Thursday 9 April 2020

Before Imam Syafie Returns to rahmatullah

Before Imam Syafie Returns to rahmatullah,
He had a chance to probate to his students and all Muslims.
Here are the content of the will:
" whoever wants to leave the world is safe, then let it practice ten things."
First: right to self.
That is: Reduce Sleep, reduce eating, reduce conversations and be with the provisions that exist.

Second: right to the angel of death
That is: Mengqadhakan the obligations that are left behind, get forgiveness from the ones we zalimi, make Preparation to die and feel love to Allah.

Third: the right to the grave
That is: throwing away the habit of sowing slander, removing the habit of peeing everywhere, improving the prayers of tahajjud and helping the people who are tortured.

Fourth: the right to munkar and nakir
That is: not lying, telling the truth, leaving the sin and advice of advice.

Fifth: right to mizan (balance of charity scale On the day of resurrection)
That is: holding anger, a lot of prayers, sincere practice and willing to bear difficulties.

Sixth: right to sirat (Titian yang spans Hell on the day of the hereafter)
That is: throwing away the habit of cursing, being hermit, likes to help the believers and love the bow.

Seventh: the right to Malik (the keeper of hell)
That is: crying because of fear of Allah swt, do good to parents, give charity openly and hide and hide your morals.

Eighth: right to ridhwan (Guardian Angel Heaven)
That is: feeling accepted by qadha ' Allah, be patient to accept bala, be thankful for God's grace and repent from committing sin.

Ninth: right to prophet s.a.w
That is: pray on his majesty, hold on to the law, depending on the as-Sunnah (Hadith), love the friends, and compete in finding the ridho of Allah.

Tenth: right to Allah swt
That is: inviting people towards goodness, preventing people from evil, loving obedience and hating disobedience.

Credit: the collection of short note Ustaz Azhar idrus
Copy and paste:
9/4/2020 @ 15 Syaaban 1441H : 10.48 am

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