- A.Stanton Merrill (Rear Admiral) : Commander of the TF 39 at Battle of Empress Augusta Bay, November 2, 1943.
- A.B. Feuer : U.S. Navy during WW2 - author of several books of Military History.
- A.C.F Davies, Lt.Cmdr RN : Commanding Officer HMS Yarnton - discovered the deepest point in the territorial water of United Kingdom, December 1959.
- A.G. Kirk - Rear Admiral : US Navy - Commanding the Western Naval Task Force (TF 123) at Normandy, 1944.
- A.P. Johnston, Lt. Colonel : Commanding Officer of the British 12th Parachute Battalion. KIA at Breville, Normandy on June 12, 1944.
- Abdullah bin Rawahah : Commander of the Muslim Army at Battle of Mutah
- Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah : The Supreme Commander of the Northern Muslim Army, successfully conquerred Greater Syria. He was on of the first to convert to Islam.
- Adelbert F. Waldron III, S/Sgt : US Army 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam. A US Sniper ace credited with 109 confirmed kills, the most highest scoring U.S. Sniper ever.
- Adna R. Chaffee, Maj. General : Father of the Amored Force US Army.
- Adolf Eichmann : German's death camp supremo.
- Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) : Dictator of Nazi German from 1933 until his suicide in 1945.
- Adolphus Greely, Maj. General: Artic explorer - Commander Peary rescue.
- Akio Morita, Lieutenant : Japanese Navy during WW2 - founder of Sony Corporation.
- Alan B. Shepard Jr. - Rear Admiral : US Navy Pilot - the first American to manned mission in space, commander of Apollo XIV Mission.
- Alan Brooke, General Sir : Chief of the General Staff - British Army at Normandy, 1944.
- Albert Cushion Read, Lt. Cmdr : the first to cross the North Atlantic by air on May 16, 1919.
- Albert Kesselring, Field Marshal (1885 - 1960) :German Luftwaffe officer during WW2, one of Nazi most highly decorated commanders. He was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death for ordering the murder of 335 Italian civilian in the Ardeatine massacre but was later commuted to life imprisonment.
- Albrecht Herzner, Lieutenant : Lead the German 'Kampfgruppen' (Combat Team) in Poland during WW2.
- Albrecht Kesselring, Field Marshall : Commander in Chief, German Army in South Africa during WW2.
- Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Vasilevsky, Marshal (1895 - 1977) : a Soviet General > top commander during WW2 and Minister of War from 1950 to 1953.
- Aleksandr Norikov, Colonel General : Commander in Chief of the Soviet Air Force during WW2.
- Aleksandr Vasilevsky, Mashall : Italian Chief of the General Staff, WW2.
- Aleksey A. Leonov, Lt Colonel : Soviet Astronaut onboard 'Voskhod 2' the first to engage in extra Vehicular Activity, 18 March 1965.
- Alexander Holle, Lt. General : Commanding the German Fliegerkorps X at Normandy, 1944.
- Alexander T. Augusta, Major : The first black Surgeon in US Army.
- Alexander V. Stewart, Lt.Cmdr USCG : US Coast Guard Rescue Flotilla. Rescued 1437 fightingmen and one female nurse during Operation Overload, Normandy 1944.
- Alfred Bullowins, Lt.General : Commanding the German Fliegerkorps III at Normandy,1944.
- Alfred Jodl, General : German Officer - Head of OKW during WW2, hanged for war criminal after the war.
- Alois Brunner : Field Officer German Concentration Camp - responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews in Czechoslovakia & Greece during WW2.
- Alphonsus Packard, Captain : First officer buried at the Arlington National Cemetery.
- Alvah Miller, Major : Commanding the US 3rd Rangers - KIA 1944.
- Amedeo Guillet, Lieutenant : The last Italian Knight, one of the last Cavalry Commanders in Military History. He was awarded the Knights Grand Cross of the Military Order of Italy during WW2 - only one of 28 people in history to be awarded such a honor.
- Amir bin Abi Waqqas : Fought in the Battle of Uhud, the 11th man to be converted to Islam. Maternal cousin of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh).
- Andreas Andre : Commander of the Portuguese who captured Maldives in 1558.
- Andreas Meyer-Mader, Major : raise and command a Turkish SS unit during WW2.
- Andrew Brown Cunningham, Admiral (1883 - 1963) : Admiral of The Fleet and 1st Sea Lord durign WW2, highly successful British Naval Commander in the Mediterranean.
- Andrew J. Evans, Colonel : Secretary of the Air Chief of Staff Vanderberg - WW2.
- Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov, General : Senior Red Army Officer - raise a substantial anti-Stalin Russian Force.
- Angelo Roncalli, Sgt : Italian Army Medical Corpsman during WW2 - Pope John XXI, 1958.
- Anita Newcomb Magee, Captain Dr. : first woman army surgeon in 1898.
- Annie G. Fox : The first woman to received The Purple Heart while serving at Hickam Field during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
- Annie Ruth Graham, Lt. Colonel : Chief Nurse at 91st Evac.Hospital , Tuy Hoa, Vietnam. Died of stroke in 1969, a veteran of both WW2 and Korean War.
- Anthony Burgess : Royal Army Medical Corps, WW2 - famous British writer.
- Anthony McAuliffe, Brig.General : Divisional Artillery Commander, US 101st Airborne Division at The Battle of Bulge, WW2.
- Anthony Turano, Lieutenant : London OSS Air Despatch Section WW2.
- Anton Andriaan Mussert (1894-1946) : Duth Nazi Leader, WW2 > he was executed in 7 May 1946.
- Anton Burger (1911 - 1991): Deputy Commander of the Theresienstadt Concentration Camp, Czech - German Border - vanished & his whereabouts ase unknown.
- Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna : Mexican dictator who was defeated at Battle of San Jacinto , 1850.
- Archer T. Gammon, S/Sgt : Medal of Honor - Bastogne, Belgium on January 11, 1945.
- Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt, Colonel (1894 - 1979): U.S. 41st Infantry Division - wounded at New Guinea, WW2.
- Archibald Percival Wavell, General (1883 - 1950): Allied Supreme Commander for the Far East, WW2.
- Arthur E.F.Palliser, Admiral : Commander in Chief , Far East, WW2.
- Arthur Ernest Percival, Lt. General (1887 - 1966) : Commanded the British Commonwealth Forces during the Malayan Campaign, which culminated in a catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Singapore in 1942. He surrender to the Japanese Army at Singapore on 15 February 1942.
- Arthur Jahnke, Lieutenant : Commanding the German 1st Platoon, 3rd Coy 919th Grenadier Regiment, Normandy, 1944.
- Arthur Phelps, SS Gruppen Fuhrer : Commanding the Prinz Eugen SS Division, consisted of Yugoslavian folksdojcers.
- Arther Sandeman, Captain : Lead the 60 Sikh horseman mounted on short Burmese horses of the Burma Field Force, WW2. He was KIA.
- Arthur Traver Harris, Air Chief Marshal Sir : Chier of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command during WW2. Nicknamed "Bomber Harris".
- Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769 - 1852) : Led the Allied Forces to victory against Napoleon at Trafalgar, 1815. Defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
- Arvo T. Thompson, Lt. Colonel : International Military Tribunal for the Far East - investigate the Japanese Class A War Criminal.
- Audie L. Murhpy, 1st Lieutenant : WW2 most decorated US soldiers - awarded 33 medal of galantry. A Hollywood star and died in air crash on May 28, 1971.
- Augustine Saragossa : The Great Sergeant of Europe - engaged in war against Napoleon.
- Aung San : Commander of Burma National Army, WW2.
- Az-Zahir Baybars : The Egyptian military commander defeated the Mongolian army at Ain Jalut and ended the Mongolian threat to Central Asia. Considered a powerful Muslim hero after Salahuddin Al-Ayubi.
- Bakr b. Abdullah : Commander of the Muslim Army who reach Azerbaijan in 14 A.H.
- Barbara Ann Allen Rainey, Lt.Commander : first woman pilot of US Navy.
- Barbara Cartland : Chief Welfare Officer for Bedfordshire Regiment during WW2. A famous British author.
- Barbara Olive Barnwell, S/Sgt : the first woman awarded Navy-Marine Corps Medal for heroism in 1953. She saved a soldier from drowning in 1952.
- Barber Conable, 1st Lieutenant : US Marine Corps at Iwo Jima, WW2. President of The World Bank.
- Baron Manfred von Richthofen : known as 'Red Baron' - German pilot in WW1 , highest scoring Combat Pilot.
- Baron von der Heydte, Colonel : commanding the German 6th Regiment at Normandy, June 6, 1944.
- Basil Henry Liddell Hart (Sir) : British soldier -known for his development of air power after World War 1.
- Beatrice M. MacDonald : wounded in Belgium during World War 1 - awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
- Beatrice V. Ball, Commander : US Coast Guard - senior officer in SPARS (Woman Coast Guard Unit) founded during WW2.
- Bela Blaskos @ Bela Lugosi : Hungarian Officer during WW 1 - wounded 3 times fighting the Russians - famous actor of Count Dracula fame.
- Benjamin Church, Captain : Led the Rangers unit who brought the Indian conflict known as "King Philip's War" to a successful conclusion in 1675.
- Benjamin L. Salomon, Captain : US 27th Infantry Division at Saipan, WW 2 - awarded Medal of Honor.
- Benjamin O. Davis, General : The first black General in the US Regular Armed Forces. He commanded the all-black 332nd Fighter Group when he was a Lt.Colonel during WW 2.
- Benjamin Weisberg, Lt. Colonel : Commanding the U.S. 377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion , WW 2
- Bernard Law Montgomery, Field Marshall : One of the outstanding Allied Commander in world war II and commander of the British 8th Army at Battle of El-Alamein.
- Bernard Leicester, Brigadier : Commanding the 4th Special Service Brigade at Normandy, 1944.
- Bernardo Carlos Negrete, Brig.General : Completed high visibility combat tours in Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada, Operation just cause in Panama. Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia and Iraq and Operation Desert Thunder in Kuwait.
- Bernhard Hermann Ramcke, General : Commander of the German 2nd Parachute Division at Normandy, 1944.
- Berry Benson : a remarkable Confederate sniper during American Civil War.
- Bessie L. Robinson, Sgt : U.S. 6888th Central Postal Directory Women Army Corp. Battalion during WW2 - the only U.S. Unit of black woman to serve in the European theater.
- Betram Ramsay, Admiral Sir : British Royal Navy - appointed as the Allied Commander for the D-Day, Normandy, June 6, 1944.
- Bettie J. Morden, Colonel : a pioneer Army woman.
- Bill Fraser, Major : Commanding 'A' Squadron, 1st Special Air Service (SAS) - Operation Houndsworth, Normandy, 1944.
- Bill Mauldin : U.S. 45th Division - most famous cartoonist of WW2.
- Bill Millen, Private: Lord Lovat's Piper during D-Day at Normandy, June 6, 1944.
- Bill Slim, General : Commander of the British Forces at Burma, WW 2.
- Bill Sparks, Marine : British Royal Marine Commando, Cockshell Heroes, 1942.
- Billy Mitchell @ William Lendrum Mitchell (1879 - 1936) : U.S Army office > played major role in the creation of the U.S Air Force.
- Bob de Latour, Lieutenant : 22nd Independent Parachute Company - KIA 20 June 1944 at Normandy.
- Bodo Zimmermann, Colonel : German HQ OB West,Normandy 1944.
- Boris Shaposhnikov, Marshall : Soviet Chief of General Staff , WW 2
- Bruce Mc Candless, Captain : U.S. Navy and astronauts - first to engaged in untetherred EVA on space shuttle 'Challenger', 1984.
- Buddy Epsen : Hollywood Actor (Beverly Hillbilies) - served with U.S Coast Guard at the Pacific during WW 2.
- Buster Keaton, Corporal : U.S. 40th Infantry Division in France during World War 1 - a famous silent film star.
- C.Bryant, Rear Admiral : US Navy - commanding the Bombarding Force 'C' at Omaha Beach, Normandy, 1944.
- C.D. Edgar, Commodore : British Royal Navy - commanding Task Force 126 at Normandy, 1944.
- C.S. Lewis : English officer - wounded at Battle of Arras, WW 1. Author of "Chronicles of Narnia".
- Calvin Graham : U.S. Navy WW 2 - the youngest U.S. Serviceman, aged 12 years old. He was discharged for lying about his age.
- Carl von Horn, Maj. General : United Nation Commander - author of "Soldier of Peace".
- Carl-Heinrich von Stulpnagel, General : German Military Commander in Paris, WW2. Involved in a plot to kill Hitler.
- Carlos De La Mesa,Captain : Native of Spain who was wounded at Gettsysburg while serving with the Spanish Company of the "Garibaldi Guard" of the 39th New York State Volunteers.
- Carlos Hathcock Snr. - Gunnery Sgt : U.S. Legendary Sniper ace during Vietnam war.
- Carol Ann Elizabeth Drazba, 2nd Lieutenant : 3rd Field Army Hospital in Saigon, Vietnam - died in a Helicopter crash at Saigon, February 18, 1966.
- Catherine Dodson Callahan, Lt.Commander : U.S Navy - served on the Staff of Fleet Adm. Ernest J.King throughout the World war II.
- Cecily Lefort : SOE Agent operating in France, Oct. 1942.
- Chandler Wilce Johnson, Lt.Colonel (1905 - 1945) : U.S Marine Corp - commanding the 28th Marine Regiment, 5th Marine Division at Iwo Jima, 1945. He was KIA in the Battle.
- Charity Adams, Major (1918 - 2002) : Commanding the 6888th Central Postal Battalion consist of 800 black women, WW 2.
- Charles A.Gates : commanding the U.S. 761st Tank Battalion (all black outfit) during WW 2.
- Charles Andrew Lockwood, Vice-Admiral U.S Navy (1890 - 1967) : Known in Submarine history as the commander of Submarine Force Pacific Fleet during WW2.
- Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Colonel (1902 - 1974) :US Army Air Service - First solo Trans-Atlantic flight on 20 May 1927.
- Charles Bronson : Famous US actor - a tailgunner during WW2 with Purple Heart.
- Charles Calvin Rogers, Maj.General : U.S Army - the top ranking black soldier to received Medal of Honor during Vietnam war.
- Charles Cawthon, Captain : Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion U.S. 116th Infantry at Normandy, 1944.
- Charles Cunningham Boycott, Captain : Former soldier and farm manager Earl of Erne, Ireland, Because of his cruelty to the peasants, he and his family were displaced by the peasants and hence the term "boycott" began.
- Charles de Gaulle, General : Leader of the Free French, WW2. First President of the 5th Republic.
- Charles De La Mesa, Captain : 39th New York State Volunteers - wounded in Gettsysburg.
- Charles Durning : US Actor (The Sting, Rescue Me) - served during WW2 from Omaha Beach to Battle of The Bulge. Wounded 3 times and was awarded the Silver Star for valor.
- Charles Elwood Yeager, Captain : U.S. Air Force - achieved the first Supersonic flight on 14 Dec, 1947.
- Charles Gerhardt, Maj.General : Commanding the U.S. 29th Infantry Division at Normandy, 1944.
- Charles H. Olmstead, Colonel : a Confederate Militia - surrended Georgia Fort Pulaski to the Union Army in 1862.
- Charles L. Thomas, Major : Black officer who was awarded Medal of Honor during WW2.
- Charles Lindberg, Corporal : U.S. 5th Marine Division - one of the team that raised the first flag at Iwo Jima, 1945.
- Charles Lockwood, Admiral : The very able Commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet submarines during WW2.
- Charles Lucky Luciano : Mafia leader in United States - help US Army during WW2 to fight against Facists.
- Charles Marquis Cornwallis : Governor General of India who lost the decisive battle in Yorktown during American Revolutionary War and after whom Fort Cornwallis in Penang, Malaysia was named.
- Charles Martel : (688 - 741) - Head of the Crusaders in France who successfully blocked the Andalus Islamic Army at 732AD.
- Charles Mawhinnery, Sergeant: U.S. Legendary sniper ace during Vietnam war - 1st Battalion 5th Marine
- Charles P. Conrad Jr., Captain : U.S.Navy - the 3rd man to walk on the moon on November 14, 1969.
- Charles Pierre L'Enfant,Captain : Designer of Washington D.C.
- Charles Portal, Air Chief Marshall : British Chief of Air Staff, WW2.
- Charles Raroad, Lieutenant : A Military Police Officer incharge of the execution of Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita at Manila.
- Charles W. Sweeney, Major General : Commanding the B-29 Bomber, 509th Composite Group who dropped the A-Bomb at Nagasaki, Japan on 9 August 1945.
- Charles Taylor, Lieutenant : Leader of Flight 19, fives U.S.Navy Avenger Bomber, dissapeared without a trace at Bermuda Triangle on December 5, 1945.
- Charles W.Anderson, Major : Adjutant of Confederate Soldier during Civil War.
- Charles Waterhouse : Painter and sculptor - U.S.5th Marine Division at Iwo Jima, WW2, wounded in Action.
- Charles White Whittlesey, Lt. Colonel (1884 - 1921) : U.S Army Medal of Honor > led the Lost Battalion in the Meuse-Argonne offensive of WW1.
- Charles Wilkes, Rear Admiral : Discovered Antartica.
- Charles Willoughby, Maj. General : Intelligence Chief of Staff for Gen. Mac Arthur.
- Charles Young, Colonel : the first black to reach the rank of Colonel in US Military.
- Charlton Heston : Hollywood actor - Radio Operator onboard B-25 during WW2.
- Chester A. Hallberg : Fighter Pilot - 56th U.S. Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Group, WW2.
- Chester William Nimitz, Admiral (1885 - 1966) : Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Battle of Coral Sea and Battle of Midway (WW2).
- Chi Zanshi al-Din : a Chinese Muslim, commander of the Army during Yuan Dynasty at Yunnan.
- Chikahiko Koizumi, Colonel : Japanese Army Surgeon General, committed suicide at the end of the war.
- Christine Skarbek : A Jewish woman from Poland who help the British serviceman escape from German POW camp.
- Christopher Lee : British Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve during WW2, became famous actor after the war.
- Chuichi Nagumo, Admiral : Commander of the Japanese Attack Force on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and Commander of the Carrier Force at the Battle of Midway.
- Clara Maass : Spanish American War Nurse - the first on a U.S. Postage Stamp.
- Clarence R. Huebner, Maj. General : Commanding the U.S. 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One) at Normandy, June 1944.
- Clark Gable : U.S. Army Air Corps, WW2 - Hitler promised a reward to whoever captured him alive. He later became famous US actor after the war.
- Claude Thorp, Lt. Colonel : Led the Guerilla fighters in Philippines, WW2.
- Claudia Kennedy, Lt. General : first woman to achieve and hold the rank of Lt. General.
- Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, Colonel : Member of Anti-Hitler Army Group - on July 20, 1944 he planted a bomb where Hitler was present. The blast killed 4 but Hitler survived.
- Clyde ' Sparky' Cosper, Lieutenant : 367th USAAF Bomb Squad, WW2. Buckinghamshire War Hero - awarded the War Medal for saving the village from disaster.
- Clyde Pangborn, Major : first non-stop Pacific flight, 3 October 1931.
- Colin Mackenzie : setup the second SOE mission in India during WW2.
- Colleen L. Mc Guire, Brig.General : first female Provost Marshal General of the US Army.
- Coral Pietsch, Brig.General : the first ever female General Officer in the Judge Advocate General Corps, first female Asian-American General Officer in US Army.
- Cordella E. Cook, 1st Lieutenant : U.S. Army Nurse Corps, WW2 at Italy. One of the first woman to received the Bronze Star. She was also awarded with the Purple Heart.
- Cornelis de Houtman : Commanding the Netherland Ship - killed by the woman Admiral of Acheh, Malahayati on Sept. 11, 1599.
- Cornelius H. Charlton, Sergeant : U.S. Army , Medal of Honor, Korean war.
- Count Terauchi : Commander in Chief , Japanese Southern Army,WW2.
- Courtney H. Hodges : Commanding the U.S. 1st Army - led the 1st Army to liberate Paris, Luxembourg & Belgium, being the first to reach German's frontier during WW2.
- Crystal Johnson, Sergeant : awarded the Purple Heart for her action on Sept. 12, 2006 at Baghdad, Iraq.
- Curtis Emerson LeMay, General (1906 - 1990) : Commanding the U.S. Bomber Forces in the Mariannas from January 1945.
- Cuthbert Collingwood, Vice Admiral : British Admiral at the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805.
- D.A. Graham, General : Commanding the British 50th Northumbrian Division at Normandy, June 1944.
- D.P. Moon, Rear Admiral : U.S. Navy - commanding the Utah Beach Assault Force 'U', Task Force 125, Normandy, June 1944.
- Dan Morgan : led the 'Corps of Rangers' in 1777.
- Daniel C. James, General : U.S. Air Force - first black 4-star General in the U.S. Armed Forces, veteran of WW2, Korea and Vietnam War.
- Daniel Gerstein, Colonel : U.S. 93rd Signal Brigade Commander. recognised the contribution of Native American Indians throughout the WW2.
- Daniel Morgan, Colonel : lead the group of 500 mens known as 'Morgan's Rifleman", the famous corps of the Continental Army.
- Dave Severance, Captain : U.S. Marine Corps - Battle of Iwo Jima, 1945.
- David M. Brown. Captain : U.S. Navy - one of the 7 crew members on space shuttle Columbia - perished during entry on Feb. 1, 2003.
- David M. Walker, Captain : U.S Navy - former Navy Test Pilot logged 725 hours in Space.
- David Mc Campbell, Commander : U.S.Navy - shot down 9 aircraft in one mission - Battle of Leyte Gulf, 1944.
- Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig (Field Marshall) (1861 - 1928) : Commanded the British Expeditionaly Force during WW1 on the Western Front.
- Douglas MacArthur, General (1880 - 1964) : American General > a top commander during WW2 and the Korean War.
- Dwight David Eisenhower (1890 - 1969) : 34th President of the United State (1953 - 1961). He was a Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe during WW2.
- Edward Smigly-Rydz (1886-1941) > Commander in Chief, Poland Army WW2.
- Erich Alfred Hartmann, Lieutenant (1922 - 1993) > German fighter pilot during WW2 - credited with shooting down a total of 352 Allied aircraft, 345 Soviet and 7 American.
- Erich Ludendorff, General : one of Germany's most famous soldiers in WW1.
- Erich von Manstein, Generalfeldmarschall (1887 - 1973) : born Frits Erich Georg Eduard von lewinski > German Nazi during WW2 > subsequently convicted of war crimes and sentenced to 18 years imprisonment.
- Ernest Bernhard Wilhelm Busch (1885 - 1945) : German Field Marshal > Commanded the 16th Army during WW2 - died in a POW Camp in Aldershot, England on 17 July 1945.
- Ernest Joseph King, Admiral (1878 - 1956) : Fleet Admiral in U.S Navy > Chief of Naval Operations during WW2.
- Ernst Kaltenbrunner (1903 - 1946) : high-ranking Austrian SS official during the Nazi era and a major perpetrator of the Holocaust. He was executed on 16 October 1946 for war crimes.
- Frank Dow Merrill, General (1903 - 1955 ) : U.S Army General > remembered for his command of Merrill's Marauders, officially the 5307th Composite Unit in the Burma Campaign, WW2.
- Frank Jack Fletcher, Admiral (1885 - 1973) : Admiral U.S Navy, WW2 > Commander of the Task Force at the Battle of Coral Sea and Battle of Midway.
- Friedrich Wartzog: Commander of the Lemberg-Janowska Concentation Camp during WW2 > accused of killing 40,000 people.
- George Armstrong Custer (Lt.Col) (1839-1876) US Cavalry Officer during the American Civil War. He was killed along with his 264 men in the Battle of Little Big Horn River by the Sioux Indian led by Sitting Bull.
- George Catlett Marshall, Jr, General (1880 - 1959) : U.S Army officer > Chief of Staff of the U.S Army during WW2.
- George Smith Patton Jr. , General (1885 - 1945) : U.S Army General > commanded the 7th Army in the Mediterranean Theater of WW2 and 3rd Army in France and Germany after the D-Day at Normandy in June 1944.
- Georgy Zhukov @ Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896 - 1974) : Marshal of the Soviet Union during WW2 > Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union from 1955 - 1957.
- Gerd von Rundstedt @ Karl Rudolf Gerd von Rundstedt, Field Marshal (1875 - 1953) : Oberbefehlshaber West during WW2.
- Gotthard Fedor August Heinrich, General (1886 - 1971) : German General, WW2 > formed from the remnants of Army Group A and Army Group Center to defend Berlin from the Soviet armies advancing from the Vistula River.
- Gunther Prien, Korvettenkapitan (1908 - 1941) > a German U-Boat Commander during WW2, credited for sinking over 30 Allied Ships. The first -Boat Commander to receive the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.
- Gunther von Kluge, Field Marshal (1882 - 1944) : German officer, held commands on both the Eastern and Western Fronts. Commanded the 4th Army in Operation Barbarossa and the Battle of Moscow in 1941. Opted to commit suicide on 19 August 1944 using potassium cyanide for a plot in killing Hitler.
- Harold Alexander, Field Marshal (1891 - 1969) : 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis > highly decorated British Army officer who served in both of the world wars.
- Heinrich Himmler (1900 - 1945) : Chief of the Gestapo, leader of the SS, Hitler's personal body-guard in 1929. He is responsible for organising the mass murders of Jews in the concentration camps during WW2. He committed suicide while in Prison.
- Heinz Wilhelm Guderian, General (1888 - 1954) : German General during WW2.
- Henry Harley "Hap" Arnold, General (1886 - 1950) : Chief of the U.S Army Air Force (1938 - 1941) > ordered that all P-51 Mustang production to be transferred to the 8th Air Force.
- Henry Robert Moore Brooke-Popham, Air Chief Marshal Sir (1878 - 1953) : Commander in Chief of the British Far East Command during WW2 until being replaced a few weeks before the Fall of Singapore to the Japanese troops on 15 February 1942.
- Hermann Wilhelm Goering (1893 - 1946) : German Ace Fighter pilot in WW1. During WW2 he commanded the German Luftwaffe and controlled the German war economy. He was sentenced to death for war crimes at Nuremberg, but committed suicide shortly before his execution.
- Hideki Tojo, General (1884 - 1948) : Prime Minister of Japan from 1941 to 1944 during WW2.
- Hiroshi Oshima, General (1886 - 1975) : Imperial Japanese Army during WW2 > Japanese ambassador to Germany. After the war, he was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment, but was paroled in 1955.
- Hitoshi Imamura, General (1886 - 1968) : Commanded the Japanese 16th Army in November 1941 - led the army in the invasion of the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia).
- Horatio Herbert Kitchener, Field Marshal (1850 - 1916) : 1st Earl Kitchener > British Army officer in the Second Boer War and WW1.
- Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding @ Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding, Air Chief Marshal (1882 - 1970) : Commanding RAF Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain (1940).
- Ira Clarence Eaker, General (1896 - 1987) : A General in the U.S. Army Air Force during WW2, commanded the U.S. 8th Air Force.
- Isoroku Yamamoto, Admiral (1884 - 1943) : Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy during WW2 > the architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. He plane was shot down near Panguna, Bougainville, Territory of New Guinea on 18 April 1943.
- Ivan Stepanovich Konev, Marshal (1897 - 1973 ) : Marshal of the Soviet Union > led the Red Army forces on the Eastern Front during WW2.
- James Harold Doolittle, General (1896 - 1993 ) : American General > received the Medal of Honor for his raid on Japan during WW2 known as Doolittle Raid in his honor.
- Jisaburo Ozawa, Vice-Admiral (1886 - 1966): Imperial Japanese Navy, WW2 > Commanded the Japanese Naval Forces in the Battle of Philippines Sea and the carrier decoy force at Battle of Leyte Gulf.
- Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel @ Erwin Rommel, Field Marshal (1891 - 1944) : popularly known as The Desert Fox > Commanded the German and Italian forces in the North African campaign. Forced Suicide by cyanide poisoining on 14 October 1944.
- Joseph Warren Stilwell, General (1883 - 1946) : U.S Army General who served in the China Burma India Theater during WW2.
- Karel Willem Frederick Marie Doorman, Admiral (1889 - 1942) : Dutch Naval Officer during WW2. He was killed in Action when his flagship HNLMS De Ruyter was torpedoed during the Battle of the Java Sea on 28 February 1942.
- Karl Donitz , Admiral (1891 - 1980) : German Navy Officer, Supreme Commander of the German Navy in 1943, he played a major role in the naval history of WW2.
- Konstantin Rokossovsky, General (1896 - 1968) : a Soviet and Polish General > top commander of the Red Army during WW2. Defence Minister of Poland from 1949 to 1956.
- Leslie Richard Groves Jr. , General (1896 - 1970): U.S Army Corps of Engineers > directed the Manhattan Project, that developed the Atomic Bomb during WW2.
- Louis Mountbatten (1900 - 1979) : full name: Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma > Royal Navy Officer > Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command, WW2.
- Manfred von Richthofen (1892 - 1918) : his full name is Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen > also known as Red Baron - a German fighter pilot during World War I > considered as the ace-of-aces of the war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories.
- Mark Wayne Clark, General (1896 - 1984) : U.S Army officer > served during WW1, WW2 and Korean War.
- Masaharu Homma, Lt. General (1887 - 1946) : Imperial Japanese Army During WW2 > Commanded the Japanese 14th Army which invaded the Philippines and perpetrated the Bataan Death March. He was executed by firing squad on April 3, 1946.
- Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky, General > Russian General (1893-1937) - nicknamed the Red Napoleon. He was executed during the Moscow Trials of 1936-1938.
- Mitsuru Ushijima,General (1887 - 1945) : Commanding General of the 32nd Army which fought in the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) : French General and Emperor of French (1804 - 1814), one of Europe's greatest leaders.
- Omar Nelson Bradley, General (1893 - 1981) : U.S Army General, WW2 - Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staffs during the Korean War.
- Orde Charles Wingate, Major General (1903 - 1944) : British Army, WW2 > known for his creation of the Chindit deep-penetration missionns in Japanese-held territory during the Burma Campaign of the WW2.
- Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr. Lt. Colonel (1915 - 2007) : best known as the aircraft captain who flew the B-29 Superfortress known as Enola Gay when it dropped a "Little Boy", the first of two atomic bombs at the Japanese City of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.
- Philippe Petain, Marshal (1856 - 1951) : Real name Henri Philippe Benoni Omer Joseph Petain > commanded the French Army during WW1 and head of the Collaborationist regime of Vichy France during WW2. Prime Minister of France from 1940 - 1942.
- Raizo Tanaka, Rear Admiral (1892 - 1969) : Japanese Imperial Navy, WW2 > commanded the Destroyer Squadron and the primary leader of the "Tokyo Express" during the long campaign for the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands of the South Pacific Ovean.
- Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich (1904 - 1942) : German High-Ranking SS and Police official during WW2. He was assassinated in May 1942.
- Renya Mutaguchi, Lt.General (1888 - 1966) : Imperial Japanese Army, WW 2 > the field commander of Japanese forces during the Battle of Imphal.
- Robert Edward Lee, General (1807 - 1870) :U.S. General >commanding the U.S. Confederate Army of North Virginia in the US Civil War (1861-65).
- Robert Lawrence Eichelberger, General (1886 - 1961) : Commanded the U.S Army in the Southwest Pacific Area during WW2.
- Salah ad-Din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub (1137 - 1193) : commonly known as Saladin V the founder of the Ayyubid Dynasty, an important figure in the Third Crusade.
- Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko (1895-1970) : Marshall of the Soviet Union during WW2.
- Soemu Toyoda, Admiral (1885 - 1957) : Admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy, WW2.
- Stonewall Jackson (1824 - 1863): born Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson> US General during the American Civil War > commanding a brigade at first Battle of Bull Run in 1861.
- Tadamichi Kuribayashi, General (1891 - 1945 ): Commanding Officer of the Japanese Garrison at the Battle of Iwo Jima.
- Takeo Kurita, Admiral (1889 - 1977) : Imperial Japanese Navy, WW2 > commanded the IJN 3nd Fleet , the main Japanese Attack Force during Battle of Leyte Gulf.
- Tariq Ibn Ziyad (670 - 720) : Ummayad Commander who initiated the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula (present-day Spain and Portugal) against the Visigoth Kingdom in 177 AD.
- Thomas Cassin Kinkaid, Admiral U.S Navy (1888 - 1972) : commanded the Allied forces in the Aleutian Islands Campaign, WW2.
- Tomitaro Horii, Lt. General (1890 - 1942) : Imperial Japanese Army, WW2 > Led the Japanese forces in the invasion of Port Moresby in 1942. He was drowned while attempting to canoe down the Kumusi River to reach Japanese forces defending Buna-Gona. His canoe was swept out to sea and capsized.
- Tomoyuki Yamashita, General (1885 - 1946) : a General in the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2 > Led the Japanese forces during the Invasion of Malaya and Singapore earned him the title "Tiger of Malaya".
- Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) : born Hiram Ulysses Grant > 18th President of the United States (1869 - 1877). He led the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War in 1865.
- Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (1900 - 1982) : Marshal of the Soviet Union > best known for commanding the 62nd Army which saw heavy combat during the Battle of Stalingrad in WW2.
- Walter Krueger, General (1881 - 1967 ): Commanded the U.S 6th Army in the South West Pacific Area during WW2.
- Walther Heinrich Alfred Hermann von Brauchitsch, Field Marshall (1881 - 1948) > Commander in Chief, German Army during WW2.
- Wilhelm Otto Walther Schwieger, Kapitanleutnant (1885 - 1917): U-Boat Commander of the German Navy during WW1 - he sank the passenger liner RMS Lusitania with the loss of 1, 199 lives on 7 May 1915.
- William Bligh (Captain) : commanded the HMS Bounty. He was so strict the crew mutinied in 1787, setting him adrift with 18 men.
- William Daniel Leahy, Admiral U.S. Navy (1875 - 1959) : American Navy Admiral, WW2.
- William Frederick "Bull" Halsey Jr. Admiral U.S Navy (1882 - 1959) : American Navy Admiral, WW2.
- William Lendrum Mitchell, Colonel (1879 - 1936 ) : U.S Army officer who had a major role in the creation of the U.S. Air Force.
- William Slim, Field Marshal (1891 - 1970) : 1st Viscount Slim >the first Governor General of Australia (1953 - 1960) - During WW2, he led the 14 Army in the Burma Campaign.
All details in the article are the result of my own research via the internet, books, etc. I allow any copying and distribution but please give credit for my efforts.
Latest Update:
24/2/2025: 12.15 a.m
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