Monday, 30 May 2016


Bicara Santai di Masjid Al Ridhuan malam ini (29 Mei 2016) , Ustaz Syed Mohd Norhisyam Tuan Padang menceritakan kisah seorang bekas perompak yang akhirnya menjadi seorang yang paling warak....ingin saya kongsikan kisah Fudhail bin Iyadh sebagai tauladan buat kita supaya kita tidak memandang rendah dah hina kepada insan-insan yang pernah tersesat dari jalan Allah... kerana siapa tahu kesudahan mereka lebih baik dari kita.... in sya Allah....


Beliau dilahirkan di Samarqand dan dibesarkan di Abi Warda, suatu tempat di daerah Khurasan.

Tidak ada riwayat yang jelas tentang bila beliau dilahirkan, hanya saja beliau pernah menyatakan usianya waktu itu telah mencapai 80 tahun, dan tidak ada gambaran yang pasti tentang permulaan kehidupan beliau.
Sebagian riwayat ada yang menyebutkan bahwa dulunya beliau adalah seorang penyamun, kemudian Allah memberikan petunjuk kepada beliau dengan sebab mendengar sebuah ayat dari Kitabullah.

Disebutkan dalam Siyar A’lam An-Nubala dari jalan Al-Fadhl bin Musa, beliau berkata: “Adalah Al-Fudhail bin ‘Iyadh dulunya seorang penyamun yang menghadang orang-orang di daerah antara Abu Warda dan Sirjis. Dan sebab taubat beliau adalah karena beliau pernah terpikat dengan seorang wanita, maka tatkala beliau tengah memanjat tembok guna melaksanakan hasratnya terhadap wanita tersebut, tiba-tiba saja beliau mendengar seseorang membaca ayat:
أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِيْنَ آمَنُوا أَنْ تَخْشَعَ قُلُوْبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللهِ وَماَ نَزَلَ مِنَ الْحَقِّ وَلاَ يَكُوْنُوا كَالَّذِيْنَ أُوْتُوا الْكِتاَبَ مِنْ قَبْلُ فَطاَلَ عَلَيْهِمُ اْلأَمَدُ فَقَسَتْ قُلُوْبُهُمْ وَكَثِيْرٌ مِنْهُمْ فاَسِقُوْنَ
“Belumkah datang waktunya bagi orang –orang yang beriman untuk tunduk hati mereka guna mengingat Allah serta tunduk kepada kebenaran yang telah turun (kepada mereka) dan janganlah mereka seperti orang –orang yang sebelumnya telah turun Al Kitab kepadanya, kemudian berlalulah masa yang panjang atas mereka lalu hati mereka menjadi keras, dan mayoritas mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasiq.” (Al Hadid: 16).
Maka tatkala mendengarnya beliau langsung berkata: “Tentu saja wahai Rabbku. Sungguh telah tiba saatku (untuk bertaubat).” Maka beliaupun kembali, dan pada malam itu ketika beliau tengah berlindung di balik reruntuhan bangunan, tiba-tiba saja di sana ada sekelompok orang yang sedang lewat. Sebagian mereka berkata: “Kita jalan terus,” dan sebagian yang lain berkata: “Kita jalan terus sampai pagi, karena biasanya Al-Fudhail menghadang kita di jalan ini.” Maka beliaupun berkata: “Kemudian aku merenung dan berkata: ‘Aku menjalani kemaksiatan-kemaksiatan di malam hari dan sebagian dari kaum muslimin di situ ketakutan kepadaku, dan tidaklah Allah menggiringku kepada mereka ini melainkan agar aku berhenti (dari kemaksiatan ini). Ya Allah, sungguh aku telah bertaubat kepada-Mu dan aku jadikan taubatku itu dengan tinggal di Baitul Haram’.”
Sungguh beliau telah menghabiskan satu masa di Kufah, lalu mencatat ilmu dari ulama di negeri itu, seperti Manshur, Al-A’masy, ‘Atha’ bin As-Saaib serta Shafwan bin Salim dan juga dari ulama-ulama lainnya. Kemudian beliau menetap di Makkah. Dan adalah beliau memberi makan dirinya dan keluarganya dari hasil mengurus air di Makkah. Waktu itu beliau memiliki seekor unta yang beliau gunakan untuk mengangkut air dan menjual air tersebut guna memenuhi kebutuhan makanan beliau dan keluarganya.
Beliau tidak mau menerima pemberian-pemberian dan juga hadiah-hadiah dari para raja dan pejabat lainnya, namun beliau pernah menerima pemberian dari Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak.

Dan sebab dari penolakan beliau terhadap pemberian-pemberian para raja diduga karena keraguan beliau terhadap kehalalannya, sedang beliau sangat antusias agar tidak sampai memasuki perut beliau kecuali sesuatu yang halal.

Beliau wafat di Makkah pada bulan Muharram tahun 187 H.
(Diringkas dari Mawa’izh lil Imam Al-Fudhail bin ‘Iyadh, hal. 5-7)



"Perkara yang sepatutnya kita selalu lakukan, adalah muhasabah diri. Dimana, untuk kita meningkatkan amal ubudiah kita kepada Allah سبحانه وتعالى, agar kita tergolong didalam golongan yang akan mendapatkan naungan Allah سبحانه وتعالى diakhirat kelak. Sebaik-baik tangisan adalah tangisan seorang hamba yang menangis atas kejahilan."
"Menangis dan kekesalan yang pernah dilakukannya dan tidak ingin kembali dalam kejahilan. Itulah tangisan yang sebaik-baik tangisan di sisi Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Sebaik-baik amalan itu adalah mengisi waktu sesuai dengan ketetapan hukum hakam dan kehendak Allah سبحانه وتعالى dengan mengimarahkan waktu."
"Kita menggunakan waktu sesuai dengan kehendak Allah. Selemah-lemah manusia adalah orang yang tidak mampu untuk menyekat, melawan nafsunya daripada perbuatan yang tidak baik dan perkara-perkara haram. Sekuat-kuat manusia pula adalah orang yang mampu menyekat dan melawan nafsunya."
"Menyekat keinginannya daripada perbuatan yang tidak baik dan dari melakukan perkara yang haram.
Antara 7 golongan yang akan mendapatkan naungan Allah سبحانه وتعالى semasa di hari akhirat:-
1) Pemimpin yang adil,
2) Orang yang rajin beribadah,
3) Orang yang hatinya terpaut dengan masjid,
4) Orang yang mencintai kerana Allah dan berpisah kerana Allah,
5) Orang yang diajak atau digoda oleh wanita yang berpangkat dan cantik lalu ia berkata sesungguhnya aku takutkan Allah.
6) Orang yang bersedekah dengan sembunyi-sembunyi sehingga tangan kirinya tidak mrngetahui apa yang infakkan oleh tangankanannya.
7) Orang yang mengingati Allah سبحانه وتعالى secara bersunyian lalu menitiskan air matanya.
"Kita nak diri kita termasuk dalam salah satu atau lebih daripada satu golongan yang akan mendapatkan naungan Allah سبحانه وتعالى di hari akhirat kelak jadi berusahalah untuk meningkatkan amal ubudiah kita kepada Allah سبحانه وتعالى daripada sebesar-besar amal sampai sekecik-kecik amal."
"Itu kerana kita tak tahu amal kita yang mana satukah yang akan menyelamatkan kita di akhirat kelak. Mana tahu mungkin sahaja asbab kita selalu solat berjemaah di masjid dan selalu ke masjid mendengar pengajian ilmu yang akan menyelamatkan kita di akhirat kelak."
"Tiada siapa yang tahu jadi tingkatkan amal ubudiah kita ketaqwaan kita kepada Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Maka beramallah selagi kita masih diberikan nikmat kesihatan tubuh badan yang sihat wallafiat.
Jangan sampai nanti dah Allah سبحانه وتعالى tarik kembali nikmat-Nya sampai kita dah tak boleh nak beramal dah masuk kubur nanti baru kita rasa menyesal."
"Kita kalau di dunia muflis tak ada apa-apa. Harta pun tak ada ataupun juga tak banyak mana itu ok-ok sahaja tapi kalau sampai kita rugi dan muflis tak ada apa-apa di akhirat itu adalah sesuatu yang patut kita risaukan sebab itu kita kalau menyesal di dunia tak apa lagi tapi jangan sampai kita menyesal di akhirat sebab sudah tidak ada gunanya lagi."
"Setiap orang akan dihisab di akhirat sesuai dengan apa yang dia lakukan semasa hidupnya.
Kalau semasa hidupnya baik ibadahnya baik ubudiahnya baik maka dia akan mendapatkan kebaikan di akhirat nanti."
"Akan tetapi sebaliknya kalau amalnya, ibadahnya, solatnya, ubudiahnya itu tak berapa nak baik mana maka nanti di akhirat pun dia akan mendapatkan balasan yang tak baik. Itu semua bergantung kepada sejauh mana ketaatannya, ubudiahnya kepada Allah سبحانه وتعالى semasa hidupnya."
Daripada TG Sheikh Nuruddin Marbu Al-Banjari Al-Makki.

Sumber : Facebook
30 Mei 2016


Rasulullah mengajarkan kepada kita untuk berlapang dada. Jika kita harus marahpun tidak boleh mendendam. Inilah obat kesejukan hati, penghantar keindahan hidup dalam kebersamaan. Hati yang pendendam akan selalu tersiksa.
Selama ia masih hidup bersama dengan sesamanya maka ia akan selalu menemukan kesalahan. Karena manusia adalah makhluk yang bisa bersalah.
Sahabatku, diceritakan ada seseorang yang mengeluhkan rasa sakit di setiap bagian tubuhnya apabila disentuh oleh jari telunjuknya. Dan Ia pun berusaha untuk mengobati rasa sakitnya . Namun sakit itupun tidak kunjung sembuh . Sekujur tubuhnya masih saja terasa sakit jika disentuh oleh jari telunjuknya.
Sungguh orang tersebut tidaklah akan pernah menemukan obat jika ternyata yang di periksakan ke dokter adalah hanya bagian tubuh yang disentuh oleh jari telunjuknya saja. Sementara ia melupakan jari telunjuknya, yang justru merupakan sumber dari sakit itu sendiri.

Perumpamaan diatas adalah sebuah gambaran tentang sikap hati yang penuh dendam dan kedengkian. Ia akan sulit hidup didalam sebuah kebersamaan. Dalam pandangannya semua orang seolah-olah memusuhinya dan tidak ada yang benar. Padahal yang menjadikan orang lain menjadi tidak baik dalam pandangannya adalah karena hatinya sendiri yang telah kotor.

Hati yang akan mudah tersinggung dan mendendam. Jika ada yang berbuat salah kepadanya akan selalu di ingat dan di simpan di dalam hatinya. Bahkan untuk seseorang yang secara tidak sengaja melakukan kesalahan kepadanya, maka sudah harga mati baginya untuk dicap sebagai penjahat .

Ia adalah jari yang sakit, disaat bersentuhan dengan anggota yang sehat akan merasa sakit .Dan tidak akan bisa sembuh kecuali jari itu sendiri yang harus di obati.
Menyadari penyakit dendam didalam hatinya adalah langkah pertama menuju kesembuhan. Kemudian berlatih melihat orang lain dengan mata “husnudzon ” serta melihat sisi positifnya. Dan juga menghidari membicarakan dan mendengar kejelekan orang lain .

Ada cara yang amat penting untuk menghancurkan dendam dan kebencian ini, yaitu memberi hadiah seperti yang pernah diajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Seberat apapun jika kita marah kepada seseorang atau mendendamnya maka berusahalah untuk bisa memberi hadiah untuk mengurangi rasa sakit di dalam hati. ” Tahaadhuu tahaabbuu ” salinglah engkau memberi hadiah niscaya engkau akan saling mencintai !
Cara yang lain yang juga amat penting untuk mengobati hati yang sakit ini adalah mendoakan orang yang kita dendami dengan do’a-do’a yang baik dan menghindari mendoakannya dengan do’a yang jelek.
Sebab, sungguh do’a jelek yang dipanjatkan untuk orang yang didendami tidaklah memberi arti positif bagi yang berdo’a dan yang dido’akan. Bahkan penyakit dendam akan semakin subur di hati orang yang mudah mendo’akan orang lain dengan do’a-do’a yang jelek. Jika do’a itu di kabul akan menjadikan orang yang di do’akan semakin tidak baik, dan sangat mungkin yang berdo’a ini akan menuai kejahatan baru dari orang yang di doakan. Juga disabdakan oleh Rasulullah saw bahwa do’a jelek yang dipanjatkan akan di kembalikan kepada yang mendoakan itu sendiri. Akan tetapi jika do’a baik dipanjatkan, maka di samping hati kita akan semakin bersih ternyata ada janji dari Allah SWT, bahwa Allah SWT akan terlebih dahulu memberi kepada orang yang telah mendoakan sesuai doa yang di panjatkan dibandingkan dengan yang didoakan. Subhanallah…..
Setelah itu, untuk mengetahui apakah masih ada dendam di dalam hati kita atau tidak? Tengoklah ke dalam hati kita masing-masing! Setalah kita berdoa sudahkah kita bisa dengan penuh kelegaan mendoakan orang-orang yang bermasalah dengan kita dengan doa yang baik? Jika belum bisa, nyatakanlah dengan pasti bahwa hati kita masih kotor.
Wallahu a’lam bishshowab.
(KH Buya Yahya)

Sumber : Facebook

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

(Islam 101) Lesson 2 (Part 1) : WHY DO MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN GOD?

By Sister Mary

Dear family and friends,

Islam is a way of life in which one submits to the will of God so before we go any further, we need to first understand why Muslims believe in God. Here’s my humble attempt at presenting the Muslim’s perspective on the big question of “DOES GOD EXIST?”


Actually, what stops many people from exploring any faith at all is their uncertainty about whether or not God exists. On the other hand, some people are born into a faith and assume that God exists (without really pondering it), but find that their assumption is shaken when difficulties/tragedies occur in their life. “Does God exist?” is therefore a question that is pertinent to many, regardless of their spiritual inclination.


“I can’t believe what I can’t see. I don’t believe in having blind faith.”
This is perhaps one of the most common reasons given to justify why someone doesn’t believe in God. But let’s ask ourselves this : If we don’t see something, does it naturally follow that therefore that thing does not exist? 

Let’s say I lead you into a dark empty room and I tell you that there is someone outside the room (and indeed there is). Initially, the person stays quiet so you can’t hear him at all, so you can’t tell if there is anyone outside but neither can you completely dismiss the idea that there could be someone outside - after all, JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN’T SEE HIM DOESN’T MEAN HE ISN’T THERE. After a while, he turns the lights on outside the room and walks about. You see the light and hear the pitter patter of feet. Now you are sure that there is someone outside, although you haven’t seen him. 

So in the end, you believe that there is someone outside the room, not because you SAW him, but because you saw and heard SIGNS OF HIS EXISTENCE. That isn’t blind faith, that’s an educated deduction made after pondering the signs that appeared before you. And that’s exactly what Islam tells us about believing in God and the unseen - to ponder His signs. 

“Verily, in the heavens and the earth are signs for the believers.” 
[Al Quran Chapter 45 Verse 3] 


Consider our phone and our computer. If you were seeing them for the very first time, would you believe me if I told you that these complex gadgets just appeared spontaneously? That they were not invented/designed and that it was just by chance that the raw materials came together and they happened to be installed with programmes that were able to perform a multitude of functions? The reality is that the more complex and functional a system is, the more intelligent the creator/designer must be. 

The moment we acknowledge the possibility that every creation has a creator and designer, we only need to look around us and we will see an endless number of signs of a Creator. Just to name two:-

(i) The universe: Experiments and observations suggest that the universe has been governed by the same physical laws and constants throughout its history. The fine-tuning of the universe shows that if its constants had been just slightly different, it would not have been conducive to life. If the initial density of the universe differed even by a miniscule fraction, all matter would have been crushed or torn apart beyond recognition.

(ii) The human body: The miracle of the human body, the complexities of every organ of the body and the systems that run perfectly within it, still astound scientists who struggle till today to replicate it artificially. Take a second to look the baby in your arms - did a sperm and an ovum really develop into this precious little miracle by chance?

“Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding.” 
[Al Quran Chapter 3 Verse 190]

As the compatibility of God/religion and Science is a hotly debated topic, let's take a look at what Islam says about science in our next lesson. 

Next topic : GOD & SCIENCE

(Note: You can verify the verses of the Quran that are mentioned in the lessons at

[ This Islam 101 is specially brought to you by sister Mary, Vice President of MRM ]

Resource : Facebook (Multiracial Reverted Muslims)
24 May 2016

(Islam 101) Lesson 4 (Part 2) : WHAT IS GOD LIKE?

By Sister Mary
Remember when you were a child and it was so tempting to steal that cookie when Mom wasn’t looking? And later in life when you were trying so hard to close that business deal and just that one tiny lie would have clinched the deal for you? Ah, so tempting. Nobody would know…surely they wouldn’t even notice… what’s the harm? And that’s assuming you had some form of internal moral compass. What if you didn’t (and we know many in this world who apparently don’t)?
One of the core beliefs of a Muslim is that he is never alone and nothing he says, does or even thinks ever goes unnoticed.

He is “the All-Seeing, All-Hearing” [2:137].
Allah sees and knows everything. Nothing escapes Him, even what is in our hearts and on our minds. Even if nobody saw you do it, He did. Even if you said something kind but meant otherwise, He knows what was really in your heart. Even if you gave secretly in charity and nobody else knew about it, He knows.

“And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. ” [6:59]
“They conceal [their evil intentions and deeds] from the people, but they cannot conceal [them] from Allah.” [4:108]
A person is accountable for whatever evil that they do, so while they may think they “got away with it” in their lifetime, their punishment awaits in the Hereafter (this concept will be covered in a later lesson).
“Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you about what you used to do. Indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts.” [39:7]

Thus, remembrance of Allah is the moral compass that Muslims carry - a compass that gives them HOPE for all the good they do (that they will eventually receive their due reward, even if it isn’t always appreciated by those around them) and FEAR for all the wrong they commit (that they will have to pay for it in the end, even if they get away with it in this life).


What good is an amazing machine if the inventor doesn’t provide a manual so that others may understand how to use it? If used well, it can bring about much benefit for the user and those around them. If used wrongly, the machine serves no function or breaks down, benefitting no one.

Likewise, Islam teaches that having created us, Allah did not simply leave us without a “manual”, expecting us to go through life aimlessly and without a sense of purpose or understanding. He has (through His revelations and Prophets) sent down His guidance to us so that we may optimize our time on earth. Whether we read and follow the instructions in the manual, read but choose to ignore the instructions, or not even try to read it at all - the choice is ours to make and the consequences will be ours to bear.
“…And when guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance - there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.” [2:38]
“…And whoever is guided is only guided for (the benefit of) himself…” [27:92]

What then is this manual of Guidance, how do we establish its authenticity and what is answer to the all-important question of “What is the Purpose of Life?”.

Next lesson: The Purpose of Life.
[Islam 101 is specially brought to you by sister Mary, Vice President of MRM]

Resource: Facebook (Multiracial Reverted Muslims)
24 May 2016

(Islam 101) Lesson 4 (Part 1) : WHAT IS GOD LIKE?

By Sister Mary

Earlier, we discussed the existence of God and learned that Muslims believe in one God of all mankind, Allah. Who then is Allah and since we cannot see Him, how do we know what He is like?

Islam teaches that Allah has, throughout time, communicated with mankind through revelations and Prophets, revealing to us the purpose of our life on earth and His guidance on how we should live it. In His final revelation, the Quran, Allah has included descriptions of Himself so that we may know Him.

In order to keep to my promise of a 3 minute lesson, I’ll only touch briefly on some attributes of Allah. But first, I invite the student, even if you aren’t sure that God exists, to think about what you imagine God would be like if He did indeed exist. How does your idea of God compare with what Allah says about Himself as below?


- He is not a female or male.

- He has no beginning and no end.
Some say, everything evolved/came from something else. But that something else must have come from something before it, and before it, and before it…. so where was the beginning before “it” became “something”? Was it nothing? Can something come from nothing? Allah explains that He can create something from nothing (the beginning of creation) but He Himself has no beginning. He also has no ending and therefore will not die.

- He is One.
He has no partner or equal. There is no other worthy of worship but He alone. He has no wife or daughter or son, and does not need to be born as a human being to experience human life.

- He is unlike anything the human mind can imagine.
We should not depict Him in any form whatsover, whether human-like or otherwise. No picture or statue can ever represent Allah for He is above and beyond anything that humans can create or imagine. Muslims do not need idols/amulets to represent Allah. We do not need any medium or go-between to reach Him as He hears and can answer our prayers directly, nor do we need symbols to remind us of Him as faith and remembrance are carried in the heart and mind.

One common misconception that some non-Muslims have is that Muslims worship or pray to “a black box in Mecca” (the Kaabah). The fact is that the Kaabah is merely the direction which Muslims face when praying i.e. they pray TOWARDS the Kaabah but do not worship the Kaabah. Muslims, wherever in the world they may be, all pray facing the same direction and indeed, it is quite a sight to behold. The picture below illustrates this 
smile emoticon


- He is Compassionate, Gracious, Merciful and Forgiving.
Allah speaks of His Mercy and Compassion everywhere in the Quran and indeed, 113 out of the 114 chapters of the Quran begin with the “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem” which means “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”.

“And when My servants ask you, concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.” [2:186]
“…Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.” [2:214]
“...Indeed, Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people are not grateful.” [40:61]

- Allah is Just. We are all accountable for our actions and no one bears the sin of another person. But as much as we try to stay on the right path, the fact is that we all make mistakes sometimes and do things we regret. Allah assures us of His forgiveness as long as we seek it and repent sincerely. “And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allah will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” [4:110]

Next Lesson: Allah’s Knowledge and Allah’s Guidance.

[Islam 101 is specially brought to you by sister Mary, Vice President of MRM]

Resource: Facebook (Multiracial Reverted Muslims)
24 May 2016

(Islam 101) Lesson 3 : WHO IS GOD & DO WE NEED HIM?

By Sister Mary

Dear family and friends, 

In the previous lessons, we considered the existence of God and how science isn’t only compatible with the idea that God exists, but in fact reinforces it. Whether one believes in God, admits He may exist but isn’t sure that He does, or prefers to disbelieve until otherwise convinced, the following questions will undoubtedly run through one’s mind:-
* So, if God does exist, who is He? 
* Do we need Him? 
* How does His existence affect my life on earth anyway?
* Is there any consequence to believing or not believing in Him or is His existence inconsequential to our life on earth?
These and many other pertinent questions will be explored in our coming lessons. The above questions are crucial to a Muslim’s belief (and I would add, should be part of the journey of any seeker of truth) because it forms the foundation for his beliefs and purpose in life.

3.1) WHO IS GOD?
Muslims call God “Allah”. “Allah” means “the God” in the Arabic language (the language in which the Holy Quran was revealed). “Allah” has cognates in other Semitic languages, including “Elah” in Aramic, “El” in Canaanite and “Elohim” in Hebrew.

But who is Allah? Is He an exclusive God of Muslims and what exactly do they believe about Him? Islam teaches that:

- God is the Creator and Controller of the Universe

- God is One
He has no equal or partner. As with any efficient and effective organisational structure, there is always only ONE person at the top. There’s only one President, one CEO, one Chairman. The reason is simple - empowering more than one with the ultimate authority is a recipe that allows for deadlock, power struggles and chaos. 
“God is the Creator of all things; He is the One, the Supreme, the irresistable.” 
[Quran chapter 13 verse 16]

- Allah is the God and Master of ALL MANKIND, regardless of their race or religion. He is God and Creator of every human being - the ones who recognize this and submit to His will are known as Muslims, whereas those who don’t are not regarded as Muslims, but He remains their God nonetheless. Allah is therefore, not a God exclusively reserved for the Muslims - He is God to all. So, to refer to “My God” versus “Your God” as being distinct entities is fundamentally wrong, because (i) there is only ONE God (ii) both your God and mine is the SAME God.

It may be on the student’s mind to ask, “Ok, let’s say I agree there is God and that He created me and the universe. The thing is, do I need God in my life going forward?” I will only deal with this question partially at this juncture, namely from a morality standpoint, as the meat of it will be discussed under the topic “The Purpose of Life”. 

A Life without Morality:
Do people who do not believe in God have to adhere to a code of morality? Technically, they would not have a need to be concerned with morality at all. They may try to adhere to some form of morality to avoid falling foul of the law, or so as not to displease society or what man-made codes of morality expect of them, but essentially, there is no motivation for them to refrain from committing immoral activities as long as they think they can get away with it. After all, as far as they are concerned, no one is looking. A society such as this where there is no in-built sense of morality will undoubtedly be one prone to chaos and evil. 

Definition of Good:
On the other hand, some people feel that one should still try to practice good morals without the need to believe in a Creator, and that as long as they “do good” in their lives, that’s enough. The question is, who determines what is good and what is not? Human perceptions of what is good differ according to passage of time, cultures, influences, desires, and whims, and can be wrong. 

Adultery, for example, is no longer a crime in many countries, but for some it is. Extra-marital sex is increasingly regarded as acceptable in many cultures, whilst others still shun it. Regardless, these have resulted various social problems. Abortion and same-sex marriage - we are divided on these matters till today. Some say smoking is good because it relieves stress, but others say it’s bad. Wrong or right? Ok or not ok? So in the end, who gets to define what is good? 

Or is the concept of good left to an individual to decide? But then, not all individuals have the same intellectual or emotional capacity, or sense of right and wrong. How then, can there be uniformity, equality and justice in assessing the deeds of a society? Is it alright for one person to be subject to lower moral standards than his neighbour, or for one society to have lower moral standards than another? 

Divine Morality:
How is this different in Islam? Muslims believe that they are accountable to God for every thought and action. The God-fearing Muslim therefore strives to live his life by doing what God has ordained as being good, and avoiding what has been ordained as being evil. Muslims believe that this divine code of morality is universally applicable to every human being and everyone will be individually accountable to God for any failure to abide by this code of morality. 

These divine rules apply notwithstanding any man-made laws. So, while an English Muslim who cheats may be subject to a different punishment under the criminal laws of England than a Malaysian Muslim who commits the same crime, both are equally accountable to God for their actions and will be judged by Him by the same code of morality. Therefore, there is no issue of inconsistency. Additionally, unlike a man-made code of morality which is fallible because humans are fallible, a divine code of morality is perfect because surely the One who created us knows what is good and bad for us. 

This brief discussion on morality and the uniform structure that a divine code of morality provides as opposed to inconsistent human concepts of morality, only skims the surface on the need for God and guidance in our daily lives. How He has sent down His guidance, where this divine code of morality is contained and other more important reasons behind the need for God will be discussed in more detail in the coming lessons. 

Next lesson : What is God Like?

[Islam 101 is specially brought to you by sister Mary, Vice President of MRM]

Resource : Facebook (Multiracial Reverted Muslims)
24 May 2016

(Islam 101) Lesson 2 (Part 2) : WHY DO MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN GOD?

By Sister Mary
You probably often hear people say that the amazing phenomena we witness daily in our lives (from the tiny amoeba to the most complex of systems) are all due to science/nature and should not be ascribed to God. It’s as though one has to choose to believe in either God or in science (and not both), that the two are not compatible and someone who believes in God is not scientific-minded whereas a science-oriented person is not God-conscious.
On the contrary, the most prominent scientists like Stephen Hawking and Einstein state that SCIENCE ONLY EXPLAINS CREATION. There is a Superpower that is responsible for the creation.
Newsweek’s 20 July 1998 edition, explored the topic Science Finds God. It reported that, “Physicists have stumbled on signs that the cosmos is custom-made for life and consciousness. It turns out that if the constants of nature – unchanging numbers like the strength of gravity, the charge of an electron and the mass of a proton – were the tiniest bit different, then atoms would not hold together, stars would not burn and life would never have made an appearance.”
- John Polkinghorne, who had a distinguished career as a physicist at Cambridge University says, "When you realize that the laws of nature must be incredibly finely tuned to produce the universe we see, that conspires to plant the idea that the universe did not just happen, but that there must be a purpose behind it." 

- Charles Townes, who shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering the principles of the laser, goes further: "Many have a feeling that somehow INTELLIGENCE must have been involved in the laws of the universe."

Islam doesn’t only see God’s existence as compatible with science, Muslims are encouraged to EXPLORE AND EXCEL IN THE SCIENCES as a means of uncovering the magnificence behind God’s creations. If anything, science makes Muslims more in awe of God’s creations and helps them acknowledge His greatness and reaffirms their faith.
“We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?”

[Al Quran Chapter 41 Verse 53]

You may be surprised to note some distinguished atheists are converting from atheism to belief in God. Among them is arguably the world’s most famous atheist Antony Garrard Newton Flew, a British philosopher who wrote books against belief in God and championed atheism for 50 years. In 2004, he announced that the discoveries of modern science (DNA research) had led him to accept the existence of God. “What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements together,” he said. The enormous complexity by which the results were achieved look to me like the work of intelligence.” America’s philosopher of religion Alvin Plantinga said of him, “It speaks very well of Professor Flew’s honesty. After all these years of opposing the idea of a Creator, he reverses his position on the basis of the evidence.”
If you have 6 minutes to spare, watch this amazing clip on our DNA that I’m pretty sure will blow your mind. It certainly blew mine smile emoticon

What of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? Yes, we were taught this in school but the reality is that we do not observe evolution in action. For instance, there are many creatures like dragonflies that are today exactly as they are found in fossils which are 100s of millions of years old, virtually unchanged. When we consider the staggering time frames involved, isn’t it strange that they have somehow stopped evolving?
Also, we do not see, any evidence of any half-species. If evolution were true, the world should be full of these weird not-quite-there creatures who are midway through the evolution process, shouldn’t it? Instead, all creatures are all stable in their forms and perfectly suited to their habitats and lifestyles.
Because I’m in the mood to give some homework today, I strongly urge you to check out this clip on what Evolutionists say when they’re asked some tough questions. Quite enlightening.
Science doesn’t reject the existence of God. It embraces it by helping us unpeel the layers of mystery behind His magnificent creations. It helps us understand the HOW.
But as Professor Arthur L. Shawlow (professor of Physics at Stanford University and recipient of the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physics for his work in laser) once said, “It seems to me that when confronted with the marvels of life, and the universe, one must ask WHY, and NOT JUST HOW. The only possible answers are religious. I find a need for God in the universe, and in my own life.”
Next lesson : WHO IS GOD?

Resource: Facebook (Multiracial Reverted Muslims)


by sister Mary

A) What is Islam?

I love jolting an audience to attention so let’s start with what may be a shocking revelation for our very first class smile emoticon You may have often heard Muslims say “Islam is a religion of peace” and possibly been a little skeptical about it given the current political climate, but indeed the word “Islam” is derived from the verb “aslama” which means “to surrender, commit, submit” and originates from the Arabic word “salima” which corresponds to the meaning of peace. So essentially, Islam is adopting a way of life for attaining peace through surrender, submission and obedience to the will of God, the Creator of all that exists. 

Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace and success, one must submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law as there is nothing divine or worthy of being worshipped except for Almighty God. In a nutshell, the core of a Muslim’s belief is that:

- God is perfect and infallible. He created us and knows what is best for us and therefore, we should strive to live a life according to His guidance and laws.

- As much as we may be inclined to do as we please, life should not be led according to our whims, desires and man-made concepts because (unlike God) human beings are fallible and our knowledge is limited. Also, it is impossible to have one man-made code of conduct that is universally acceptable : One man’s meat is another’s poison. You say po-tay-toe, I say po-ta-to. 

- A person who rejects submission to God and sees himself as “free” is in fact often enslaved to various things such as wealth, power & popularity whereas the one who submits himself to God is truly liberated because he lives a life of purpose and righteousness (by controlling his desires and avoiding sin to please God) and is not enslaved to people or worldly matters. 

B) Who are Muslims?

A Muslim is one who submits to the will of God and lives in accordance with His guidance, regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. It is not uncommon for people to believe that Islam is just a religion for Arabs and Malays since they make up the majority of the Muslim population, but in reality it is a way of life that is colour-blind and nation-blind, and you will find Muslims (some born into Muslim families and some who have embraced it of their own accord) in every corner of the world - Chinese, American, Indian, African, Scandinavian, Korean, Japanese, European.... the list goes on, and I have been privileged to meet quite a few from these backgrounds.
In fact, large numbers of Americans have been choosing Islam as their way of life since 9/11 - not something you would expect, eh? In its report on this phenomenon, Fox News interviews a few converts to find out why. I’m attaching the link to the report below so you can satisfy your curiosity as well wink emoticon 

Since Islam is submission to the will of God, the questions that would naturally follow are

- why do Muslims believe in God?
- who is God?
- how do Muslims know what the will of God is?

These and other topics will be covered in the coming lessons InshaAllah (God-willing). In our next lesson, we will explore the topic : WHY DO MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN GOD?

[NOTE : This basic introduction about Islam is specially written and compiled by sister Mary, Vice-President of MRM. InshaAllah, MRM will be sharing this article every Friday morning]

Resource: Facebook (Multiracial Reverted Muslims)
24 May 2016


Bila ALLAH sembuhkan kita daripada kesakitan melalui ikhtiar ubat yang kita ambil.. Kita nampak ubat.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Bila ALLAH berjayakan kita dalam akademik melalui bijaknya kita dalam pelajaran.. Kita nampak kebijaksanaan kita.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Bila ALLAH bagi kita pekerjaan yang selesa melalui cemerlangnya kita dalam bidang yang diceburi..Kita nampak kecemerlangan kita.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Bila ALLAH bagi kita kekayaan harta melalui asbab gigihnya usaha kita dlm perniagaan.. Kita nampak kegigihan usaha kita.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Bila ALLAH kurniakan kita pasangan yang soleh/solehah serta keluarga yang bahagia.. Kita nampak baiknya kita.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Bila ALLAH keluarkan kita daripada masalah melalui bantuan manusia disekeliling.. Kita nampak baiknya manusia tersebut.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Bila ALLAH masyhurkan kita di pandangan mata manusia di dunia melalui asbab kelebihan kita.. Kita nampak hebatnya kita.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Bila ALLAH bagi segala jenis nikmat yang tak pernah mintak dibayar dan tak terhitung.. Kita hanya nampak indahnya nikmat itu.. Kita tak nampak ALLAH
Sungguh, mata hati kita masih buta dan samar.. Dek keangkuhan seorang hamba atau kotornya segumpal darah bernama hati mungkin.. Untuk melihat Maha Mencipta disebalik kejadian..
Bukan senang untuk didik diri dan hati melihat ALLAH dalam setiap langkah kita.. Tapi itulah hakikat kehidupan kita di sini.. Datang dari ALLAH hidup untuk ALLAH dan balik kepada ALLAH. Semoga roh para rasul, nabi, tabien, syuhada, para pejuang agama, ulama, saudara mara, sahabat handai kita yang telah pulang kepada ALLAH dicucuri rahmat.. Kita PASTI menyusul..
Semoga ada kebaikan dan manafaat untuk semua, In Shaa ALLAH

Sunday, 22 May 2016


Mendengar berita kematian
👉🏻Melayu -- Alfatihah
👉🏻Islam --Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun

📌 Usung jenazah
Baca al fatihah sambil usung jenazah.
Jenazah akan ditanam di tempat yang keluarga request. Contoh meninggal dunia di sarawak, tapi disebabkan keluarga di selangor maka jenazah akan dibawa pulang ke selangor untuk dikebumikan.

👉🏻Islam :
Usung seperti biasa tanpa ada sebarang bacaan dan percepatkan hantar jenazah ke kuburan bukan perlambatkan dengan bacaan tertentu.
Jenazah ditanam di tempat perkuburan yang paling hampir dengan jenazah yang meninggal dunia.

📌 Tanam jenazah
- Jirus air dengan jug yang diikat kain putih
- Tabur bunga
- Tabur batu

👉🏻Islam :
Tiada sebarang jirusan air. Jika jirus air atas alasan untuk melembapkan tanah tidak mengapa namun jika air dijirus agar mayat sejuk maka ini kepercayaan yang merosakkan aqidah.

📌Kubur jenazah
- Kubur dihias bagai pengantin
- Kubur ada bangunan
- Kubur ada nama, tarikh hidup dan mati
- Ada pakej upah baca Al Quran
- Batu nisan 2
- Kubur dijadikan masjid tempat beribadah dan meminta
- Perlu beri wang kepada orang solat jenazah
- Perlu beri wang kepada penggali kubur
- Perlu sediakan wang sekurang kurangnya RM 1000...MasyaAllah.

👉🏻Islam :
- Kubur tidak ditinggikan malah diratakan, tiada hiasan.
- Kubur tiada bangunan
- Kubur tiada sebarang kapur, nama, tarikh hidup dan mati
- Tiada upah bacaan Al Quran di kuburan
- Batu nisan 1
- Tempat beribadah di masjid bukan di kuburan
- Tiada wang pun diperlukan kerana tugas uruskan jenazah *FARDHU KIFAYAH* bagi umat islam.

📌Kenduri Arwah
Keluarga si mati buat upacara ritual kenduri bagi arwah dengan bacaan tertentu, doa tertentu, surah yasin sambil dihadiri tekong tahlilan arwah bagi mengisi perut tetamu dengan juadah makanan walau keadaan susah dan terpaksa. Bersedekah tidak salah dengan meluruskan niat.

Dilakukan selama 7 hari, 40 hari dan 100 hari atas kepercayaan agar mayat tidak diseksa dan tidak disoal di dalam kubur.
Ritual seperti ini adalah milik agama *HINDU*
👉🏻 Islam :
Tiada kenduri buat jenazah. Yang ada ialah mendoakan jenazah di mana saja berada.

Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu waafihi wa'fuanhu ( jenazah lelaki )
Allahummafirlaha warhamha waafihi wa'fuanha ( Jenazah wanita)
Jiran terdekat memberikan makanan kepada keluarga si mati kerana mereka sedang berada di dalam kesusahan dan kesedihan.
Talqin akan dibaca di atas kubur oleh imam yang diupah. Imam akan berikan jawapan bocor kepada si mati untuk jawab soalan kubur. Imam dan makmum duduk di atas kubur sambil imam membaca talqin dengan menyebut nama fulan / fulanah binti ibu.

👉🏻Islam :
Tidak ada sebarang talqin bocorkan jawapan kepada jenazah. Kerana jenazah sudah membawa amalannya sendiri untuk menjawab soalan di kubur. Luruskan niat jika talqin sebagai dakwah untuk saling mengingati hari kematian akan tiba kepada yang menziarahi si mati di kuburan itu tidak mejadi kesalahan, kerana Allah ingin kita saling mengingati tentang hari kematian.


Jadikan pesan nabi saw dlm hadis 👇🏼sbg panduan:-

"Barangsiapa membuat suatu perkara baru dalam urusan kami ini (urusan agama) yang tidak ada asalnya, maka perkara tersebut tertolak”
(HR. Bukhari no. 2697 dan Muslim no. 1718)
Sumber dari Facebook

Nikmat Syurga Untuk Wanita Solehah

Hukum Memakai Purdah

Jika Lelaki Soleh Mendapat Bidadari Di Syurga, Maka Wanita Solehah Mendapat Apa di Syurga? Kita sering mendengar tentang lelaki mendapat bidadari di syurga, lalu wanita dapat apa?
Setiap manusia tentu mempunyai harapan terbaik tentang nantinya setelah ia mati, iaitu menginginkan tempat yang paling indah, mendapat kebahagiaan kekal dan kenikmatan yang tidak ada habisnya. Tentu manusia boleh berharap dan bertujuan seperti itu kerana memang syurga Allah SWT sangat indah dan itulah alasan mengapa manusia dalam hidupnya mengamalkan perbuatan baik dan beribadah dengan taat agar boleh mencapai syurga nantinya di hari akhirat. Lalu, kalau bidadari syurga adalah apa yang akan di perolehi oleh lelaki, yang menjadi pertanyaan adakah wanita akan mendapat juga kenikmatan tersebut?
Penyiksaan api neraka tentu menjadi hal yang dijauhi oleh manusia manapun kerana mereka tidak akan mahu terjerumus ke tempat itu, tapi memang disayangkan kerana kebanyakan manusia hanya ingin masuk syurga dan berangan-angan tanpa benar-benar menjalankan ibadah dengan baik.
Beramal soleh pun tidak, dan malah menempuh jalan yang tidak sesuai dengan perintah Allah SWT sehingga pada akhirnya tujuan akhir adalah neraka. Syurga bukan untuk orang-orang sembarangan, syurga adalah ganjaran bagi hamba-hamba Allah yang selama hidupnya beriman dan bertakwa di mana larangan Allah dijauhi dan segala perintah-Nya dipatuhi.
Perihal lelaki dapat bidadari di syurga dan apa yang akan di perolehi oleh wanita solehah?, Ramai sekali yang menanyakannya. Ketika seorang muslim yang beriman dan hidup benar di dunia, saat meninggal ia pun boleh masuk syurga yang berhiaskan sunga-sungai, beraneka ragam buah-buahan yang disukai,manusia, kebun yang cantik, istana yang terbuat dari emas dan mutiara menujukkan kemegahannya yang di mana di dalamnya ada permadani, bantal dan tempat tidur yang dari permata dan emas. Alam syurgalah yang paling indah dan tidak ada tempat yang dapat menandinginya.
Terdapat banyak ayat-ayat al-Quran di jelaskan oleh Allah SWT bahawa di dalam syurga bakal ada bidadari-bidadari cantik yang menjadi isteri para kaum Adam Lelaki mendapatkan bidadari di ciptakan oleh Allah SWT secara langsung tidak pernah di sentuh oeh manusia dan jin.
Mereka adalah yang dimuliakan dan di dalam syurga ada banyak kenikmatan yang boleh dinikmati di atas tahta kebesaran dan kepada mereka bakal diedarkan gelas yang sudah diisi khamar dari sungai yang mengalir. Warna khamar adalah putih dan rasanya sedap. Di sisi mereka akan ada bidadari-bidadari yang memiliki mata jelita seolah mereka merupakan telur burung unta yang dengan baik tersimpan.
Disebutkan oleh Allah SWT bahawa nanti di syurga akan ada bidadari bermata jeli dengan rupa cantik sebagai ganjaran bagi orang-orang yang beriman supaya anak-anak Adam boleh dengan semangat beribadah kepada Allah dan hidup makin soleh di dunia meski penuh dugaan dan ujian.
Para wanita mendapatkan apa di syurga kelak? Wanita diciptakan dengan sifat pemalunya maka dengan begitu, kaum hawa tidaklah didorong oleh Allah SWT untuk beramal soleh dengan menyebutkan ganjaran yang akan membuat para wanita ini merasa malu ketika mendengar atau membacanya. Namun, bukan bererti para wanita solehah tidak akan mendapatkan ganjaran apapun. Bagi yang sudah berkahwin di dunia tapi si suami masuk neraka, atau wanita solehah yang tidak berkahwin maka kelak di syurga mereka akan mendapat pasangan laki-laki romantis, tampan dan perkasa , di pertemukan dengan lelaki bujang ahli syurga atau lelaki soleh ahli syurga yang mana isterinya ahli neraka.
Secantik-cantiknya bidadari di syurga, tetaplah lebih cantik para wanita solehah yang selama di dunia hidup dengan amal soleh, melakukan ketaatan dan ibadah yang dilakukan selama masih hidup di dunia. Jadi, lelaki mendapat bidadari di syurga, lalu wanita solehah akan di pertemukan dengan lelaki ahli syurga yang belum berkahwin atau lelaki ahli syurga yang masuk syurga tanpa isterinya kerana isterinya masuk neraka. Wallahu a’lam.
22 May 2016

Ada apa di bulan Sya’ban?

1. Berpindahnya kiblat dari Baitul Maqdis di Palestina ke Ka’bah di Mekkah.
Rasulullah SAW menunggu dengan penuh harap agar kiblat segera berpindah, setiap hari Rasulullah SAW berdiri seraya memandang ke langit, menanti turunnya wahyu rabbaniy hingga Allah kabulkan keinginannya dengan diturunkannya surah Albaqarah ayat 144 
قَدْ نَرَىٰ تَقَلُّبَ وَجْهِكَ فِي السَّمَاءِ ۖ فَلَنُوَلِّيَنَّكَ قِبْلَةً تَرْضَاهَا ۚ فَوَلِّ وَجْهَكَ شَطْرَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ ۚ وَحَيْثُ مَا كُنتُمْ فَوَلُّوا وُجُوهَكُمْ شَطْرَهُ ۗ

2. Diangkatnya laporan amalan perbuatan manusia 
عن أسامة ابن زيد رضي الله عنهما قال قلت : يا رسول الله لم ارك تصوم شهرا من الشهور ما تصوم من شعبان ! قال "ذلك شهر يغفل الناس عنه بين رجب ورمضان وهو شهر ترفع فيه الأعمال إلى رب العالمين فأحب أن يرفع عملي و أنا صائم"
(رواه النسائي)
Dari Usamah bin Zaid ra berkata “Wahai Rasulullah aku belum pernah melihat engkau berpuasa sebagaimana engakau berpuasa di bulan Sya’ban!” Nabi SAW bersabda “Itulah bulan yang manusia lalai darinya antara Rajab dan Ramadhan. Dan merupakan bulan yang di dalamnya diangkat amalan-amalan kepada rabbul ‘alamin. Dan saya suka untuk diangkat amalan saya sedangkan saya dalam keadaan berpuasa.” (HR an-Nasa’i)

3. Bulannya untuk memperbanyak shalawat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW
Pada bulan inilah turun surat Al-Ahzab ayat 56
إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا
"Sesungguhnya Allah dan Malaikat-malaikat-Nya bershalawat untuk nabi. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bershalawatlah kamu untuk nabi dan ucapkanlah salam penghormatan kepadanya”

4. Malam nisfu Sya’ban
Di dalam shahih Ibnu Hibban 
عن معاذ بن جبل رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال يطلع الله إلى جميع خلقه ليلة النصف من شعبان فيغفر لجميع خلقه إلا لمشرك أو مشاحن. رواه الطبراني
Dari Muaz bin Jabal ra, Rasulullah saw bersabda:”Ketika datang malam nisfu Sya’ban, Allah memperhatikan semua hambaNya, lalu Allah memberikan ampunan kepada orang-orang beriman kecuali mereka menyekutukan Allah dan bermusuhan”

Pada malam nisfu Sya’ban termasuk perkara mulia mengamalkan amalan yang dicontohkan para salafuna shalih yaitu membaca surat yasin sebanyak tiga kali.
Dikutip dan diterjemahkan dari kitab Maadza Fi Sya’ban 
Karya Prof DR Sayyid Muhammad bin Alwi AlMaliki