Thursday 11 July 2024


Posted by : Zul Maamor on FB
5 January 2019

Pernahkah dengar nama Mount Ophir....??
Cuba pergi ke Google Maps dan taip Mount Ophir.... ianya adalah Gunung Ledang, di Johor.
Mount Ophir dalam Wikipedia:
Mount Ophir (Malay: Gunung Ledang) is a mountain in the Gunung Ledang National Park located in Tangkak District, Johor, Malaysia. The summit is located between the border of Muar and Melaka. Standing at 1,276 m (4,186 ft),[1] it is the 64th highest mountain in Malaysia.
There are a few popular opinions regarding the origin of the mountain's name. According to one opinion, ancient history points to the mountain being the site of rich gold deposits, luring traders from as far as Greece and China. Ophir was a biblical-era land rich with natural resources mentioned in the Torah, also known at the Hebrew Bible.
In the 14th Century, the Chinese seafarers plying the Straits of Malacca called it Kim Sua meaning the 'golden mountain', possibly from the Hokkien or Taiwanese words: kim, or in characters 金 meaning gold and sua, or 山 meaning mountain
Another source said that the Javanese during the period of the Majapahit empire named the mountain Gunong Ledang, which means 'lofty mountain', from Archaic Javanese word ledang meaning 'show-off'.[2]
It has been called "Ophir" by British cartographers since at least 1801, based on a map from that year. The name Ophir itself is thought to have originated from any of these languages:
Mount Ophir dalam Wikipedia:
In the Bible 1 King 11 New International Version:
11 (Hiram’s ships brought gold from Ophir; and from there they brought great cargoes of almugwood[c] and precious stones. 12 The king used the almugwood to make supports[d] for the temple of the Lord and for the royal palace, and to make harps and lyres for the musicians. So much almugwood has never been imported or seen since that day.)
*** apakah Ophir yang dimaksudkan dalam bible itu Mount Ophir... Wallahualam.... Hanya DIA yang MAHA MENGETAHUI....
Malah pemikir purba Yunani, Ptolemy yang diakui sejarahwan Barat sebagai salah seorang ahli falak dan pelukis peta (cartographer) teragung dahulukala pernah melukis sebuah peta purba yang agak lengkap tentang Golden Chersonese iaitu Semenanjung Tanah Melayu lebih 2,000 tahun lalu? Bagaimanakah orang Eropah zaman itu boleh mengenali Semenanjung sebagai bumi kaya-raya penuh emas malah menyatakan Mount Ophir atau Gunung Ledang sebagai sebuah lokasi utama Solomon’s Treasure, harta peninggalan Nabi Sulaiman?.. Wallahualam

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11 July 2024 : 5 Muharram 1446H: 11.57 a.m

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