- Agnes Newton Keith : imprisoned in several Japanese camps from 1941 until the end of World War 2. Her story was told in the movie "Three Came Home" starring Claudette Colbert.
- Aleda E. Lutz : Army Nurse, the first U.S. Military to die in combat zone during World War 2. First woman awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in a World War.
- Alene B. Duerk (Rear Admiral) : U.S Navy Nurse Corp, the first woman in nursing to attain star rank.
- Alice S. Giroux (Lieutenant): U.S. Navy Nurse Corps-KIA during Korean conflict.
- Amabel Scharff Roberts : Army Nurse, KIA during World War 1.
- Amy Lynn Svoboda (Captain) : U.S. Air Force - died on May 29, 1997 after her A-10 Thunderbolt plane crash during training mission.
- Angela E. Niedermayer (Specialist) : 313th Military Intelligence Battalion, killed in July 8, 1997 on plane crash.
- Anissa A. Shero (Staff Sargeant) : U.S. Air Force, 16th Special Operation Wing. She was killed in a plane crash in Afghanistan.
- Anita Newcomb Magee (Dr. ) : first woman Army Surgeon in 1898, the first woman assistang Surgeon General.
- Anna May Hays (Brig.General) : U.S. Army Nurse Corps - the first women in Nursing to attain the star rank in the Army.
- Annie Etheridge : giving medical helps to the wounded soldiers on the battlefield as a part of the Michigan Volunteers.
- Annie G. Fox (Lieutenant) : the first woman to received the Purple Heart while serving at Hickam Field during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941.
- Annie Ruth Graham (Lt. Colonel) : Chief Nurse at 91st Evac Hospital, 43rd Medical Group, 44th Medical Brigade, Tuy Hoa, Vietnam. She died of stroke in August 1968. A veteran of both World War 2 and Korea.
- Ann E. Dunwoody (General) : First female four star General in military history and a first woman to lead a major Army Command in 2008.
- Barbara Allen Rainey : first woman pilot in the history of U.S. Navy. She was killed while training another pilot in 1982.
- Barbara J. Dulinsky (M/Sargeant) : the first woman Marine ordered to a combat zone, report to a Military duty at Saigon, 1967.
- Barbara Olive Barnwell : the first woman awarded the Navy-Marine Corps Medal for heroism in 1953, saved a soldier from drowning in 1952.
- Barbara Wilson (Captain) : the first WAC to complete college and obtain B.A. degree and the first enlisted WAF NCO to obtain commission by completing OTS.
- Beatrice Kosin : Captured and burn to death in Kengkok, Laos, 1972.
- Beatrice M. McDonald : wounded in Belgium during air raid, WW1. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross.
- Beatrice V. Ball (Commander) : U.S. Coast Guard - Senior Officer in SPARS, founded during World War II. Buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
- Belle Boyd : spied for the Confederacy by carrying important letters and papers across enemy line.
- Bettie J. Morden (Colonel) : A pioneer Army women.
- Betty Ann Olsen : captured during a raid on the leprosaeium in Ban Me Thuot during Tet 1968. Died in 1968.
- Blanche Sigman (Lieutenant) : KIA on February 7, 1944 when the 95th Evac Hospital at Anzio Beach was bombed.
- Calla C. Goodwin (Lieutenant) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Carol Ann Elizabeth Drazba (2nd Lieutenant) : 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon, Vietnam. Died in a helicopter crash near Saigon, February 18, 1966.
- Carrie Sheetz (1st Lieutenant) : KIA February 7, 1944 when the 95th Evac Hospital at Anzio Beach was bombed.
- Cathay Williams : Unique Buffalo Soldier, she disguised her gender and joined the 38th Infantry, Company A at St. Louis.
- Catherine Dodson C. Callahan (Lt. Commander) : U.S Navy, World War II.
- Catherine G.Coleman (Lt. Colonel) : U.S. Airforce and woman Astronaut.
- Chin Sun Pak (Specialist) : Died during Pentagon Attack, Sept. 11, 2001.
- Christel A. Chavez (Captain) : Co-pilot of MC-130H Transport Aircraft, died in a plane crash at Puerto Rico.
- Clara Maass (Nurse) : Army contract Nurse during Spanish American War. A United State postage stamp was issued in 1976 in honor of Clara Maass.
- Claudia Kennedy (Lt. Gen. ) : first woman to achieve and hold the rank of Lieutenant General.
- Colleen Cain (Lieutenant) : Coast Guard first female HH-52A pilot, June 1979. She died in helicopter crash at Hawaii on January 7, 1982.
- Colleen L. McGuire (Brig.Gen.) : first female provost Marshal General of the Army, 2010.
- Constance A. Heege (Lieutenant) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Constance R. Esposito (Ensign) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Coral Pietsch (Brig.Gen.) : first ever female general officer in the Judge Advocate General Corps and also first female Asian-American General in the US Army.
- Cordelia E. Cook (1st Lieutenant) : the first wo.man to received The Bronze Star during World War II in Italy. She was also awarded The Purple Heart, becoming the first woman to receive 2 awards.
- Crystal Johnson (Sergeant) : earned the Purple Heart for gallantry at at Baghdad on Sept.12, 2006.
- Darlene Iskra (Commander) : the first woman to command a U.S. Navy Ship, USS Opportune in 1990.
- Deborah Samson : disguised as Robert Shirtliffe with the Continental Army.
- Debra Lewis (Colonel) : Commander and District Engineer of the Gulf Region Division’s. Baghdad.
- Doris Frances Brown (SN) : Non hostile death Navy, Korean conflict.
- Doris Yetter : Navy Nurse at Guam, taken prisoner by the Japanese.
- Dorothy C. Stratton (Lt. Commander) : the first Director of SPARS, US Coast Guard.
- E. Ann Hoefy (Brig.Gen) : U.S. Airforce Nurse Corp, the first woman in Airforce to attain Star rank.
- Edith Ayers : Army Nurse, KIA onboard USS Mongolia, May 20, 1917.
- Edith Cavel : Prisoner of War and were executed for being spies during World War 1.
- Edith Greenwood (Lieutenant) : awarded the Soldiers Medal in 1943 for heroism during a fire at Military Hospital in Yuma Arizona, the first woman to received this award.
- Edna J. Rundell (Ensign) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Eileen Collins (Colonel) : America's first woman pilot astronaut in 1995 onboard STS-63 Discovery.
- Elaine Roe (2nd Lt.) : US Army Nurse. Received the Silver Star medal during WWII (Battle of Anzio).
- Eleanor Ardel Vietti : captured at the leprosaeium in Ban Me Thout, May 30,1962 and still listed as POW.
- Eleanor Beste (Ensign) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Eleanor Grace Alexander (Captain) : 85th Evac in Vietnam. Died on plane crach on November 30, 1967 at Qui Nhon,Vietnam. She was awarded the Bronze star.
- Elizabeth Ann Jones (2nd Lieutenant) : 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon, Vietnam. Died in a helicopter crash on February 18, 1966 at Saigon.
- Elizabeth C. Howland : highly successful as a Confederate spy during the Civil war.
- Elizabeth C. Newcume : mustered into military service at Fort Lavenworth in September 1847. Served 10 months and spent time fighting Indians at Dodge City.
- Elizabeth P. Hoisington (Brig.Gen) : U.S Army - first woman to attain star rank in US Army.
- Ellen Ainsworth : Army Nurse - KIA during Battle of Anzio, February 10, 1944. She was awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart. A Nursing Care Building at Wisconsin Veteran Home is named Ainsworth Hall.
- Ellen May Tower : first American woman to die on foreign soil during Spanish American War and the first woman from Michigan to be honored with a military funeral.
- Elsie S. Ott (Lieutenant) : the first woman to receive the Air Medal for her action in 1943 as an air evac nurse.
- Emmeline Piggott : North Carolina's most famous spy and smuggler.
- Esther M. Blake (Sergeant) : the first woman in the Air Force, 1948.
- Eva Jean Parmelee : wounded in an air raid during WW1. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross.
- Everlyn Anderson : captured and later burned to death in Kengkok, Laos , 1972.
- F. Rosalind Westfall : Red Cross nurse in 1942, awarded the Air Medal.
- Fern Wingerd (Lieutenant) : U.S 95th Evac Hospital, World War II. She was the first woman to wade ashore with the 7th Army in Southern France.
- Florena Budwin : enlisted in the Union Army to be near her husband. The first woman to be buried in the National Cemetery.
- Florence Blanchfield (Colonel) : Army Nurse Corps - the first woman to hold a permanent commission in the U.S. Army.
- Florence G. Munson (Sgt. Major) : the first Sargeant Major of the WAC Training Battalion (1959-1964). She was honored by having HQ and Classroom building for the WAC Training Battalion dedicated in her honor in October 1965. She was the only WAC to have a building named for her at the Fort McClellan WAC Centre.
- Fran McKee (Rear Admiral) : U.S. Navy - the first woman to attain star rank in U.S. Navy.
- Frances Day : Confederate woman soldier. She was wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1863.
- Frances Slanger (Lieutenant) : U.S. Army Nurse Corps - KIA on October 21, 1944 at Normandy.
- Genevieve Smith (Major) : US Army Nurse Corp, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Geraldine Pratt May (Colonel) : US Air Force - first Director of WAC.
- Gertrude Spelboug (Lieutenant) : KIA in 1944 when 33rd Field Hospital at Anzio was hit by artillery.
- Grace Murray Hopper (Rear Admiral) : pioneer in Data Processing and Computer Science. She invented COBOL (Computer Programming Language) and was the oldest officer on active duty.
- Hedwig Diane Orlowski (1st Lieutenant) : 67th Evac at Vietnam. Died on plane crash on November 30, 1967 at Qui Nhon and was awarded the Bronze Star.
- Helen Burnet Wood : an Army Nurse - KIA onboard USS Mongolia on May 20, 1917.
- Helen Fairchild : Army Nurse, KIA during World War 1.
- Helen Grace McClelland : Awarded Distinguished Service Cross during WW1.
- Helen Krystopik Garrison (Captain) : Army Nurse, served in England and France during World War II.
- Isabelle Stambaugh : Awarded Distinguished Service Cross during WW1.
- J.G. Regina Kauffman (Lieutenant) : US Navy – crew members of the EP-3E Aries II Surveillance Plane detained in China, received the Air Medal.
- Jacqueline Fleck Kidd : received the Purple Heart while on duty as an Air Traffic Controller at Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.
- Jamie Lynn Fallon (Petty Officer) : Died during Pentagon attack on Sept. 11, 2001.
- Jane Delano : Army Nurse Corp 1909-1912, active during World War 1.
- Jane Jeffrey : Nurse with American Red Cross. Wounded during an air raid during WW1. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross.
- Jane L. Eldridge (Lieutenant) : Navy Nurse Corp - KIA during Korean conflict.
- Jeanne E. Clarke (Lieutenant) : Navy Nurse Corp - KIA during Korean conflict.
- Jeanne M. Balcombe (Sgt 1st Class) - 1st Platoon, 55th Military Police Company. KIA while on duty on August 21, 1999. She was posthumously awarded the Soldier Medal for heroism in the face of danger, dedicated to the safety of her fellow soldiers at the cost of her own life.
- Jeanne M.Holm (Brig.Gen) :U.S. Air Force - the first woman to attain the star rank in the Air Force.
- Jeannette L. Winters (Sergeant) : US Marine Corps - killed in the C130 crash at Pakistan, the first woman Marine killed in a hostile fire zone.
- Jennie Hodgers : Served and fought for 3 years as Albert Cahier during Civil War.
- Jennifer J. Odom (Captain) : U.S. Army pilot - died on July 23, 1999 when the DeHavilland RC7 reconnaissance plane she was piloting crashed into a mountain in Southern Columbia.
- Jerome Grace Alexander (Captain) : 85th Evac
- Jessica Lynch (Private 1st Class) : Prisoner of war in Iraq, she was freed in a daring raid by U.S. Marine Corps.
- Joan J. Hahnenberg (S/Sergeant) : US Army awarded the Soldiers Medal for heroism – saved the life of a fellow crewmember following accident aboard the US Army vessel LT-981 , Nov.17. 1988.
- Juliet O. Hopkins : "Florence Nightingale of the South" during Civil War.
- K. Hire (Commander) : U.S Navy Reserve , woman astronaut.
- Kara Spears Hultgreen (Lieutenant) : U.S. Navy - one of the first U.S. Navy female combat pilot and first female pilot Kill in Action on October 25, 1994.
- Karen J. Wagner (Lt.Colonel) : Died during Pentagon attack on Sept. 11, 2001.
- Karen L. Offutt (Specialist 5) : WAC US Army – awarded the Soldiers Medal. Safe the life of Vietnamese adults and children from Burning structures on January 24, 1970.
- Kay Sherill Platt (AB3) : Non hostile death (Navy) at Korea.
- Kelli Cunningham (Airman) : the first woman to handle flight deck aircraft aboard USS Vinson.
- Kellye McCarty (Petty Officer 2nd class) : U.S. Navy - died during a routine swim test.
- La Verne Farquar (Lieutenant) : KIA 1944 when 33rd Field Hospital at Anzio was hit by artillery fire.
- Lakeina Monique Francis (Seaman) : among the casualties onboard USS Cole incident in October 2000.
- Lakiba Nicole Palmer (Seaman) : among the casualties onboard USS Cole incident in October 2000.
- Laura Piper (Lieutenant) : U.S. Air Force, KIA at Iraq on April 14, 1994.
- Laurel Salton Clark (Commander) : U.S Navy and woman astronaut, died in a horrific destruction of STS-107.
- Leigh Ann Hester (Sgt) : Vehicle Commander 617th Military Police Company. First woman soldier since WW2 to receive Silver Star for gallantry at Camp Liberty, Iraq on June 16, 2005.
- Leona Jackson (Lieutenant) : Navy Nurse at Guam during World War 2, taken prisoner by the Japanese.
- Lilian Aubert : Army Nurse Corps. Awarded Distinguished Service Medal.
- Lilian Harris : Women Army Corps - recipient of the Bronze Star and legion of Merit Award.
- Linda Bray (Captain) : Led the 988th Military Police company into combat to seize enemy objective near Panama City in 1989.
- Loreta Velazquex : Disguised as Lt. Harry T. Bufford, Confederate Officer during the Civil War.
- Loretta Walsh : The first Yeoman (F) in U.S. Navy, 1917.
- Lorraine Christiansen : Navy Nurse at Guam, taken as prisoner by the Japanese.
- Lucy Brewer : to be considered the very first woman in US Marine Corps as she served with the Marine Corps as George Baker.
- Majorie Morrow (Lieutenant) : KIA on February 7, 1944 when the 95th Evac Hospital at Anzio Beach was bombed.
- Marcia Sonon (Lieutenant) : U.S. Navy, crewmembers on the EP-3E Aries II Surveillance Plane, detained in China.
- Margaret A. Brewer (Brig.Gen) : U.S. Marine Corps - the first woman to attain the star rank in the Marine Corps.
- Margaret A. Hardy (M.Sargeant): one of the first WAAC / WAC First Sargeant at Des Moines in 1942, New Jersey.
- Margaret Corbin : Battle of Fort Washington , 1776. First women warded a pension by Congress. She was buried at U.S. Military Academy Cemetery at West Point.
- Margaret D. Craighill (Dr. ) : the first women to be commissioned into the Army Medical Corps on April 16, 1943.
- Margaret Grace Kennery (Lieutenant) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Marguerite "Maggie" Higgins : the only woman correspondent during the Korean conflict.
- Marie Boatman (Ensign) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Marie Therese Rossi (Major) : the first woman pilot gave her life while flying in a combat zone. Died on March 1, 1991.
- Marion G. Crandall : YMCA Volunteer - KIA by enemy shell on March 1918 at France.
- Marian Olds (Chief Nurse) : Navy Nurse at Guam, taken prisoner by the Japanese.
- Marsha Dianah Ratchford (Petty Officer) : died during Pentagon attack on September 11, 2001.
- Martha McSally (Lt.Col) : top female US Airforce Pilot. First American woman to fly in combat in the 90’s.
- Marty Awkerman (Tech. Sgt) : the woman coach horn soloist the USA.
- Mary A. Hallaren (Lt.Col.) : Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps established in 1942, she was one of the first officer training class.
- Mary Belly Nissly (Sgt) : led the first military all woman Army band in 1942. The first woman in military history to win a Warrant Officer band leader appointment.
- Mary Brown Menzie : received the Purple Heart as a result of injuries on Corregidor, WW2.
- Mary E. Lijergreen (Ensign): Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Mary E. Walker (Dr.) : the only woman to have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor during Civil war. She was held for 4 months in a Confederate Prison Camp, accused for being a spy for the Union Army.
- Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley : awarded a pension in 1822 for services rendered during the Civil War.
- Mary Robert Rinehart : America's first woman war correspondent during the World War 1.
- Mary Robert Wilson (1st Lt.) : first woman to be awarded the Silver Star for gallantry during battle of Anzio, WWII.
- Mary Therese Klinker (Captain) : A flight Nurse with the 10th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. KIA during Operation Babylift crash on April 4,1975 outside Saigon. Awarded the Airman's Medal for heroism and the Meritorious Service Medal.
- Matahari: Prisoner of War and were executed for being spies during World War 1.
- Maudlyn A. White (S/Sgt) : Died during Pentagon Attack on September 11, 2001.
- Maureen Daugherty (Private 1st Class) : the first U.S.Military woman to make a parachute jump in Bolivia on April 1986.
- Melissa Rathbun-Nealy (Specialist 4) : Army Transportation Specialist - captured and imprisonment during Operation Desert Storm at Iraq.
- Melissa Rose Barnes (Petty Officer) : died during Pentagon attack on September 11, 2001.
- Meredith Carol Loughran (Lieutenant) : EA-6B "Prowler" crew member missing since the aircraft crash onboard the Norfolk Base nuclear - powered aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise on Nov.8, 1998.
- Mildred H. McAfee (Captain) : the first Director of WAVES, U.S. Navy.
- Mildred Harnack-Fish : German resistance fighter, captured, interned and executed in Berlin's Plotzense Prison in 1843.
- Monica Brown (Specialist) : 782nd Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division at Afghanistan. Awarded Silver star for gallantry.
- Monica J. Dixon (Sergeant) : Multi-National corps – Iraq Chaplain Sgt. Major – the first female chaplain assistant to achieve jumpmaster status.
- Monika Schwinn : A German Nurse - Held captive for 3 1/2 years during Vietnam War and the only woman prison at the "Hanoi Hilton".
- Nancy Hart : a Confederate scout, guide and spy. She was captured by the Yankees and jailed.
- Nancy Jane Currie (Lt.Colonel) : US Army and woman astronaut.
- Olive Hoskins : The very first woman promoted to Warrant Officer in the Army in 1926.
- Ollie Josephine B. Bennet (Lieutenant) : Pioneer woman doctor during World War 1. Buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
- Olpha M. Johnson : Enlisted as the first woman in the U.S. Marine Corp Reserve in August, 1918.
- Oveta Culp Hobby (Colonel) : The first Director of WAC, and the first woman to received the US Army Distinguished Service Medal in 1945.
- Pam Melroy (Lt. Colonel) : U.S. Air Force and astronaut.
- Pamela Dorothy Donovan (2nd Lieutenant): 85th Evac in Qui Nhon, Vietnam. KIA on July 8, 1968.
- Pauline Cushman (Major) : Arrested and imprisoned by the Confederacy and sentenced to hang for being a spy. The arrival of Union troops saved her from the gallows.
- Princess Eugenie Shakhovskaya & Princess Sophie Alexandrovna Dolgorunaya : first women to become military pilots in Europe.
- Reba Whittle (Lieutenant) : Army Nurse Corps - captured by the German when the plane was shot down in September 1944. She was awarded the Air Medal and the Purple Heart.
- Regina Kauffman (Lt. j.g) : U.S Navy - crewmembers on the EP-3E Aries II Surveillance Plane, detained in China.
- Rhonda Cornum (Major) : Army Flight Surgeon, captured and imprisoned during Operation Desert Storm in Iraq.
- Rita Palmer : US Army Nurse, Received the Purple Heart when the Japanese bombed their hospital on Bataan, WW2.
- Rita Virginia Rourke (2nd Lt. ) : US Army Nurse. Received the Silver Star medal during WWII (Battle of Anzio).
- Roberta Schilbach Ross (1st Lieutenant) : US Army Flight Nurse – awarded Distinguished Flying Cross, WWII.
- Rose O'Neal Greenhow : one of the most renowned spy in the Civil War.
- Rosemary Hogan : US Army Nurse, Received the Purple Heart when the Japanese bombed their hospital on Bataan, WW2.
- Ruby Bradley (Colonel) : Served during WW2 and Frontline US Army Nurse in Korea, America’s most decorated military woman. Earned 34 medals and citations for bravery.
- Ruth Cheney Streeter (Colonel) : U.S. Marine Corps, the first Director of MCW.
- Ruth Landon : KIA by shell fired on St Gervais Church, Paris on March 1918.
- Ruth M. Gardiner : one of the first Army Nurses killed during World War 2.
- Sanderson Sloan (Lieutenant) : Died in combat, 1944.
- Sarah Borginis (Colonel) : first woman to be a ranking U.S. Army officer in 1866.
- Sarah Deal (2nd Lieutenant) : the first woman Marine selected for Naval Aviation Training in July, 1993.
- Sarah Emma Edmonds : a nurse and a spy for the Union Army during the Civil War.
- Sarah Rosetta Wakeman (Private) : 153rd Regiment, New York State Volunteers during Civil War.
- Sharon Ann Lane (1st Lieutenant) : 312th Evac at Chu Lai, Vietnam,killed by a hostile fire. She was awarded the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross and Bronze Star for heroism. in 1970, the recovery room at Fitsimmons Army Hospital in Denver, where she was assigned before going to Vietnam, was dedicated in her honor. In 1973, Aultman Hospital in Canton, OH, where Lane had attended Nursing Course, erected a bronze statue of Lane.
- Sherry Lynn Olds (Senior Master Sgt.) : U.S. Air Force , killed in August 1998 bombing at U.S. Embassy in East Africa.
- Shoshana Johnson (Army Specialist) : Prisoner of War in Iraq. Rescued on April 13, 2003.
- Sunita Williams (Lt Commander) : U.S Navy and astronaut.
- Susan Helms (Colonel) : U.S. Air Force, Flight Engineers spending 4 months living on the International Space Station beginning March 2001.
- Susan Kilrain (Commander) : U.S Navy and astronaut.
- Susan S. Lawrence (Lt.General) : support the Chief of Staff of the US Army.
- Susie Baker : Laundress and Nurse of the 33rd US Colored Troops in 1862.
- Sybil Ludington : she called out the Volunteer Militia to repel the British raid at Connecticut on April 26, 1777.
- Tamara C. Thurman (Sargeant) : died during Pentagon attacks, September 11, 2001.
- Teresa King (Command Sgt.Major) : the first female commandant of the Drill Sergeant School at Fort Jackson on Sept. 22, 2009.
- Terri Sue Fessner (Lieutenant) : U.S Navy - lost at sea during March 2002 HH-60B Helicopter crash.
- Vera M. Brown (Captain) : Air Force Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Virginia Fogerty :Navy Nurse at Guam, taken prisoner by the Japanese.
- Virginia May McClure : Non hostile air crash during Korean conflict.
- Wendy Lawrence (Commander) : U.S Navy and astronaut.
- Wendy Westbrook (Aviation Machinist) : U.S. Navy - crewmembers on the EP-3E AriesII Surveillance Plane, detained in China.
- Wilma Ledbetter (Lieutenant) : Navy Nurse Corps, KIA during Korean conflict.
- Winifred Love (Captain) : U.S Navy - among the first group of Navy Women Officers. Awarded : Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, American Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal and National Defense Service Medal.
- Winifred Quicks Collins (Captain) : U.S Navy - Director of National Navy League, first woman to hold that position.
- Winona Martin : YMCA volunteer - KIA in Paris air raid, March 1918.
- Yvonne Cagle (Colonel) : U.S. Air Force and astronauts.
Thursday, 28 January 2016

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