Monday 13 April 2020


Get to know the three big guardians called hadratji in the world of dakwah tabligh.
Before we continue, there may be someone asking, what does 'Hadratji' mean?
This word is taken from urdu language (Shah Rukh Khan laa), ' Hazrat 'means ' Master ', while ' ji ' means ' the noble '.. 
In, when called the term hadratji (@ hazratji slang urdu) in the world of tabligh is used for a name to describe a spiritual leader who leads 3 Faculty of human development at once:
1. Dakwah
2. Tazkiyah
3. Knowledge & wisdom
Coinciding as ulama of the legacy of Prophet saw, in the al Quran Allah swt says:
He is the one who sent in the people who recites them his signs and removed them and teach them the book and wisdom, and if they are before, they are in manifest error
Which means:
It is He who decides among the Ummiyyin, an apostle (Prophet Muhammad SAW) from their own nation, who recite to them the verse of Allah (which proves to Allah and His power by DAKWAH) and purify their souls (from Iktiqad who perverted with the way of TAZKIYAH), and teach them the Book of Allah (Al-Quran & various deep knowledge of the law of syarak dsbg with the way of KNOWLEDGE) and bestow Al-Wisdom (in their chosen breasts (in the light of God's Taj Indeed they were before this in manifest error.
(Surah Al-Jumu ' ah, verse 2)
The qualification placed for a person called hadratji is means a spiritual leader who practices tauhid essentials, the Sunnah of his majesty prophet saw on themselves & has wisdom of wisdom in leading the international dakwah in zahiriah & Rohaniah.
In one time, only one hadratji chosen by God to lead the movement of the international tabligh dakwah and accepted by the sufi scholars, the haq, the members of kasyaf and some of the chosen scholars in the congregation wal aqdi members who are related to the world of dakwah Tabligh in the decision of their meeting.
It is said that the hadratji is a person who has reached the peak of the perfection of knowledge & piety in God, the high spiritual in the field of sufism, smooth in the Sunnah of morals with wisdom in his chest, international guidance in the field of dakwah & Tarbiyah, istiqamah experience Sunnah to self, family And his students in the field of dakwah, TA ' Lim & Tazkiyah.
Because the features are much needed so that a hadratji is a spiritual teacher who can lead the Ummah to return to makrifat (knowing) in God based on the perfection of the law & the truth of Rasulullah saw in the life of insani.
3 Hadratji who have already returned to rahmatullah are agreed throughout the century as a servant of God's religion with their very big service that is:
It is coming back to our Lord Muhammad
God bless our Lord Muhammad Yusuf al kandhlawi
God has come back to our Lord in aamul hassan al kandhlawi
The journey of the fight of dakwah tabligh around the world always strive to follow the policies of life, the method of knowledge & practical all three of these agreed.
Because the service left by them to the Ummah is very big, insyaallah we will tell you from time to time about these three hadratji rahimahumullah.
In the world of the masyaikh of dakwah & Sufi scholars, any of the scholars who can lead the three faculty of development of the person at once, will be seen as the glory & perfection that approach to the ulama of the great prophet saw in his time.
Why? Because usually a ulama who lives in this twenty-Twentieth, the average is only holding one or two types of human development, just the observation of this weak servant, rarely can find those who are able to lead all three types of faculty at once.
For example like this..
If a ulama is only able to lead the dakwah, no one can focus on leading the activities of tazkiyah & scientific, then the ulama is seen as the ulama of the leader of the dakwah movement only.
If a ulama leads the field of tazkiyah, just like a sufi ulama class mursyid a religious tariqat, then the ulama is seen as the teacher of mursyid who is rabbani.
If a ulama is only involved in the field of ta 'Lim wa ta' to (field of education), then the ulama will be known as the teacher, Ustaz, lecturer, Phd doctor @ knowledge guide to an education institution such as madrasah, hut, college, University of dsbg.
In the world of international tabligh dakwah, only three of these are able to lead the three types of faculty successfully during their lives.
The equation of these three hadratji is the activity of their life that is only deals in the fields of dakwah, tazkiyah, Quranic, Tarbiyah & wisdom.
In that way they are still able to handle the madrasah of nizamuddin as mudir (the highest principal) to arrange affairs in the field of education of Wahyu & Sunnah, Arabic, knowledge of the hadith of bersanad, knowledge of interpretation, knowledge and many more discipline in the field of knowledge , Tariqat & the truth.
These three hadratji were also appointed as chairman of some madrasah under the of of the nizamuddin madrasah meeting. It is not confirmed exactly how much it is, because there are so many madrasah around the world that ask to be shelter under their blessings but rejected by wisdom for certain reasons.
But luckily there are only one madrasah that was accepted as a madrasah under nizamuddin during the time of hadratji maulana in ' Aamul Hasan rahimahullah which is madrasatul Quran, creek persuade serada in KUALA TERENGGANU.
Only Allah gives blessings in the life of these three hadratji rahimahumullah that can arrange all the important faculty.
Thank God everything can go smoothly, until the result is not a few factory world factory can give birth to great people who are quality among the masyaikh, Aulia, the martyrs, the muqarrabin, the Imam & the solihin under the education & Tarbiyah of these three hadratji rahimahumullah .
The greatness of the three hadratji rahimahumullah that is very smooth with the experience Sunnah this is what is the catalyst of inspiration & aspirations in the eyes of most scholars, Maulana, the preachers (Karkun) & the righteous in the world of tabligh until now.
Because of the blessings of the three hadratji rahimahullah, the growth of markaz-markaz tabligh all over the world until now, hatta in Israel's country also has markaz tabligh too..
Love & Love to the Three Hadratji Rahimahumullah is always embed in the chest of the Masyaykh, Maulana & Karkun-Karkun around the world until the apocalypse.
These are the three great size in revealed by God as a gift at the end of time to lead the people back to God & the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw's morals.
To these three hadratji rahimahumullah we send gifts specifically..
God is the best and the mother,
And they want to come back to our Lord Muhammad Mork, God bless him,
And they want to come back to our Lord Muhammad Yusuf, God bless him,
And they want to come back to our Lord in the name of Allah.

But the Lord of Allah, the mercy of the Lord, the Lord of the of, the Lord of the of, the Lord of the knowledge, the Lord of the of, 1:3 (the king of the yo of the 1:4 (do not you know that you must be able to do it) 1:5 (ah, we are the path of the path, the path of which we are). 1:6 (the path of which you wish that you are going to be the one who is the one who is the one who is (1:7) the of of the of is the light of the two of them, and they are not the ones who are the ones who are not.
Copy and paste from FB Dakwah Tabligh
13/4/2020 @ 19 Syaaban 1441H : 11.42 am

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