Friday, 17 January 2025


(Dari FB Zul Maamor : 10 March 2024)

Pernah tak anda dengar nama seorang Cina seperti Wong Bentong, Wong Kwan Tan (Kuantan), Wong Pekan, Wong Lipis dsb.....
Bunyi pelik tapi nama itu memang wujud di Pahang....
Siapa pernah ke Kuantan atau orang Kuantan pasti pernah dengan nama Jalan Wong Ah Jang..... Siapakah Wong Ah Jang?
Beliau ialah seorang ahli perniagaan yang sangat kaya di daerah Kuantan sekitar 1920-an... beliau bergelar Dato' Kurnia Setia Bakti Wong Ah Jang.... hebat gelaran tu dah tentu orangnya hebatkan....
Wong Ah Jang disamping kaya, beliau juga banyak berbakti kepada masyarakat Kuantan. Salah satunya beliau membenarkan pembinaan S.K. Sultan Abdullah didirikan diatas tanah ladang getah beliau, selain beberapa lagi khidmat komuniti beliau kepada masyarakat Kuantan.
Beliau seorang yang cintakan tanahair dan daerah tempat beliau mencari rezeki walaupun beliau tidak dilahirkan di Pahang tapi cintanya kepada negeri Pahang amat tinggi sehingga menamakan anak-anak beliau dengan nama-nama daerah di Pahang. Nama anak-anak beliau ialah:
Lelaki :
1. Wong Kwan Tan (Kuantan)
2. Wong Boo Lat (Sungai Belat)
3. Wong Gambang
4. Wong Lembing (Sungai Lembing)
5. Wong Pekan
6. Wong Lipis
7. Wong Bentong (anak beliau yang terakhir meninggal pada 2012)
8. Wong Jelai
9. Wong Raub
Anak Perempuan :
1. Wong Pahang
2. Wong Berserah
3. Wong Pontian (satu-satunya anak nama dari Negeri Johor)
So lepas ini kalau sesiapa ada anak bakal lahir bolehlah namakan anak mengikut daerah spt: Abdul Sekinchan, Muhammad Segamat, Ahmad Seremban dll....

Copy and paste:
17/1/2025: 9.45 a.m


(Dari FB Zul Maamor : 4 August 2019)

Kita lihat sekarang Mekkah Al Mukarramah telah berkembang pesat....
Namun ramai antara kita yang tidak tahu terdapat ramai anak Malaysia yang terlibat dalam Projek Pembangunan Pesat Kota Mekkah...
Antara mereka yang terlibat ialah:
1. Prof. Dr. Ismawi bin Zen
Pensyarah Jabatan Senibina Lanskap Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia telah dilantik oleh Kerajaan Arab Saudi untuk mengetuai barisan Panel Arkitek untuk Pembangunan semula Kota Mekah termasuk Masjidilharam.
Panel arkitek ini terdiri dari 16 Syarikat Antarabangsa dari 13 Negara termasuk Arab Saudi, Malaysia, Mesir, Jordan, Jepun, Jerman, Perancis, Switzerland, England, India dan Afrika Selatan.
2. Wan Nazri Wan Aria
Jurutera Muda dari Malaysia yang mereka bentuk jam gergasi Abraj Al-Bait di Mekah pada 2012.
Beliau yang ketika itu bekerja dengan Syarikat SL Rasch Jerman telah bekerjasama dengan Syarikat Premium Composite Technologies Dubai dalam melaksanakan pemasangan jam gergasi ini.
3. Hairul Nizam Baharuddin
Jurutera rekabentuk dan senibina Syarikat Premier Composite Technologies LLC dilantik Pengurus tapak bina PCT mengetuai 17 warga Malaysia terlibat dalam perlaksanaan, pengurusan, pentadbiran, dan pemantauan Projek Pembangunan Kota Mekah.
4. Armiazul Ariffin dan Zulkefli Sulaiman.
Dikenali sebagai Spiderman Malaysia di Mekkah....
kerana mereka perlu mendaki Menara jam yang tertinggi di Mekkah menggunakan seutas tali untuk pemasangan komponen pada struktur jam tersebut. Mereka ini mempunyai lesen khas yang diiktiraf diperingkat antarabangsa iaitu Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) yang dikenali sebagai Industrial Climber.....
Syarikat Keretapi Mekkah Mekkah Metro atau dikenali dengan Al-Mashaaer Al-Muqaddassah Metro telah menggunakan khidmat 145 orang kakitangan Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) untuk melancarkan operasi Keretapi Metro berkenaan diawal permulaan operasinya dahulu...
Antara kakitangan KTMB yang terlibat ialah:
1. Azman bin Abdullah, dilantik Station Master di Station Mina 2.
2. Yahya Mohd Noh dilantik sebagai Inspektor Keretapi Mina.
Begitulah sebahagian dari anak Malaysia yang telah menumpahkan keringat dan menabur bakti kepada Kota Suci Mekkah Al Mukarramah....SYABAS diucapkan kepada mereka.....

Hj Zulheimy Maamor
Lembah Keramat, K.L
17/1/2025: 9.42 a.m

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Klang Pernah Berada Dalam Negeri Sembilan?

Sumber: History Insights - Malaysia
14 January 2025

Tahukah anda bahawa daerah Klang pada suatu masa dahulu merupakan sebahagian daripada rantau atau luak Negeri Sembilan?

Sepertimana yang kita ketahui, pada masa kini Semenanjung Malaysia terdiri daripada 11 buah negeri yang mempunyai sempadan tetap negeri masing-masing. Tidak seperti zaman dahulu, pesempadanan negeri berubah-ubah disebabkan perluasan empayar kerajaan dan penguasaan kuasa luar.
Sebelum itu, penulis akan cerita sikit serba ringkas berkenaan sejarah Klang. Klang adalah salah satu kawasan terawal didiami di Selangor berdasarkan penemuan arkeologi dan rekod kerajaan-kerajaan silam. Penemuan beberapa artifak purba seperti gendang gangsa, loceng gangsa dan alatan besi bersoket di beberapa kawasan di Klang seperti di Sungai Klang, Bukit Kuda dan Bukit Badak telah membuktikan penempatan awal manusia telah wujud di Klang sejak Zaman Logam lagi (2,500 tahun lalu). Penulisan rekod kerajaan Majapahit dalam Nagarakrtagama mereka juga menyebut nama tempat Klang dan Sungai Ujong termasuk dalam wilayah penguasaan mereka pada abad ke-14. Nama Klang juga ada dalam catatan China berkenaan tempat-tempat lawatan Laksamana Cheng Ho pada abad ke-15 ketika beliau melawat Tanah Melayu.
Selain amat dikenali sebagai pusat perdagangan kerana adanya Sungai Klang yang menjadi nadi laluan utama para pedagang, Klang juga amat dikenali dengan sumber bumi bijih timahnya. Oleh sebab itulah, Klang merupakan salah satu wilayah penting ketika zaman perkembangan empayar kerajaan Kesultanan Melaka sehingga Sultan Melaka telah melantik Tun Perak menjadi Penghulu Klang sebagai wakil Sultan Melaka.
Selepas Kota Melaka ditakluk oleh Portugis dan Kesultanan Johor mewarisi pemerintahan Kesultanan Melaka, Kesultanan Johor tetap menghantar wakil pentadbirnya ke Klang dengan gelaran Dato’ Engku Klang. Menurut seorang pengkaji sejarah Eropah, R. J Wilkinson, Dato’ Engku Klang merupakan salah seorang putera kepada seorang Sultan Johor yang berkahwin dengan Puteri Mayang Selida iaitu cucu kepada Batin Bercanggai Besi, seorang Pembesar Sungai Ujong. Sejak itu, Klang ditadbir oleh keturunan Dato’ Engku Klang. Waris-waris keturunan daripada kakanda dan adinda Dato’ Engku Klang yang menjadi pembesar-pembesar Sungai Ujong, Jelebu dan Johol.
Klang mula dihuni oleh ramai masyarakat Minang dan Bugis yang berhijrah dan bercampur dengan penduduk Klang tempatan. Disebabkan permintaan daripada masyarakat Minang di Klang ketika itu yang mahukan seorang ketua dalam kalangan mereka, Kerajaan Pagaruyung dari Alam Minangkabau Sumatera telah menghantar seorang wakil mereka yang bergelar Dato’ Tujuh Lekek Dato’ Bendahara Kuning Lima Kaum.
Ketibaan Dato’ Bendahara Kuning tersebut beserta orang-orangnya dari Alam Minangkabau seperti Tanah Datar, Kuantan, Kampar dan Batu Bara telah disambut baik dan besar-besaran oleh Dato’ Engku Pinang Tunggal iaitu Dato’ Engku Klang yang pertama ketika itu. Mereka berdua telah sama-sama bersetuju untuk mentadbir Klang secara bersama mengikut sempadan pemerintahan yang telah dipersetujui bersama iaitu Dato’ Engku Klang mentadbir kawasan Klang Darat dan Dato’ Bendahara Kuning mentadbir kawasan Klang Pantai.
Perkara tersebut dilambangkan dengan sepasang alat kebesaran iaitu Merak Mas yang setiap satunya dipegang oleh mereka berdua dan waris keturunan mereka berdua sehinggalah ke hari ini. Sejak itu, Klang telah menjadi salah satu luak atau negeri di bawah pengaruh masyarakat Minangkabau di Tanah Melayu yang dikenali sebagai Negeri Yang Sembilan.
Untuk makluman, “negeri” Klang yang asal bukanlah sepertimana pesempadanan daerah Klang pada masa kini, tetapi keluasan wilayahnya jauh lebih besar. Menurut temubual penulis melalui WhatsApp dan Facebook dengan seorang Pengkaji Sejarah Selangor yang juga pewaris keturunan Dato’ Bendahara Kuning, Cikgu Faisal bin Dato’ Surani, wilayah Klang yang asal merupakan rantau Minangkabau paling besar di Tanah Melayu. Klang pada asalnya termasuk juga Langat (daerah Kuala Langat) dan (daerah) Sepang pada masa kini. Itu kawasannya di selatan atau sepanjang pesisir Selat Melaka di selatan.
Begitu juga keluasan rantau Negeri Sembilan pada asalnya bukanlah sepertimana pesempadanan negeri tersebut pada masa kini, tapi lebih besar, merangkumi Klang (kini salah satu daerah Negeri Selangor), Naning (kini sebahagian daripada Negeri Melaka) dan Segamat (kini sebahagian besarnya dalam Negeri Johor). Jika kita merujuk sumber pengkaji-pengkaji sejarah Eropah, terdapat beberapa maklumat yang agak berbeza antara satu sama lain berkenaan sembilan luak atau daerah asal yang membentuk Negeri Sembilan hasil kajian ilmiah mereka.
Sebagai contoh, T. J. Newbold menyatakan sembilan luak asal tersebut ialah Naning, Sungai Ujong, Klang, Segamat, Johol, Jelebu, Rembau, Jelai dan Ulu Pahang. Martin Lister juga menyatakan senarai yang sama kecuali luak terakhir itu bukan Ulu Pahang, tapi Pasir Besar. R. J. Wilkinson menyatakan senarai yang sama dengan Martin Lister, kecuali bukan luak Johol, tapi Inas. Sementara R. O. Winstedt dan Nathan pula menyatakan senarai yang sama dengan Newbold, kecuali bukan luak Johol, tapi Pasir Besar.
Walau bagaimanapun, dalam semua senarai luak yang mereka nyatakan, Klang adalah antara luak yang dipersetujui oleh mereka semua sebagai salah satu luak asal yang membentuk Negeri Sembilan. Nama Negeri Sembilan dicatatkan secara rasmi buat kali pertama dalam perjanjian bertarikh 11 November 1759 yang ditandatangani oleh Gabenor Belanda di Melaka ketika itu, Daeng Kemboja dari Linggi, Raja Tua dari Klang dan ketua-ketua dari Rembau dan “Negerinya yang Sembilan.”
Bilangan daerah atau luak ini berubah dari masa ke masa, ada daerah yang disatukan, ada pula tempat yang dijadikan daerah baru tersendiri. Pada tahun 1898, wujud 13 daerah, kemudian pada tahun 1934, berubah menjadi 12 daerah. Jika kita merujuk pada peta Negeri Sembilan pada masa kini, cuma terdapat tujuh daerah pentadbiran moden sahaja iaitu Seremban, Port Dickson, Rembau, Jelebu, Kuala Pilah, Jempol dan Tampin. Dari segi pentadbiran adat pula, terbahagi kepada 14 luak adat iaitu Seri Menanti, Tampin, Sungai Ujong, Jelebu, Johol, Rembau, Ulu Muar, Jempol, Terachi, Gunung Pasir, Inas, Gemenceh, Ayer Kuning dan Linggi.
Pentadbir setiap luak digelar Undang atau Penghulu, dan terdapat empat orang Undang luak yang bertanggungjawab memilih dan menabalkan individu yang bakal mewarisi takhta Yang Dipertuan Besar iaitu Undang Sungai Ujong, Undang Rembau, Undang Johol dan Undang Jelebu.
Berbalik kepada kisah Klang, selain masyarakat Minang, Selangor juga didiami oleh ramai masyarakat Bugis yang berhijrah terutamanya di Kuala Selangor. Dato’ Engku Klang yang mentadbir wilayah Klang kemudiannya melantik Arung Pasarai yang berketurunan Bugis sebagai Yamtuan Selangor sekitar awal abad ke-18. Walau bagaimanapun, pentadbiran Arung Pasarai hanya terbatas di Kuala Selangor sahaja. Setelah kemangkatan Arung Pasarai, adindanya, Raja Sitti menggantikan tempatnya.
Selepas kemangkatan Raja Sitti, pihak Bugis dari Kesultanan Johor-Riau-Lingga menghantar Raja Lumu, putera kepada Daeng Chelak iaitu Yamtuan Muda Riau kedua sebagai pengganti kedudukan Raja Sitti. Pada tahun 1766, Raja Lumu ditabalkan oleh Sultan Perak ketika itu iaitu Sultan Mahmud Shah, Sultan Perak ke-16, menjadi Sultan Selangor pertama dengan gelaran Sultan Salehuddin dan dikurniakan peralatan nobat dan cap mohor diraja.
Pertabalan baginda turut diperakukan oleh Dato’ Engku Klang beserta Dato’-Dato’ Besar Empat Suku (empat orang pemerintah tradisional Klang – Dato’ Kaya Klang (Dato’ Bendahara Kuning), Dato’ Jeram, Dato’ Penggawa dan Dato’ Aru) yang ketika itu merupakan suatu kemestian mengikut adat istiadat diraja Melayu Selangor dalam sebarang pertabalan atau kemangkatan Yamtuan Selangor atau Sultan Selangor. Sejak itu, Selangor terpisah daripada jajahan takluk Kesultanan Johor dan menjadi sebuah negeri beraja yang berdaulat.
Berbalik semula kepada kisah Negeri Sembilan, sembilan luak atau daerah asal yang dibincangkan tadi berubah dan semakin mengecil dengan Klang menjadi sebahagian daripada negeri Selangor, Naning dikuasai oleh Belanda dan menjadi sebahagian daripada negeri Melaka yang mereka takluki ketika itu, sebahagian Segamat menjadi daerah Negeri Johor, sementara sebahagian Ulu Pahang menjadi sebahagian daripada negeri Pahang.
Sekitar tahun 1878-1880, berlaku suatu perjanjian penentuan pesempadanan negeri antara Selangor dengan luak Sungai Ujong yang ditandatangani oleh Sultan Abdul Samad, Dato’ Kelana Undang Sungai Ujong dan Residen British di Selangor. Dalam persetujuan bertulis tersebut, kedua-dua belah pihak telah bersetuju saling bertukar beberapa kawasan masing-masing iaitu Lukut diserahkan kepada jajahan Sungai Ujong (Negeri Sembilan), sementara kawasan Semenyih dan Beranang diserahkan kepada pemerintahan Selangor. Sempadan antara kedua-dua buah negeri tersebut kekal sehingga kini.
Ketika pemerintahan Sultan Muhammad Shah iaitu Sultan Selangor ketiga, Klang diserahkan di bawah pentadbiran putera baginda, Raja Sulaiman. Selepas kemangkatan Raja Sulaiman, pentadbiran Klang diserahkan pula kepada Raja Abdullah, seorang kerabat diraja Bugis Riau. Hal tersebut telah menyebabkan ketidakpuasan hati Raja Mahadi iaitu putera kepada Raja Sulaiman, lalu mencetuskan perang saudara di Klang untuk merebut hak pentadbiran Klang, selama beberapa tahun ketika zaman pemerintahan Sultan Selangor keempat iaitu Sultan Abdul Samad.
Pada tahun 1875, Klang dijadikan ibu kota bagi negeri Selangor sehingga tahun 1880, apabila status tersebut berpindah ke Kuala Lumpur, dan kemudiannya berpindah ke daerah baharu Shah Alam apabila Kuala Lumpur dijadikan sebagai wilayah persekutuan pada tahun 1974. Status Klang sebagai Bandar Diraja Negeri Selangor bermula pada zaman pemerintahan Sultan Selangor kelima iaitu Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah apabila baginda berpindah bersemayam ke Klang dari Jugra setelah mendirikan istana rasmi kediaman baginda iaitu Istana Mahkota Puri pada tahun 1903 yang kini merupakan tapak Istana Alam Shah.
Pada masa kini, Klang masih ditadbir secara adat oleh waris keturunan Dato’ Bendahara Kuning (gelarannya Dato’ Kaya Klang yang dianugerahkan oleh kerajaan Johor Lama kerana berpangkat Bendahara) secara turun temurun yang dikenali sebagai Orang Besar Daerah Klang, sementara waris keturunan Dato’ Engku Klang pula kini mentadbir daerah Hulu Langat secara bergenerasi dengan gelaran Orang Besar Daerah Hulu Langat.
Setiap pemegang jawatan turun temurun Orang Kaya Klang mempunyai panggilan adat mereka tersendiri seperti Dato’ Bendahara Kuning Lima Kaum adalah panggilan adat Orang Kaya Klang yang pertama, Dato’ Bendahara Kuning Agor ialah panggilan adat Orang Kaya Klang yang kedua, dan seterusnya sehingga ke hari ini, selaras dengan budaya adat Minangkabau. Panggilan adat penuh bagi jawatan Orang Kaya Klang pada masa kini ialah Dato’ Bendahara Kuning Klang Orang Kaya Klang Maha Bijaya Klang.
Dari segi sejarahnya, Dato’ Kaya Klang dan Dato’ Engku Klang masing-masing mempunyai orang-orang besar mereka sendiri yang terdiri daripada Tok Batin, Penghulu-Penghulu Adat serta Lembaga Adat. Mengikut adat, Orang-Orang Besar inilah yang akan memilih dan melantik Dato’ Kaya Klang dan Dato’ Engku Klang sekiranya berlaku kekosongan.
Selepas pengasasan Kesultanan Selangor, adat ini diteruskan dengan penambahan peranan Sultan Selangor mengesahkan setiap perlantikan tersebut melalui suatu Istiadat Menjunjung Duli. Akibat Perang Saudara Klang, ramai Penghulu Adat telah meninggal dunia atau lari meninggalkan Selangor akibat kalah perang. Ditambah lagi campurtangan pihak British dalam hal ehwal pentadbiran istana telah menyebabkan istiadat perlantikan tersebut dilupakan.
Kita dapat melihat warisan Klang sebagai salah satu bekas rantau masyarakat Minang di Tanah Melayu pada banyak nama tempat di Klang pada masa kni yang mempunyai persamaan dengan nama-nama tempat di tanah asal masyarakat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat dan Negeri Sembilan seperti Jalan Rembau (kini Jalan Tengku Kelana, di mana tempat asal kediaman Tun Perak ketika menjadi Penghulu Klang), Kampung Kuantan (tempat kediaman Rumah Gadang Dato’ Bendahara Kuning), Pengkalan Kampar, Andalas, Bukit Tinggi, Solok dan Lintang.
Source: The Patriots
Copy and paste: 16/1/2025:11.14 a.m

Monday, 13 January 2025


Source: History insights - Malaysia

The Agnes Keith House is one of Sandakan’s most talked-about tourist destinations and it’s definitely difficult to miss. But wait – who is Agnes Keith?
For many Malaysians, her name might not ring any bells. Sabahans on the other hand, certainly light up at the mention of her name.
After all, the state’s unofficial motto of “Land Below the Wind” originates from her work as an author, and her writings offer a rare insight into Sabah’s storied past.
Born on July 4, 1901 in Illinois, USA, Agnes Newton Keith would eventually find a passion for writing on the cusp of adulthood.
She first came to Sabah back in 1934 after marrying one Henry George Keith, fondly known to her as Harry, a conservationist who worked for the British North Borneo Company.
Given her husband’s important role as the company’s Agriculture Director, Agnes dutifully followed him to Sandakan. It should be noted that Harry was so influential in his work, that the largest species of the Rafflesia plant, Rafflesia keithii, was named in his honour in 1984.
Despite the early discomforts of settling in a foreign land, Agnes still embraced her new phase of life as she travelled deep into Sabah’s lush interior alongside her beloved husband.
Encouraged by Harry to start journaling her experiences, she participated in a writing contest and related her experiences living in rustic Sabah.
Her inspiring entry was selected as the winner in its category, and she would later publish it as a book called “Land Below the Wind”.
In it, she expounded on her new life in a strange land, as well as the unique people and animals she had encountered in Sabah. The book received positive reviews, with one newspaper noting it as “an original and engaging description of a country and people of extraordinary interest.”
However, during the Japanese invasion of Borneo, the Keiths, like many other Europeans on the island at the time, were rounded up and sent to live in internment camps.
Thankfully, the family survived the conflict unscathed, largely due to Agnes’s willingness to cooperate with her captors.
In fact, a fellow prisoner noted that the Japanese camp commandant had also read Agnes’s work, thereby ensuring that her family was treated relatively well. The Keiths’s imprisonment finally ended with the liberation of their camp on Sept 11, 1945.
Agnes would move to Canada for a short while, during which she worked on her second book, “Three Came Home” which recounted her time in imprisonment.
The book vividly captures her trauma, as evidenced by her writing, “The story of war is always the story of hate; it makes no difference with whom one fights. The hate destroys you.”
In the same book, she also wrote, “War brutalises all whom it touches; if it did not do so it could not be endured.”
Surprisingly, despite the depressing subject, Agnes ensured to humanise both captors and captives, believing that the war had dehumanised everyone and was thus causing everyone to suffer.
The bestseller book later received a film adaptation, with movie star Claudette Colbert playing the role of Agnes.
When Agnes returned to Sandakan in 1947, she was saddened that the Sabah she loved had been been ravaged by the conflict.
Despite their former home being destroyed during the conflict, the Keiths soon erected a new home, called the Newlands. Today, it survives as the famous Agnes Keith House.
Aside from being a tourist destination, the house has also garnered a reputation for being supposedly haunted, with mysterious apparitions having been sighted by Agnes herself.
Her third book on Sabah, “White Man Returns” was written during this period and it told of her family’s post-war experience.
She was clearly proud of her new home, as she wrote, “The new house is beautiful. Round trippers on world boats would come up to see it, carrying their cameras and calling, ‘Why, look!'”
Agnes would leave Sabah for good in 1952, following her husband on his travels, before finally settling down in Canada. There, she passed away peacefully at the age of 80.
Till today, her books remain popular in Sabah as they played a huge role in introducing the beauty of Sabah to the world.
While the Sabah of Agnes’s time has long passed, many still identify with her experiences, as the allure of Sabah continues to blossom and bloom under the wind.
Source: Free Malaysia Today

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13/1/2025: 11.35 p.m


Collection of facts about Malaysia 
Collected by Hj Zulheimy Bin Maamor

Fast Facts:
Official Name: Malaysia
Location: in the heart of Southeast Asia
Population: 32,652, 083
Area: 329,847 sq km
Capital City : Kuala Lumpur
Major Language: Bahasa Malaysia, English,Chinese and Tamil (Bahasa Malaysia is the Official language). 
Major Religion: Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and Hindu (Islam is the official religion).
Time Zone: UTC+8 (Malaysian Standard Time)
  1. A Fomosa : at Melaka > Porta de Santiago , built by the Portuguese in 1511 under the command of Alfonso de Albuquerque as a Fortress. 
  2. Admiral Cheng Ho Museum: located on Jalan Hang Jebat, Melaka > this museum housed in a restructured  200 to 300 years old building with Ming Dynasty architecture, dedicated to Chinese Admiral Cheng Ho (Zheng He) who visited Melaka many times between 1405 and 1433. >
  3. Alocasia Macrorrhiza : from Sabah > the largest specimen of leaves in the world, over 3 metres long and nearly 2 metres wide. 
  4. Alor Setar Tower : located at Alor Setar, Kedah > standing proud at 165.5 m, one of tallest telecommunication towers in the world and the second tallest in Malaysia. >
  5. Aquaria KLCC : Located at Kuala Lumpur > this aquarium showcases more that 5,000 exhibits >
  6. Army Museum, Port Dickson : located 10 km from Port Dickson, the award-winning army museum traces the illustrous history of the Malaysian Armed Forces through several galleries. 
  7. Aurea Chersonesus (Golden Chersonese): Greek geographer, Ptolemy labelled Malaysia as Aurea Chersonesus means "Golden Chersonese" in 2nd century A.D. 
  8. Baba and Nyonya Heritage Museum: located on Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lok, Melaka > the Strait Chinese, a fascinating mixture of Chinese and Malay cultures, language and cuisine . >
  9. Bank Kerapu War Museum: Kota Bharu,Kelantan > built by Mercantile Bank in 1911 and was used by the Japanese army during WW2. 
  10. Batu Bersurat Kuala Berang: an inscribed stone of Terengganu > the earliest recorded evidencs of the spread of Islam in Malaysia, discovered in 1903, the site is 38 km southwest of Kuala Terengganu. 
  11. Batu Caves : located 15 km north of Kuala Lumpur > founded by William Hornaday an American naturalist in 1878 - one of Malaysia's iconic attraction, its massive limestone outcrop is believed to be 400 million years old. Batu Caves is crowded during the Annual Hindu festival of Thaipusam. Visitors are greeted by a 42.7 m high Golden Statue of the HIndu God, Lord Murugan at the entrance to the cave. 
  12. Batu Ferringhi: about 20 km from George Town in Penang > the most popular beach destination in Penang. Batu Ferringhi means "Foreigners' Rock" a term which refers to the early Portuguese traders who landed here. 
  13. Birch Memorial Clock Tower: Located at Jalan Dato' Sagor at Ipoh, Perak > the clock tower was erected in memory of Perak first British Resident, J.W.W. Birch who was assassinated at Pasir Salak in 1875
  14. Broga Hill: 15 minutes drive from Semenyih town in Selangor, Broga Hill is quite well-known for hiking as well as a recreational area for neraby residents. Witness the scenic fiew from the top of the Broga Hill. 
  15. Bukit Cina : two adjoining hills covering 25 hectares, with a graveyard that contains more than 12,000 graves, the oldest tomb dating back to 1622.
  16. Bukit Jugra: at Banting, Selangor > a great vantage point to enjoy panoramic view of the Langat River. The main attractions is the 19th century lighthouse
  17. Bukit Melaka: Formerly St.Paul Hill > Located at Bandar Hilir, Melaka, a chapel named "Out Lady of The Hill" was erected by the Portuguese Captain, Duarte Coelho in 1521. When the Dutch took control, they renamed it St. Paul's Church. St. Francis Xavier who regularly visited the chapel, was buried here in 1553 before his remain were transferred to Goa in India. 
  18. Borneo Island : East Malaysia > 3rd largest island in the world stretching over 743,000 km2 which also have the world's oldest rainforest
  19. Bujang Valley Archaeology Museum: located at the town of Merbok, 70 km south of Alor Setar, Kedah > one of the richest archaeological sites in Malaysia. The only one in Malaysia which exhibits archaeological evidence of the existence of a trade and Hindu-Buddhism propagation centre in Southeast Asia from the 3rd century to the 12th century. >  
  20. Bukit Bendera: also known as Penang Hill at 830 m above sea level, is popular for its cool, fresh climate as well as panoramic views of Georgetown in Penang. 
  21. Bukit Cina : Chinese Hill at Melaka > the largest Chinese cemetery outside China with many of the tombs (more than 12,000 graves) dating back to Ming Dynasty, the oldest tomb dating back to 1622. . It was a marriage gift from the Sultan of Melaka when he married Princess Hang Li Po of China.
  22. Bukit Jugra : located at historical town in Kuala Langat, Jugra was the capital of Selangor back in 1800s. Bukit Jugra is an excellent spot for outdoor activities such as hiking and paragliding. 
  23. Bukit Larut : at Taiping, Perak > formerly known as Maxwell Hill, the oldest Hill Resort in the country. >
  24. Bukit Malawati: Located at Kuala Selangor, about 70 km from Kuala Lumpur > the area was a stronghold of the Selangor Sultanate during the late 18th century with an ancient fort used to stand proudly on this hilltop. 
  25. Cheng Hoon Teng Temple : at Melaka > the oldest Chinese temple in the country, built in 1646.  Underscored by UNESCO award for outstanding architectural restoration. 
  26. Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion: located in Leith Street, Penang > built in 1880s by wealthy Cheong Fatt Tze the mansion is combination of Su Chow Dynasty period architecture. >
  27. Clearwater Cave: Mulu National Park, Miri, Sarawak > the longest cave system in Southeast Asia. 
  28. Clock Tower (Ipoh) : at Ipoh, Perak > erected in 1917 as a memorial of J.W.W. Birch the first British Resident of Perak who was assassinated by a group of Malay Chietain in Pasir Salak in 1875. 
  29. Clock Tower (K.L) : at Jalan Raja Kuala Lumpur > built in 1896. 
  30. Clock Tower (Penang) : at Persiaran Raja Edward, Penang > presented to Penang by local millionaire Cheah Chen Eok in 1897 to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. 
  31. Darul Ridzuan Museum: located at Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, Ipoh, Perak > trace the history and development of Ipoh town, include the on-site underground air raid shelter that was built during World War II. 
  32. Dataran Lang : located at the town of Kuah, Pulau Langkawi > features miniature fontains, terraces and bridges. 
  33. Deer Cave : Mulu National Park, Miri, Sarawak > the world's largest cave passage. > can occupy 40 Boeing 747 jetliners. 
  34. Desaru : located at the southeastern corner of Johor, 26 km from Johor Bahru > renowned for its  idyllic coastline with 26 km of pristine beaches fringed by casuarina trees. 
  35. Desaru Fruit Farm: located 39 km from Kota Tinggi town of Johor > more than 100 varieties of tropical fruit and 10 plant species. >
  36. Desaru Ostrich Farm : located at Kota Tinggi, Johor > has about 500 ostriches. Visitors can purchase farm-related souvenirs and ostrich eggs and fresh ostrich meat. 
  37. Dharmikarama Temple: located at Burmah Lane, Penang > a designated historical site as it is one of the earliest Burmese temples in Malaysia and only one remaining. 
  38. Eco-Edu Tourism Recretional Forest : located at Sungai Menyala just 12 km from Port Dickson, the first eco-edu tourism park in Malaysia. 
  39. Endau-Rompin National Park : straddles the Johor - Pahang Border, rich in flora and fauna. >
  40. Extreme Park Shah Alam: in Shah Alam ,Selangor > One of Malaysia's finest multisport centres, boasts a skate park, inline skate park, bike park etc...
  41. Firefly Parks Kuala Selangor: a visit to a firefly colonies located at Kg. Kuantan and Kg Bukit Belimbing,Kuala Selangor > the fireflies congregrate in large numbers around the Berembang trees that frow along the riverbank. >
  42. First World Hotel : at Genting Highland, Pahang  > the world's largest hotel with 7,351 rooms. 
  43. Fort Cornwallis : at Lebuh Light, Penang > the spot that Captain Francis Light first landed on the Island in 1786. 
  44. Fort Margherita : at Kuching, Sarawak > a loving gift by Charles Vyner Brooke to his wife Margaret. 
  45. FRIM : The Forest Research Institute of Malaysia at Kepong, 16 km from Kuala Lumpur > the world's largest manmade Rainforest, a must visit for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. >
  46. Gamuda Garden :  Located at Rawang, Selangor, is a massive area with gorgeous landscaped gardens and greenery. Enjoy a stroll while enjoying the lake view. 
  47. Geological Museum: Located at Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah,Ipoh, Perak > established in 1957, its features an impressive collection of minerals, rocks, fossils and gems. >
  48. Georgetown : at Penang > was named after the reign of the British Monarch George III - the first town in Malaysia to obtain city Status
  49. Gomantong Cave : in Sabah> the most famous source of Swiftlet nest, used for Chinese dishes the Bird's Nest Soup. 
  50. Gua Tempurung : the Tempurung Cave at Gopeng, Perak > 400 million years old limestone cave is the largest cave in Peninsular Malaysia. >
  51. Gunung Angsi : located at Kuala Pilah within the Ulu Bendul Recreational Forest in Kuala Pilah, about 16 km from Seremban in Negeri Sembilan. 
  52. Gunung Datuk : The Gunung Datuk Recreational Forest is situated just 35 km from Seremban in Negeri Sembilan  > a popular hiking spot also features chalets and rest huts. 
  53. Gunung Jerai : the highest peak in Kedah, Kedah's oldest hill resort and recreational park. >
  54. Gunung Kinabalu: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah > The highest mountain in Southeast Asia (4101m) >
  55. Gunung Lang Recreational Park: Located at Jalan Kuala Kangsar, 5 km from Ipoh, Perak > comprises s stretch of linestone hills right in centre of the Kinta Valley. Park attraction include Boating Lake, mini zoom model village houses and man made waterfall. 
  56. Gurney Drive: Just minutes from the Penang City Centre, the popular seafront promenade, completed in 1936 and named New Coast Road. In 1952 it was renamed Gurney Drive after Sir Henry Gurney the British High Commissioner in Malaya (1951-52). He was assassinated by the Communist guerillas in 1952.  
  57. Hang Li Po's well : legend has it that Chinese Emperor sent his daughter Princess Hang Li Po to marry Sultan Mansur Syah of Melaka. The well was build by her followers in 1459 as the source of water supply. However there is no written records of this princess in the Chinese documents. 
  58. Hang Tuah Village: located at Kampung Duyung, Melaka > the village of the legendary Malay warrior, Hang Tuah during the early days of Melaka Sultanate. The village if right beside the Hang Tuah well. 
  59. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis: The National flower of Malaysia > officially chose on 28 July 1960. 
  60. High 5 Bread Town: located about 8km from Kuala Lumpur city centre > recognised by the Malaysian Book of Records as the country's "First Bread Museum" >
  61. I-City: a fully integrated business and lifestyle hub located just off the Federal Highway about 30 km from Kuala Lumpur, has been dubbed "The City of Digital Lights" for its mesmerising nightscape created by a million LED lights illuminating a forest of fabricated trees. >
  62. Islamic Arts Museum : located in surroundings of the Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur > is Southeast Asia's largest museum of Islamic art. One of the world's largest models of Mekah's Masjidil al-Haram was displayed here. >
  63. Istana Negara : located at Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur > the palace is the official residence of the Majesties the King and Queen of Malaysia. Officially opened on 15 November 2011, to replace the old Istana Negara. >
  64. Jelita Ostrich Farm : located 10 km from Seremban, N.Sembilan > according to Malaysia Book of Records, the 4.2 hectare Farm is the first ostrich farm in Malaysia
  65. Jimmy Choo : the famous shoe designer in the world was born in Penang, Malaysia. 
  66. Johor Art Gallery : at Johor Bahru, Johor > Built in 1910, contains a rich and varied collection of antique, cultural and traditional items depicting the history and culture of Johor. 
  67. Jonker Street : the vibrant heart of the Melaka city centre, the old town houses and shophouses have been transformed into cafes, pubs and boutiques. The nightlife becomes even more lively during festive seasons. 
  68. Kampung Morten :situated in a Melaka River > a Malay village house in Kg.Morten, Melaka built in the 1920s > houses a varied collection of artefacts including Ming Dynasty ceramics and a 100 -years-old Quran. 
  69. Kedah State Museum: located at Alor Setah, Kedah > built in 1936, the museum is a showcase and repository of Kedah's rich cultural heritage. 
  70. Kek Lok Si Temple : at Ayer Itam,Penang > built in 1890, reputed to be the most beautiful and largest Buddhist Temple Complex in the world measuring 33 m. 
  71. Kek Look Tong Temple: tuck deep within the residential area of Gunung Rapat about 15 minutes from Ipoh, Perak > this temple has been used as a place of worship since 1920. 
  72. Kellie's Castle: located at Batu Gajah,Perak > an unfinished mansion commissioned by William Kellie Smit an English rubber planter. Construction began in 1915, came to an abrupt halt with Kellie's sudden death in 1926. Shrouded in mystery, the castle is now open to public to visit.  
  73. Kg. Hulu Mosque : at Melaka >  the oldest mosque in Malaysia built by Dato' Shamsudin in 1728. 
  74. Kg. Kling Mosque : located at Jalan Tukang Emas, Melaka > "Keling" was a term used to denote the South Indian community which originated from Kalinga. Built by the Indian Muslim traders in 1748 during the Dutch colonial era. 
  75. Kinabalu Park : located at Kundasang, Sabah > the first state park in Sabah. Malaysia's first UNESCO World Heitage Site, the park is the main starting point of the trail leading to the summit of Mount Kinabalu. 
  76. KL Bird Park : located within the Perdana Botanical Garden, it is home to more than 3,000 birds of 200 Malaysian and foreign species >
  77. KL Butterfly Park : nestled within Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur, with more than 5,000 butterflies amidst tropical foliage and flowers >
  78. KL City Gallery  : located in a 114-year old building beside the Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur, this gallery is a repository of all kinds of infomation on Kuala Lumpur >
  79. KL Old Railway Station : completed in 1911, the old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station was designed by A.B.Hubback , used to be a hub for all trains of the national rail system,before KL Sentral was built. 
  80. KL Sentral : the main transportation hub within the city of Kuala Lumpur. From here visitors can travel around the city on LRT (Light Rail Transit), MRT (Middle Rail Transit) and KTM Komuter (Commuter) train. 
  81. KL Tower : located atop Bukit Nanas at 421m above sea level, KL Tower of Menara KL is a prominent landmark, the10.05-hectare Bukit Nanas Forest, the oldest gazetted forest reserve in the country. >
  82. KLIA : Kuala Lumpur International Airport located at Sepang, the main gateway for Malaysia Airlines and other international carriers. 
  83. Koref Eco Farm Resort : located 7 km from the nearby Kahang Village and 43 km from Kluang town in Johor > the first and only certified organic fice farm in Malaysia. >
  84. Kota Tinggi Waterfalls : Located at the foot of Gunung Muntahak, accessible via Kota Tinggi town at Johor > provide a picturesque sight as water cascades from a height of 36m into a pool deep enough to swim in. 
  85. Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary : located in Kerian district, about 50 km southwest of Taiping, Perak > home to thousands of migratory and resident birds. Ref: Visit Perak
  86. Kuala Kangsar District Office : the home of the last surviving rubber tree from the original batch brought by Englishman H.N. Ridley from London's Kew Garden in 1877. 
  87. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia capital city > "Kuala" is the Malay word for "river junction of estuary" and "Lumpur" means "Mud". Combined the 2 words means the country capital is called "Muddy Confluence". 
  88. Kuala Selangor Fireflies: Firefly tours along the river in Kuala Selangor are combines with Blue Tears and Eagle feeding tours which take place along the river. 
  89. Kuala Selangor Nature Park : situated at the mouth of Selangor River, is a haven for a rich diversity of Selangor Nature Park. A home to a cornucopia of wildlife including silver leaf monkeys and others. The Nordmann's Greenshank is one of the world's rarest birds has been spotted here.
  90. Kuching General Post Office: at Kuching, Sarawak > with its Roman Style Architecture with its row of Corinthian columns in its facade, reputed to be the only of its kind in the region. 
  91. Langkawi Cable Car and Sky Bridge: at 709m above sea level, the entrance is located in the Oriental Village, near Pantai Kok >
  92. Lata Kijang Waterfall: located 18 km from Tapah, Perak > one of Malaysia's tallest waterfall cascading 850m down a steep stretch  of rocky slopes. 
  93. LCCT : Low Cost Carrier Terminal > about 20 km from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), servicing budget airlines including AirAsia. 
  94. Leaning Tower : at Teluk Intan, Perak > built by a Chinese contractor named Leong Choon Choong,  originally constructed to house a water tank in 1885. 
  95. Legoland, Nusajaya : located at Nusajaya, Johor > features re-creations of Asian landmarks that have been constructed using more than 30 millions lego bricks in a 1:20 scale. Legoland Hotel is the first Lego-themed hotel in Asia. >
  96. Lenggong Archaelogical Museum & Gallery: located at Kota Tampan, Lenggong, Perak >the UNESCO listed Archaelogical Heritage, is home to key archaelogical finds spanning almost 2 millions years. They are one of the longest records of early man in a single location and the oldest outside of Africa : Source: UNESCO
  97. Little India @ Brickfields, KL > Brickfields began first as the centre of the brick-making industry in the late 19th century. It then developed as the main locomotive depot for the Malayan Railway and was one of the first Indian settlements in Kuala Lumpur. 
  98. Lost World of Tambun: located in the Sunway City Ipoh township in Perak > features a water park, hot springs and spa, amusement rides, petting zoo, etc.. >
  99. Lukut Fort : about 30 km from Seremban, N. Sembilan > built in 1826 to protect the tin-rich town of Lukut in its heyday. >
  100. Majestic Waterfall Forest Park Kanching : Located in Templer Baiduri, Rawang, Selangor > discover the forest reserve is like a carnival of waterfalls with varying heights and landscapes, crystal-clear water of the Kanching River. 
  101. Maritime Museum (Flor de La Mar): located just ahead of the Stadhuys, Melaka, is a replica of the Portuguese ship Flor de La Mar that sank off the coast of Melaka on its way to Portugal during the 16th century
  102. Masjid Jamek (K.L) : at Jalan Tun Perak, Kuala Lumpur > the oldest mosque in the city built in 1908, designed by an Englishman Arthur Benison Hubback the same architect who designed the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station.  
  103. Masjid Kg. Kling : at Melaka > was built by Indian Muslim Traders in 1748 during the Dutch colonial era. 
  104. Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar: situated at Johor Bahru, Johor > took 8 years to build and was completed in 1900. 
  105. Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah: the state mosque of Selangor, located at Shah Alam, also referred as the Blue Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Malaysia, can accommodate up to 24,000 worshippers. 
  106. Masjid Ubudiah : located at Kuala Kangsar, Perak > opened in 1917, one of the most beautiful mosque in the country. 
  107. Masjid Zahir : Kedah's State mosque > built in 1912, one of the oldest mosque in Malaysia. 
  108. Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve: located near the town of Kuala Sepetang 15 km west of Taiping, Perak > gazetted as a reserve in 1906 - regarded as the best-managed sustainable mangrove ecosystem in the world. >
  109. MEASAT 1 : (Malaysian East Asia Satellite), Malaysia first satellite was launched on 12 January 1996 at Kourou, French Guiana, South America. MEASAT 2 was launched on October 1996. 
  110. Melaka Butterfly Farm & Reptile Santuary : situated at Ayer Keroh, Melaka > the 11-acre jungle site , beginning as just a butterfly farm, has since grown to incorporate reptiles. >
  111. Melaka Bird Park: located at Ayer Keroh, Melaka > one of the largest aviaries in Malaysia. 
  112. Melaka DuckTours : a unique way to view what Melaka has to offer on land and sea. The 38-seater amphibious vehicle, visitor are able to enjoy an adventure around the historical city of Melaka. >
  113. Melaka Planetarium : situated at Ayer Keroh, Melaka > the 3D space Theatre is deemed one of the most sophisticated in Asia.
  114. Melaka River Cruise: cuts right across the city of Melaka as it makes it way to the Straits of Malacca. 
  115. Melaka Sultanate Palace: the replica of the Sultan Mansur Syah who ruled Melaka from 1456 - 1477 has been recreated at the foot of St.Paul Hill, based on information from the Malay Annals. 
  116. Melaka Trishaw: It's hard to miss the sight of a trishaw in Melaka, well decorated with flowers and even equipped to play a medley of songs. 
  117. Melaka Wonderland Theme Park & Resort: located at Ayer Keroh, Melaka > offer the complete waterpark experience. >
  118. Melaka Zoo & Night Safari : located at Ayer Keroh, Melaka > the second largest zoo after the National Zoo at Kuala Lumpur. 
  119. Merdeka Square: at Kuala Lumpur > it was here that a British flag (Union Jack) was lowered on Midnight 31 August 1957 as Independence was declared. The flagpole which hold the Malaysian flag is also one of the world's highest at 100m
  120. Mini Malaysia & ASEAN Cultural Park: Located at Ayer Keroh, Melaka > a combined area of13.5 hectares, showcasing the Malaysian lifestyle as well as that ASEAN countries. >
  121. Mulu Caves : Located at Mulu National Park, Miri , Sarawak is boasts of having the world's largest cave passage (the Deer Cave), the world's largest National Rock Chamber (the Sarawak Chamber) and the longest cave system in Southeast Asia (the Clearwater Cave). 
  122. Museum of Glass: located at Mount Erskine Road, Penang > the iBox Museum of Glass, showcases in different techniques in creating glass ornamentation.  >
  123. Muzium Adat Rembau: situated 7 km from Rembau town in Negeri Sembilan, it is a must visit for those who are curious about the Minangkabau culture. 
  124. Muzium Di Raja (Alor Setar) : built in 1936 by the founder of Alor Setar, Kedah, Sultan Muhammad Jiwa. 
  125. Muzium Di Raja @ Istana Negara, KL > Located at Jalan Istana, Kuala Lumpur, originally built as a mansion by a Chinese tycoon. It was used by the Japanese during World War II and became official residence of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Malaysia since 1957. It officially opened as Museum on 15 November 2011.
  126. Nasi Lemak : Malaysia National Dish > a fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk, usually eateh for breakfast. 
  127. Nasuha Herbs & Spices Paradise : located 30 km northeast of Muar, Johor > more than 135 types of herbs are cultivated and processed >
  128. National Monument : Kuala Lumpur > a brainchild of the American Sculptor Felix de Weldon who also the creator of the famous Iwo Jima Memorial in Washington D.C. one of the world's largest free-standing bronze sculptures.
  129. National Mosque : built in 1965, right next to Kuala Lumpur's iconic railway station, has a capacity of 15,000 worshippers. 
  130. National Museum  : at Kuala Lumpur > officially opened by Sir Gerald Templer the British High Commissioner in 1953 >
  131. Negara Ku  : Malaysia National Anthem is an adaption of Perak State National Anthem.
  132. Nepenthes Raja : Sabah > the largest of the pitcher plants which can hold over 2 litres of water is known in Sabah only. 
  133. New Straits Times : Malaysian Newspaper had its beginnings in Singapore on 15 July 1845. It was incorporated in Malaysia on 20 December 1961. 
  134. Nilai 3 : about 45 km from Kuala Lumpur > recognised as Malaysia's largest Wholesale centre by the Malaysia Book of Record.
  135. Nordmann's Greenshark : one of the world's rarest birds had been spotted at Kuala Selangor Nature Park.  
  136. Nosa Senhora @ St. Paul Church : a chapel of "Our lady of the Hill" at St.Paul Hill, Melaka was erected by the Portuguese Captain, Duarte Coelho in 1521. When the Dutch took over Melaka from the Portuguese, they renamed it St.Paul Church. St. Francis Xavier was buried here in 1553 before his remains were transferred to Goa in India
  137. Orang Utan : Sabah > Asia's only great Ape - only found in Sabah and not found anywhere else in the world. 
  138. Ostrich Wonderland : located around 15 minutes drive from Semenyih town in Selangor, this place is perfect for a family visit. Watch a freely-roaming ostriches in a large pen.
  139. P. Ramlee House:  located at Jalan P.Ramlee in George Town > house of Malaysia's movie legend, the late P.Ramlee, the house where he was born in 1929.
  140. Pantai Sabak : Kota Bharu, Kelantan > the site of the first landing of the Japanese troops in the Peninsula during the World War II on 8 December 1941. 
  141. Parliament House : at Kuala Lumpur > officially opened on 2 November 1963. 
  142. Pasar Payang : Kuala Terengganu's central Market, a popular market frequented by both locals and visitors. 
  143. Pasar Seni : or Cultural Market at Kuala Lumpur > built in 1888 as a wet market. Houses variety of Malaysian handicrafts, art and souvenirs. >
  144. Pasar Siti Khadijah: The popular market at Kota Bharu, Kelantan > named after Prophet Muhammad's entrepreneurial wife , Siti Khadijah r.a., uniquely run by mostly women. 
  145. Pasir Gudang Kite Museum: located at Pasir Gudang, 25 km from Johor Bahru,Johor > a collection of more than 200 traditional and modern kites >
  146. Pasir Salak Historical Complex: situated 70 km from Ipoh, Perak > The complex pay tribute to warrior such as Dato' Sagor and Dato' Maharaja Lela who led the uprising against British colonial era which led to the assassination of the then British Resident of Perak J.W.W. Birch.  
  147. Pavilion KL : in the heart of Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur > the most popular shopping and dining district in KL. 
  148. Pekan Rabu : located at Alor Setar, Kedah > Pekan Rabu means Wednesday Day Market in Malay, is a not to be missed shopping destination for visitors to Alor Setar. Malaysia's 4th & 7th Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad was once a trader here in his younger days.  >
  149. Penang Bridge : at Penang > completed in 1985, the longest bridge in Asia, and the 3rd longest in the world with 8.5 km over water, 13.5 km long. >
  150. Penang Free School : at Penang > the oldest English Medium School in Southeast Asia, established on 21 October 1816 by Reverend Robert Sparke Hutchings
  151. Penang Peranakan Mansion: located at Church Street in the heart of George Town, Penang > originally belong to Kapitan Chung Keng Quee  a chinese immigrant who made his fortune on the island. The Mansion houses more than 1,000 pieces of artefacts, antiques and collectibles on display.  >
  152. Penang State Museum & Art Gallery: located at Farquhar Street, Penang >opened in 1965, a regal bronze statue of Sir Francis Light, the founder of Penang greets visitors.  >
  153. Penang War Museum: located at Bukit Batu Maung, 19 km from George Town, Penang > dedicated to those who served and died defending the country. Having earned a place on the list of Top 10 Most Haunted Sites in Asia by the National Geographic Channel
  154. Perak Man  : The world's oldest complete human skeleton ever found , dating back some 11,000 years, currently on display at Lenggong Archaelogical Museum in Hulu Perak. 
  155. Perak Museum : located at Taiping, Perak > built in 1883, it is the oldest museum in Malaysia. >
  156. Perdana Botanical Garden: formerly referred to Lake Garden, this is the oldest park in Kuala Lumpur >
  157. Perdana Putra : Built in 1997 - The Prime Minister's Department complex, an icon of Putrajaya.
  158. Petronas Twin Towers  : at Kuala Lumpur > the iconic 88-storey twin towers, the world's highest two-storey bridge that connect the towers. >
  159. Pomelo (Citrus Maxima): the largest citrus fruit in the world found in Malaysia
  160. Port Dickson National Beach: about 30 km from Seremban, N.Sembilan > affectionately referred to PD, a popular weekend destination on Peninsula Malaysia. 
  161. Portuguese Settlement : a result of the Portuguese colonisation of Melaka in the 16th century and subsequent intermarriages with locals, this settlement is Portuguese Square of Mini Lisbon
  162. Proton SAGA :  the first national car rolled out of the factory on 9 July 1985. Proton Saga started its export programme in 1986 with the first export of 25 cars to Bangladesh. 
  163. Proclamation of Independence Memorial: located in the city of Melaka close to A Famosa, built in 1911 as the Malacca Club. This is where the Independence of Malaysia was declared. 
  164. Province Wellesley : @ Seberang Perai, Penang > was named after Richard Coley Wesley (Viscount Wellesley) British Governor General of India (1798-1805). 
  165. Pulau Carey : Carey Island, located  20 km south of Klang, Selangor > famed for its fresh seafood and the indigenous Mah Meri tribe who are known to produce some of the world's most evocative wooden masks
  166. Pulau Dayang Bunting : (Isle of the Pregnant Maiden) > located at Pulau Langkawi > features a large, freshwater inland lake.
  167. Pulau Kukup National Park : located 800 m of the southwestern coast of Johor > home to many species of fish, birds and plants. 
  168. Pulau Langkawi : at Kedah > considered today as on of the top Island to visit in the world. >
  169. Pulau Pangkor : the island is accessible via ferry from the Lumut Town Jetty, Lumut, Perak > Many historical attraction here include the Dutch Fort, an ancient inscribed stone and near the island is where the Pangkor Treaty was signed between the British and Sultan of Perak on 20 January 1874. >
  170. Pulau Perhentian: located 21 km off the coast of Terengganu >a haven of relaxation with unspoiled jungles, shady palm trees and white sandy beaches. 
  171. Pulau Rawa : picturesque island located 16 km off the coast of Mersing, Johor > a haven for snorkelling and diving enthusiasts. >
  172. Pulau Redang : located 45 km off the coast of Kuala Terengganu > the waters around  here also hold 2 historic WW2 shipwrecks name the HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse
  173. Puteri Harbour Family Theme Park : situated at Nusajaya, 21 km from the Second Link (Johor-Singapore) > an indoor theme park featuring kiddie favourites such as Hello Kitty, Thomas & Friends, The Little Big Club etc..
  174. Putra Mosque : Located next to Perdana Putra, the principal mosque in Putrajaya. 
  175. Putrajaya Roundabout  : at Persiaran Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah > the world's largest roundabout with a diameter of 3.5 km. 
  176. Putrajaya Wetland  : at Putrajaya > the first constructed freshwater wetland in Malaysia
  177. Rafflesia  : Sabah & Sarawak > the world's largest flower
  178. Reclining Buddha Temple (Wat Photivihan) : located at Tumpat, 15 km from Kota Bharu, Kelantan > housed the largest reclining statue of Buddha in Malaysia. 
  179. Rembau Crystal : 26 km south of Seremban, N.Sembilan > the largest crystal complex in Malaysia, dedicated to the production and promotion of the finest crystal creations.  
  180. Rembau Museum : Just 12 km from Rembau town in Negeri Sembilan, the museum is actually a replica of the 300 years old palace of Raja Melewar, Negeri Sembilan's first ruler.
  181. Royal Belum State Park: the gateway to the park is at Pulau Banding, 40 km from the town of Gerik, Perak > This 117,500 hectare Park is part of the Belum-Temengor Forest Complex, one of the largest untouched forest reserves in Peninsular Malaysia. Among the 3,000 species of flowers include the Rafflesia, the world's largest flower. >
  182. Royal Malaysian Police Museum: tucked between the Perdana Botanical Garden and the National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur > more than 7,500 items are on display, including the first aircraft of the Police Force, vehicles, boats, uniforms etc...
  183. Royal Museum (Kuala Lumpur) : the old Royal Palace at Jalan Istana, Kuala Lumpur > built as a mansion by a Chinese tychoon and was used by the Japanese Governor during the Japanese Occupation at Malaya in World War II. 
  184. Royal Museum (Seri Menanti) : at Kuala Pilah, N.Sembilan > A former Royal Palace, was built out of wood in 1908 without the use of a single nail. 
  185. Rumah Merdeka: located at Jalan Putra, Alor Setar, Kedah > the residence of Malaysia's first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj. >
  186. Sam Poh Tong Temple: located 5 km south of Ipoh, Perak > the biggest cave temple in the country. 
  187. Sarawak Chambers: Mulu National Park, Miri, Sarawak > The world's largest natural rock chambers. 
  188. Seated Buddha Temple (Wat Machimmaram): at Kota Bharu, Kelantan > the largest seated Buddha in Southeast Asia
  189. Semenyih Eco Venture Resort & Recreation: at Semenyih, Selangor > enjoy All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) ride thrilling experience crossing jungles, there are many types of track including mini, forest and river tracks. 
  190. Sepang International Circuit : was purpose-built for Formula One races,has been hosting the Malaysian Grand Prix since its inception in 1999. Located 13 km from the KL International Airport (KLIA). >
  191. Shah Alam Lake Garden: in Shah Alam Selangor, a popular recreational spot for all ages. 
  192. Snake Temple: Located in Bayan Lepas about 15 km from George Town, Penang > built in 1850 in memory of Buddhist deity Chor Soo Kong. Legend has it that snakes mysteriously appeared of their own accord after the temple was built. 
  193. Sri Balathandayuthapani Temple: located at Seremban, Negeri Sembilan > has been existence since 1895. 
  194. Sri Maha Mariamman Temple : at Jalan Bandar, Kuala Lumpur > the oldest Hindu Temple in Malaysia built in 1873. 
  195. Sri Poyyatha Vinayagar Moorthi Temple: located at Jalan Tukang Emas, Melaka > this Hindu temple was built in 1781 on land donated by Kapitan Thaivanayagam Chitty
  196. St. Anne's Church : located at Bukit Mertajam, Penang > founded in 1846, its annual celebration of the Feast of St. Anne attracts more than 100,000 pilgrims from Malaysia as well as neighbouring countries. 
  197. St.Francis Xavier Church : at Melaka > built in 1849 by Reverend Farve a Frenchman, dedicated to St. Francis Xavier. 
  198. St.George Church: situated at Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, Penang > built in 1816, it was the first Anglican Church in Southeast Asia
  199. St. Mary Cathedral : at Kuala Lumpur > the first brick church to be erected in the country built in 1895. 
  200. Street of Harmony: a short walk along Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling in Penang known as Street of Harmony, demonstrate how the Island's 4 main communities can coexist peacefully. There is the St.George Church, the first Anglican Church in Southeast Asia, the Goddess of Mercy Temple, spiritual centre for Chinese community, on the same street, visitors can find the Sri Maha Mariamman Kovil, the oldest Hindu on the Island and further along the street is the Kapitan Keling Mosque, built by Tamil Muslim community. 
  201. Stadhuys : Melaka > built by the Dutch in 1605 as the official residence of Dutch Governor and their officers. The oldest remaining Dutch colonial building left in Southeast Asia. 
  202. Submarine Museum : Located at Dataran 1Malaysia in Klebang about 9 km from the centre of Melaka. Reputed to be the first and only submarine museum in Malaysia. The submarine is a decommissioned Agosta 70 class submarine named SMD Quessant from France
  203. Suffolk House:Located at Jalan Ayer Itam, Penang > served as the residence of Sir Francis Light, the founder of Penang Island in 1786. The house is available for social events and wedding. >
  204. Sultan Abdul Aziz Royal Gallery: at Klang, Selangor >has a well-documented and rich royal heritage that dates back to the 19th century. 
  205. Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport: located at Subang, Selangor about 28 km from Kuala Lumpur, servicing budget airlines including Firefly and Berjaya Air. 
  206. Sultan Abdul Halim Mu' adzam Shah Gallery: Built in 1922, the building housing the gallery was once the Alor Setar high Court. Officially opened in 2007, this gallery pays homage to the 14th King of Malaysia, Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah. 
  207. Sultan Abdul Samad Building : Located along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, this iconic building was completed in 1897 during British administration. 
  208. Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque: - Johor Bahru, Johor > One of the most beautiful old mosque in Malaysia, took 8 years to build and was completed in 1900.
  209. Sultan Azlan Shah Gallery : located at Kuala Kangsar, Perak > was once a Royal Palace of Perak and at one point a school. Completed in 1906, it was the first concrete palace to be built in Perak
  210. Sultan Ibrahim Building: - Johor Bahru, Johor > constructed between 1936 & 1939,located on a hill called Bukit Timbalan. The building's distinguished facade combines a mix of both colonial and Malay architectural elements. 
  211. Sungai Chiling Kelah Sanctuary :at Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor > the river was gazetted as a nature park and fish sanctuary to preserve the local species of the Mahseer known as Kelah.Located at the foothills of Fraser's Hill about 100 km from Kuala Lumpur. 
  212. Sungai Chongkak: at Semenyih, Selangor > a Skytrex Sg Chongkak offers thrilling flying fox experience with the longest zipline in Malaysi. 
  213. Sungai Johor & Sungai Lebam Fireflies: located at Kota Tinggi, about 91 km from Johor Bahru > firefly sighting is a throughly enjoyable experience after sunset. 
  214. Sungai Pahang : Pahang > the longest river in Peninsula Malaysia (475 km).
  215. Sungai Rejang : Sibu, Sarawak > the longest river in Malaysia (563 km).
  216. Sunway Lagoon  : at Bandar Sunway, Selangor > had the world's largest man-made sandy surf beach as well as Asia's tallest slingshot ride. >
  217. Taiping Lake Garden: Opened in 1880, it is the first cultivated gardens in Malaysia. Located near Bukit Larut in Taiping, Perak. 
  218. Taman Botani Negara Shah Alam : about 30 north of Shah Alam, Selangor > a great getaway fro nature lovers and thrill seekers alike -
  219. Taman Eko Rimba Komanwel : Located Rawang, Selangor, you can ride ATV and camping, jungle walk, ride a bicycle, paddle a boat or even ride an electric scooter. 
  220. Taman Negara : The National Park at Pahang > the oldest Natural Rainforest in the world, older than the Amazon Rainforest, it has more than 10,000 species of Plants. Initially called King George V National Park before Malaysian independence in 1957. 
  221. Taman Rimba Templer : Located at Rawang, Selangor - surrounded by waterfall, lush greenery, perfect for nature lovers. 
  222. Taming Sari Tower : at Bandar Hilir, Melaka > the only gyro tower in Malaysia. >
  223. Tanjung Piai : located in southern Johor, 80 km from Johor Bahru > it is the southernmost tip of mainland Asia.  >
  224. Tasik Kenyir: at Terengganu > the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia and the site of Malaysia's largest hydroelectric dam. 
  225. Teratak Za'aba : located at Jempol, Negeri Sembilan > the memorial house of Tan Sri Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad, an icon in the world of Malay literature and philosophy. 
  226. Terengganu State Museum Complex:  located at Kg. Losong, Kuala Terengganu > the largest museum in Southeast Asia
  227. Terusan Wat Mat Saman: Wan Mat Saman Canal > built in 1885, tha canal was a monumental achievements of its time, stretching from Alor Setar to Gunung Jerai . 
  228. Then Sze Khoon Temple: Located at Bukit Jung, 3 km from Seremban, N.Sembilan is believed to be more than a hundred years old. 
  229. Toy Museum:  located at Teluk Bahang, Penang > housing a collection of more than 120,000 toys. >
  230. Tree Top Walk and Sungai Sedim : located at Kulim, Kedah > one of the world's longest tree top walks
  231. Tropical Fruit Farm: located at Teluk Bahang, Penang, 29 km from George Town > this 25-acre farm grows more than 250 types of tropical and sub-tropical fruits. 
  232. Tualang Tree the world's tallest tropical tree found n Malaysia > base diameter over 10 feet (3m) and reaches height of around 262 feet (80 m). 
  233. Tuanku Fauziah Museum & Gallery: located within the ground of Universiti Sains Malaysia in Gelugor, Penang, about 10 km from George Town > named in honour of Tuanku Fauziah bt Tengku Abdul Rashid, the Raja Permaisuri Agong of Malaysia (2001 - 2006). The museum devoted to Archaelogy, mining, space exploration, art gallery and others. 
  234. Tun Dr. Mahathir birthplace: built in 1900, the birth place of the 4th & 7th Prime Minister of Malaysia - designated a historical building by the National Archives in 1992. 
  235. UK Farm : 10 km from Kluang town in Johor > 100-acre UK Farm > the largest goat and sheep farm in Malaysia. 
  236. Ulu Bendul Recreational Forest : situated at Kuala Pilah, 16 km from Seremban > an ideal setting for picnicking, camping and other leisure activities. 
  237. Utusan Malaysia: Malaysian newspaper - traces its history to year 1938 when Utusan Melayu Press Limited was incorporated in Singapore. The Company moved to Kuala Lumpur in 1958. 
  238. Wat Chayamangkalaram : at Lorong Burmah, Penang > the 3rd largest reclining Buddha in the world measuring 33 m.  
  239. Wet World Batu Pahat: situated at Batu Pahat town of Johor > the first and only waterpark in Johor >
  240. Wet World Shah Alam : at Shah Alam, Selangor > the exhilarating  225m-long Monsoon Buster - one of the longest uphill Water Coaster rides in the world. >
  241. Zenxin Organic Park : located at Kluang, Johor > the first and largest organic farm to open its gates to the public in Malaysia. >
  242. Zoo Johor : Located on Jalan Gertak Merah in the heart of Johor Bahru,Johor > established in 1926, regarded by many as one of the oldest zoo in Malaysia and Asia. 
  243. Zoo Negara : the National Zoo located at Ulu Klang, 5 km from Kuala Lumpur City Centre. Established in 1963 , it has more than 5,000 animals, representing 476 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibian and fish. >
Last Update:
9/12/2024 : 11.19 p.m