai oleh Portugis di Melaka itu berasal dari Turki Uthmaniyyah
  • Kevin Reilly dalam bukunya 'The Human Journey: A Concise Introduction to World History' (2012) menyatakan orang-orang Melayu adalah pelayar pertama belayar di lautan luas
  • Kong Yuanzhi (Prof.) :  daripada University Peking menyatakan "Kamus Bahasa Melaka (Manlajia Guo Yiyu) bukan sahaja adalah kamus Bahasa Melayu - Cina yang pertama, bahkan adalah Kamus Bahasa Melayu yang pertama di dunia."
  • Kunlun (gelaran pelaut Melayu) dengan kapal gah Kunlunpo direkodkan telah belayar dan berdagang di Guangzhou malah jauh sehingga ke Utara dan Timur China seperti Fujian dan Zhejiang seawal 300 S.M. 
  • Kun-lun Po : Catatan China pada abad ke-3 Masihi menyatakan bahawa kapal-kapal Melayu yang disebut Kun-lun Po besarnya melebihi 50 meter panjang dan terapung di permukaan air setinggi 4-5 meter. Kapal-kapal ini membawa antara 600 - 700 orang anak kapal dan muatan sekitar 250 hingga 1,000 tan barangan. Kapal-kapal ini belayar dengan laju ketika angin kencang dan gelombang yang besar. (Prof. Madya Dr. Ahmad Jelani Halimi)
  • Ludovico di Varthema dalam pelayaran ke Melaka pada 1505 mencatat mengenai sebuah kapal besar dari Borneo dengan nakhodanya seorang Melayu yang mahir ilmu laut. 
  • Luzano Pancho Canlas:  dalam bukunya bertajuk "Philippines 2 Millennium History" :
    • Melayu adalah pelaut-pelaut berani yang mengembara merentasi lautan Selatan Pasifik yang luas didalam perahu-perahu kecil dipanggil Balangay
    • Malaya dipanggil Tanah Melayu, dalam bahasa Tagalog bermaksud Jauh.
  • Lynda N. Shaffer dalam buku 'Maritime Southeast Asia to 1500' menyatakan bahawa pelaut Melayu merupakan pelaut-pelaut yang mempunyai kemahiran ilmu Laut yang sangat tinggi, belayar merentasi lautan beribu-ribu batu tanpa bantuan kompas atau carta-carta bertulis. Pelaut Melayu telah belayar merentas Monson seawal sebelum 300 tahun Sebelum Masihi dan telah tiba di Timur Laut Afrika seawal abad pertama S.M. 
  • Lynda N. Shaffer : dalam penulisannya bertajuk "Southernization" dalam Journal of World History 5, Spring (1994) mengatakan bahawa pelaut Melayu telah pun belayar merentasi lautan ke India dan China seawal tahun 300 SM. 
    • “The Chinese also knew these islanders as builders and as the crews of ocean going vessels engaged in long distance overseas trade. The chine infact to have learned much from these sailors. The Malays independently invented a sail, made from woven mats reinforced with bamboo, at least several hundred years B.C.E and by the time of the Han Dynasty (206 CE to 221 CE) the Chinese were using such sails. “
    • There is no doubt that the most intrepid sailors were the Malayss, people who lived in what is now Malaysia, Indonesia, the southeastern coast of Vietnam and the Philippines. 
    • Sometimes before 300 B.C.E , Malay sailors began to ride the Monsoon.
    • Malay sailors had reached the eastern coast of Africa at least by 1st century B.C.E. if not earlier.
    • Pelayar-pelayar Melayu bertanggung-jawab menyebarkan pasu-pasu tanah liat tradisi Sa-Huynh Kalanay dan gendang Dongsan bertebaran keseluruh Asia Tenggara.
    • Indian traders and shippers and Malay sailors were also responsible for opening up an all-sea route to China
    • Pelaut Melayu seawall kurun pertama telah mahir dengan pelayaran-pelayaran jarak jauh, mereka mempunyai ilmu laut yang tinggi, belayar merentasi lautan beribu-ribu batu tanpa menggunakan kompas atau carta, mengetahui kedudukan sebuah pulau dengan hanya melihat tabiat burung-burung tertentu, haiwan dan tumbuhan laut dsb.
  • M. Klaproth dalam 'On The Name of China" > 
    • perkataan "China" berasal dari gelaran dan panggilan orang-orang Melayu terhadap orang-orang Dinasti Qin.
    • Maharaja Tsin-che-Hwang-te telah mula berdagang dengan pelaut-pelaut Melayu sekitar kurun ke-3 S.M.  
  • Manuel Joaquim Pintado dalam "Portuguese Documents on Malacca (1509-1511) mencatatkan dinding Jong Melayu begitu tinggi sehinggakan askar Portugis tidak mampu memanjatnya, dan dinding Jong setebal 4 lapis tidak rosak sedikit pun oleh peluru meriam. 
  • Marco Polo : he went to Southeast Asia in the 11th century but never went to Fansur. He did mention in his account that the best camphor (Kapur Barus) originated from Fansur (Barus). 
  • Martin Ferdanadez de Navarette : tokoh sejarah Sepanyol yang menulis sebuah buku pada 1837, yang menyebut kebolehan Enrique de Malacca (Panglima Awang) bertutur fasih bahasa Negara itu. 
  • Michael Adas menulis dalam bukunya yang bertajuk 'Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History' bahawa sejak 300 tahun Sebelum Masehi pelayar Melayu mula belayar menggunakan angin Monsoon ke China dan India. Mereka telah tiba ke Pantai Timur Afrika selewat-lewatnya pada abad pertama Sebelum Masihi. 
  • Michael W.Charney: di dalam bukunya "Southeast Asian Warfare: 1300-1900" menyatakan tentang kewujudan tempat pembuatan meriam di Alam Melayu. Malah Alfonso de Albuquerque sendiri kagum dengan pembuatan meriam di Melaka yang beliau sifatkan setanding dengan pembuatan meriam di Jerman. 
  • Mohd Hazmi Mohd Rusli (Dr.) : "The Unsung Malay History" > “The Malays were great seafarers who once dominated most parts of Southeast Asia. For centuries, they built great kingdoms, huge monuments and pioneered maritime technologies in strengthening their grip over a huge maritime area extending from Madagascar in the West to the Indonesian islands in the East.
  • Mpu Prapanca: ahli puisi diRaja Majapahit menulis puisi bertajuk Desawarnana atau lebih dikenali sebagai Negarakrtagama pada tahun 1365, menyenaraikan keseluruh Kepulauan Sumatra, Jambi, Palembang dan Minangkabau sebagai Tanah Melayu.
  • N.N. Miklukho-Maklai (1846-1888) :  Famous Russian scholar and traveller > made his field research in the Malay Peninsula and Java in the 1870s. His diary of his first travel in Malay Peninsula was published in 1941.
  • Nanhai Trade :  rekod terawal mengesahkan hubungan antara China dan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu sudah wujud sejak 140 SM seperti yang tercatat dalam Han Shu.  
  • Niccolo da Conti dalam perjalanan ke Asia dari 1419 hingga 1444 mencatat Jong yang dijumpainya lebih besar dari Kapal Eropah dan mempunyai 5 tiang layar. 
  • Nicholas Tarling: 
    • mencatatkan kejayaan Kerajaan Srivijaya adalah hasil dari kemahiran orang Melayu dalam bidang Pelayaran. 
    • "The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia: from Early times to 1800" > senapang-senapang Melayu purba setanding dengan Sepanang buatan German. 
  • Nicholas Thomas menyatakan bahawa bangsa Melayu telah belayar ke Lautan Pasifik seawal 3000 S.M. 
  • Nunes dos Santos (Professor): dalam bukunya "Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found" mendapati bahawa banyak ciri Kota Atlantis menyamai kawasan kepulauan Nusantara khususnya Kepulauan Melayu dan Indonesia. 
  • O.C. Dahl Bangsa Melayu telah sampai ke Madagaskar sejak tahun 686 S.M.
  • O.W. Wolters: Dalam "Early Indonesian Commerce : The Origin of Srivijaya"  >
    • Semenanjung Tanah Melayu telah ada dalam pengetahuan orang-orang Yunani pada kurun pertama Masihi lagi
    • Sebuah teks Yunani “Periplus of the Erythrean Sea” dicatatkan bahawa Kapal yang belayar ke Chryse (Semenanjung Tanah Melayu) dan ke Gangga dikenali sebagai Colandia dan sangat besar.
    • Kerajaan Tambralinga pernah menghantar utusan ke China sekitar tahun 616M semasa Pemerintahan Dinasti Tang. 
  • Paul D. Buell (2009) > Maharaja Song melantik bangsa Melayu Champa menjadi Pegawai Maritim yang sekaligus menjadi Syahbandar di Fujian
  • Paul Johnstone dalam 'The Seacraft of Prehistory' (1980) pada kurun ke-3 S.M orang Cina mula belajar membuat layar jenis 'Batten Sail' dari Pelaut-pelaut Melayu (Kun-lun Po). 
  • Paul Pelliot : Berpendapat bahawa pusat Pemerintahan Srivijaya terletak di Jawa bersandarkan kepada rekod I-Tsing. 
  • Paul Wheatley: Buku "The Golden Khersonese: Studies in the Historical Geography of the Malay Peninsula before A.D. 1500" , University of Malaya Press 1966 > 
    • Masyarakat China telah menjalin hubungan dengan Masyarakat di Kepulauan Melayu seawal tahun 221 S.M lagi. 
    • Nama Kerajaan Kedah Tua terdapat dalam catatan China pada tahun 638 Masihi. Dalam Catatan Ma Tuan Lin dinyatakan bahawa Chia Cha (Kedah) menghantar utusannya ke Istana China pada tahun 638 Masihi.
    • Pencatat Yunani bernama Martianus Heraclea didalam “Periplus of the Outer Sea” tentang kedudukan Semenanjung Emas (Tanah Melayu) yang terletak antara Benua India dan China.
    • Catatan Abu Dulaf al-Muhalhil mengenai Kedah ketika beliau singgah di Kedah. 
  • Pei Xing (825 - 880 C.E) : the famous story of "The Kunlun Nu" which potrays a Malay security guard cum martial arts expert named Mo Le who is invulnerable, capable of flying and has other supernatural abilities. This story has been adapted into a movie "The Promise" (2005) with Mo Le's name changed to Kunlun. 
  • "Periplus of the Erythrean Sea" Sebuah Teks Yunani dicatatkan bahawa kapal yang belayar ke Chryse (Semenanjung Tanah Melayu) dan ke Gangga dikenali sebagai Colandia (Kolandiaphonta) dan sangat besar. 
  • Peta Mao Kun / Wubei Zhi: nama Kuala Pahang disebut dalam peta lama China sebagai "Penghang Gang" dan Pulau Tioman dicatit sebagai "Ningma Shan". 
  • Pierre Yves Manguis > 
    • 'Malay ships did use nails, but pegs and mortise for the plank joint of the ship's body. 
    • Menurut Sumber China dari abad ke 3 Masihi telah mencatatkan kehadiran kapal Melayu yang dinamakan Kunlun.
  • Portuguese Document on Malacca : 213 > "Dinding Jong Melayu begitu tinggi sekali sehinggakan orang Portugis tidak memanjatnya. 
  • Prasasti Batu di Desa Dakuwu, Grabag,Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia adalah merupakan rekod terawal kemunculan keris di Alam Melayu pada abad ke-5 Masihi. 
  • Prasasti Budhagupta : ditemui di Seberang Prai, P. Pinang membuktikan bahawa Kerajaan Chih-tu benar wujud di Utara Malaysia sekitar abad ke 4-5 Masihi. Sejarawan J Laidlay pada tahun 1848 menterjemahkan teks prasasti itu yang ditulis dengan huruf Pallava (400-500M) dan bahasa Pali mengandungi ajaran Budha dan menyatakan kejayaan pelayaran oleh seorang nakhoda kapal bernama Budhagupta, seorang penduduk Negeri Tanah Merah (Chih-tu).
  • Prasasti Dong Yen Chau : ditemui di Teluk Tourane, Selatan Vietnam menggunakan tulisan Pallava >  rekod bertulis terawal Bahasa Melayu pada abad ke 4 Masihi melalui Tamadun Melayu Champa. 
  • Prasasti Kedukan Bukit: Bertarikh 685M ditemui oleh M. Batenburn pada tahun 1920. Ianya merupakan spesimen berbahasa Melayu yang paling lama pernah dijumpai. Ia menceritakan tentang kejayaan penguasa Kerajaan Srivijaya. 
  • Prasasti Keping Tembaga Laguna: bukti pengaruh Srivijaya sampai ke Filipina. 
  • Prasasti Telaga Batu: ditemui sekitar 1950an > mengandungi kisah pengembaraan Dapunta Hyang Sri Jayanasa, ditulis menggunakan tulisan Pali didalam bahasa Melayu Tua. 
  • Prof Dr. Stephen Chia yang telah menjalan kajian di Bukit Tengkorak di Semporna, Sabah mendapati telah wujudnya rangkaitan Perdagangan Maritim diantara Kepulauan Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik sejak ribuan tahun dahulu. 
  • Prof. John M. Miksik dari National University of Singapore dalam buku bertajuk 'Singapore - The Silk Road of the Sea, 1300-1800' berdasarkan kajian beliau terhadap 300,000 artifak yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat Melayu, membuktikan bahawa orang Melayu bukanlah pemalas seperti yang dimomokkan sesetengah pihak bahkan bangsa Melayu adalah pembina kota dan tamadun
  • Ptolemy: Ahli Geografi, Astrologi dan Ahli Kaji Bintang Greek menyebut Tanah Melayu sebagai Aurea Chersonesus atau Golden Chersonese bermaksud Semenanjung Emas atau Tanah Emas
  • R.A. Fletcher dalam 'Worship and Their Stories(2004) menyatakan bahawa bangsa yang mula-mula menggunakan sayap (outriggers) bagi kanu-kanu dan sampan-sampan adalah orang Melayu
  • R. Braddel F.W. Douglas menyatakan bahawa seawal 4000 S.M pelaut-pelaut Sumeria / Akkadia sudah sampai ke Nusantara dari Mesopotamia.
  • Rafael Monleon (1840 -1900) dalam "Historia De La Navigacion" telah membuat ilustrasi dan dokumentasi tentang rekabentuk dan senibena kapal dari Alam Melayu. Ianya kini tersimpan dalam Muzium Ketenteraan Sepanyol, Barcelona. 
  • Raja Kalakaua : Raja Hawaii ketika bertemu dengan Raja Chulalongkorn dari Thailand mengatakan bahawa sesungguhnya beliau orang Polinesia yang berdarah Melayu. 
  • Ralph A. Olsen: "Book of Mormon, The Promised Land" & "The Malay Peninsula As The Setting for The Book of Mormon" > 
    • The Promised Land atau Tanah yang Dijanjikan oleh Yahudi ialah Semenanjung Tanah Melayu.
    • ibu segala keturunan Manasseh adalah orang Melayu di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu. Manasseh adalah salah seorang dari 2 anak Nabi Yusuf a.s.  iaitu Manasseh dan Ephraim .
  • Richard L. Smith: dalam bukunya "Premodern Trade in World History" - Di lautan, laluannya telah didominasi sekurangnya dari Alaf pertama BCE oleh orang Melayu.Terma “Melayu” merujuk khusus kepada penduduk Semenanjung Melayu, tetapi terma “Melayu” juga digunakan dalam skala besar, lebih umum untuk merujuk beberapa pelaut yang bertutur dalam bahasa Austronesia dan hidup di sebahagian tempat di Sumatera, Borneo dan Kepulauan lain termasuk Semenanjung Melayu. Pelayar Melayu adalah pedagang jarak jauh terawal di Negara-negara moden Malaysia dan Indonesia. Aktiviti belayar mereka termasuk di China Selatan dan di Timur Laut India. Mereka adalah pelaut berkemahiran tinggi, dengan teknologi canggih nautika (Ilmu Laut) mereka sendiri, dan berkemungkinan yang mencipta layar, terlebih dahulu dari pedagang Greek dan Roman yang masih baru dalam perdagangan laut. Orang Melayu mencipta hubungan komersial melangkaui dari Filipina dan New Guinea hingga ke Pantai Laut Afrika.,terlebih dahulu dari Greek dan Roman. 
  • Robert Heine van Geldern : orang yang mendaftarkan nama nenek moyang Melayu sebagai 'Melayu Deutro', dipinjam dari kitab Yahudi yg bertajuk Deuteronomy  (26:5-10) yang bermaksud penghijrah.
  • Rounsevelle Wildman : penulis terkenal Amerika Syarikat menemui sekeping logam di tebing Sungai Gemih pada tahun 1894, apabila dikeluarkan didapati mengandungi emas. 
  • Samuel L. Mitchill , Martin Harris : "A Nation Now Extinct" American Indian Origin Tehories as of 1820" dan "New York Theory" karangan Richard E. Bennett > Teori dan bukti kaitan orang Red Indian Amerika dan Orang Melayu. 
  • Sarah Zhang dalam 'Why Mandarin does not come from Chinese' - The Atlantic (2019) menyatakan perkataan 'Mandarin' berasal dari perkataan 'Menteri' oleh pelaut-pelaut Melayu yang bermaksud Pentadbir atau Penasihat. 
  • Sherard Osborn  : Naval officer in one of the British warship blockading Kedah in 1883, dalam "Like spaniels, the native of the whole sea-board of the Indian Peninsula lick the hand that chnatises them: not the Orang Malayau (Melayu) , and we Englishmen should be the first to honour a race who will not basely submit to abuse or tyranny." - Quedah or Stray Leaves from a Journal in Malayan waters, Longman, London, 1857. 
  • Stamford Raffles telah menulis dalam 'History of Java' bahawa pada tahun 1325M,meriam telah digunakan secara meluas di Jawa terutama oleh Kerajaan Majapahit. 
  • Stephen Chia (Prof.Dr.) : Kajian di Bukit Tengkorak,Semporna, Sabah mendapati wujudnya rangkaian perdagangan Maritim diantara Kepulauan Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik sejak ribuan tahun dulu. 
  • Stephen Oppenheimer (Dr.) : dalam buku "Eden in the East, The Drowned Continent to Southeast Asia." (1999) :
    • Legenda purba Kota Atlantis yang tenggelam akibat banjir besar itu adalah tinggalan Benua Melayu Sunda
    • Penemuan DNA mendapati masyarakat di alam Melayu adalah tamadun kedua tertua di dunia mencecah 70,000 tahun selepas Afrika.
  • Sumio Fukami : He examinde the Chinese Shiji Text  and Hanshu Text says that camphor (Kapur Barus) from Southeast Asia already known in Guangzhou as early as 2nd century B.C. or even ealier. 
  • Tatiana M.Karafer: (2015) . Kajian DNA mendapati haplogroup K-M526 sangat spesifik kepada orang yang berada di Nusantara sebelum tersebar ke seluruh dunia. Jelas bahawa ibu orang Melayu telah berada di Kepulauan Melayu sekurang-kurangnya 50,000 tahun dahulu dan bapa orang Melayu pula 40,000 tahun dahulu. 
  • Teori Wallace Line: Teori popular yang menentukan wilayah Alam Melayu hasil kajian Alfred Russil Wallace terhadap kepelbagaian spesis flora dan fauna di Nusantara. 
  • The London Quaterly Review jilid 86-87 (1850) : menyatakan mengenai emas di Gunung Ledang (Mount Ophir) . 
    "In truth, as Solomon’s ships, which brought back this gold,were absent so long, there seems to be good reason for believing that his Ophir may have been in the Malayan peninsula or adjacent countries, crystalline and granitic, which still furnish a considerable amount of gold" 
    Nama Mount Ophir (Gunung Ledang) disebut dalam kitab Injil Hebrew Versi Raja James (King James Version) Book of Job 28:16 : "It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious Onyx or the Sapphire"
  • Thomas Bowrey : Wakil Syarikat French East India Company yang menulis tentang Kuala Perlis pada tahun 1670 : Send 5 or 6 more (men) to goe to Pullo Lada or Purles,which are place are belonging to this King (Of Kedah) where Tin and pepper may be bough at cheaper rates then here.
  • Thomas John Newbold : pegawai British di Melaka pernah mencatatkan dalam "Political and Statistical Account of the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca, Volume 2" bahawa ada banyak kilang milik bangsa Melayu yang menghasilkan senjata api seperti meriam. Terengganu menjadi hub di Semenanjung, manakala Gerisik di Jawa dan Minangkabau ialah hub untuk Sumatera. 
  • Timorthy P. Barnard: Seorang Sarjana yang menerbitkan hasil kajian tentang Asia Tenggara dan sejarahnya. 
    • Bahasa Melayu Proto sudah mula digunakan  paling kurang pada 2000 tahun yang lampau. 
    • Terdapat bukti dari Inskripsi-inskripsi  menggunakan bahasa Melayu  seperti Inskripsi Kedukan Bukit, Sabokingking, Talang Tuwo, Karang Brahi, Kota Kapur, Palas Pasemah dan Boom Baru. 
    • Rekod pertama penggunaan terma Melayu adalah sebuah dokumen dari China yang bertarikh seawal kurun ke 7 Masehi.
    • ** Ustaz Don Donial dalam ceramahnya apa yang ditulis Timorthy P.Barnard adalah tidak relavan dan tidak Sahih. Begitu juga Dr. Zaharah Sulaiman yang menyangkal apa yang diterbitkan oleh Timorthy dan dibentangkan di PWTC.
  • Valery Yakovlevish Bryusov : Russian poet in the "Malay Song" written in 1909 one can easily spot numerous references to islands of Malay Archipelago such as scent of Chempaka flowers, figs, bananas, pandan, coconuts, a paddy fields, tigers in the jungle and white waves in the sea.
  • Vayu Purana: kitab Hindu yang mengandungi 24,000 puisi (hyms) kepada dewa Vayu yang ditulis sekitar tahun 350 M kononnya ada menyebut tentang 'Malayadvipa" yang kaya dengan emas. Malayadvipa dikatakan merujuk kepada Kepulauan Melayu.  
  • W. Eliotscot  : dalam bukunya "The Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria" > Lemuria wujud di wilayah Nusantara. 
  • W. Lloyd Warner :  Sejarawan Barat > mengakui bahawa orang Melayu telahpun memulakan perhubungan dengan kumpulan orang-orang Asli pesisir Australia di Arnhem Land dan berdagang dengan mereka sebelum kedatangan penjajah Eropah di benua ini pada kurun ke-16 Masihi. 
  • Wan Chen pada abad ke 3  - dalam 'Strange Things of the South' mencatatkan kapal besar yang boleh memuatkan 700 orang dengan muatan sehingga 1000 tan. Beliau mencatat kapal ini datang Kun-lun yang bermaksud Negara Selatan. 
  • Wan Mohd Dasuki Wan Hasbullah pensyarah Fakulti Bahasa Melayu Moden, UPM membentangkan kertas Kerja bertajuk "MA 101 Kitab Tib dan Memory of the World: Warisan Ilmu Bedil Melayu." pada 2017 > Kepentingan Kitab Ilmu Bedil memberi manfaat dan panduan terhadap ilmu senjata api bedil dalam organisasi ketenteraan tamadun Islam Nusantara untuk panduan bidang ketenteraan kini.
  • Wang Dayuan :  Pengembara China zaman Dinasti Yuan dalam bukunya "Daoyi Zhilue Guangzheng Xia" ditulis pada tahun 1349M menggambarkan tentang kapal dari Asia Tenggara yang besar dan dibina tanpa menggunakan paku.
  • Wei Djao: dalam "Being Chinese - Voices from the Diaspora" (2003) > Kewujudan cengkerang dan tulang tapir dari Semenajung Tanah Melayu dijumpai di Makam Maharaja Wuding zaman Dinasti Shang (1328 - 1263 SM). 
  • Willem Pieter Groeneveldt (1876) : 'Notes on the Malay Archipelago and Malacca, Compiled from Chinese Sources." > Pelayar China Faxian (Fa-Hsien) dalam pelayaran pulang ke China dari India (413-414) menaiki kapal yang membawa 200 penumpang dan kelasi dari K'un-lun . 
  • William Ellis : "Polynesian Research" Volume 1 halaman 122 > penemuan tengkorak manusia di Kentucky danTenessee USA, sebahagian pengkaji berpendapat bahawa tulang itu adalah milik Orang Melayu serta Polynesia. 
  • William James Perry: dalam "The Children of the Sun" (1927) > The Malay Peninsula contains numerous remains of antiquity, not in the form of temples, but of ancient mines, the technique of which testifies to a high civilisation. "
  • William Linehan dalam kertaskerja bertajuk 'Some Discoveries on the Tembeling' beliau mencatatkan bahawa terdapat penemuan acuan-acuan purba untuk membuat meriam di Tebing Sungai Tembeling, Pahang yang berusia seawal kuran 13 atau 14M.
  • William Skeat : The Malay Magic,1900 > Mencatatkan berbagai jenis Pawang-pawang di Alam Melayu. 
  • Ye Tinggui: dalam catatan beliau pada 1151M yang bertajuk Nanfan xianglu (Treatise On Southeast Asia Aromathics) menyatakan bahawa setiap tahun Sriwijaya akan menghantar beberapa buah kapal besar yang berisi kemenyan ke Guangzhou dan Quanzhou. 
  • Yuan Shih : Catatan China yang menyatakan bahawa sekitar tahun 1295M, Maharaja Dinasti Yuan mengeluarkan satu 'Imperial Order' bagi mengarahkan Hsien (Siam) supaya tidak mengganggu Ma-Li-Yu-Erh (Melayu) serta perlu berpegang dengan janji mereka. 
  • Zhou Qufei :Pegawai Kastam Guangzhou pada tahun 1178 menulis dalam Lingwai Daida tentang kapal-kapal dari negara Selatan adalah seperti rumah gergasi (Joseph Needham,  1971) 
  • Catatan pendeta Buddha abad ke 8 Masihi bahawa 6 atau 7 kaki dari bahagian kapal-kapal Melayu di bawah air. Kapal-Kapal Melayu ini laju dan mampu membawa 1,000 orang. Kapal-kapal ini tidak menggunakan paku besi kerana mengelakkan kebakaran akibat pemanasan besi dan kapal-kapal ini boleh bergerak dengan tenaga manusia semata-mata. (Sumber: Prof. Madya. Dr. Ahmad Jelani Halimi : Sejarah dan Tamadun Bangsa Melayu).
Hj Zulheimy Maamor
Lembah Keramat, KL
27/11/2023 > 13 Jamadilawal 1445H: 6.51 pm