Friday, 26 April 2024

Sejarah Kongsi Gelap Tanah Melayu

Oleh Nizam Ali

Kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina di Negeri-negeri Selat berasal dari kumpulan Triad. Kumpulan Triad merupakan satu kongsi gelap yang ditubuhkan di negeri China pada tahun 1674. Tujuan kumpulan Triad ialah untuk menggulingkan Kerajaan Manchu dan menggantikannya dengan Dinasti Ming. Kumpulan Triad juga dikenali sebagai nama-nama seperti Liga Hung dan Thian Ti Hui (Liga Syurga dan Bumi). Orang Cina telah menubuhkan kongsi-kongsi gelap tidak lama selepas British menduduki Pulau Pinang (1786) dan Singapura (1819). Sejak tahun 1799 lagi kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina mula menentang pentadbiran British di Pulau Pinang. Antara kongsi-kongsi gelap yang terkenal ialah Ghee Hin (Kantonis) dan Hai San (Hakka). L.A. Mills menganggap kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina di Negeri-negeri Selat sebagai the Pirates and Robbers Co-operative Association. Sebilangan besar ahli kongsi-kongsi gelap tersebut terdiri daripada penjenayah Cina.
Perebutan kuasa dan kawasan jajahan telah melahirkan pelbagai nama dan kod angka kumpulan seperti Tiga Maharaja, Tokong Lima Beradik, 13 Pedang, Naga Merah, 03,04,07,08,21,24,36,38,18,360,367,368,369 dan banyak lagi. Dipercayai juga beberapa kumpulan yang asalnya hanya di ketuai dan dianggotai oleh bangsa Cina telah diketuai dan dianggotai oleh bangsa-bangsa lain seperti 08,18,24,36,77,99 dan lain-lain. Kumpulan kongsi gelap juga menjadikan lambang-lambang tertentu sebagai ikon kumpulan mereka seperti haiwan liar, mitos dan senjata api bagi melambangkan keganasan dan kekejaman mere
Sepertimana kongsi gelap lain di seluruh dunia, kongsi gelap Malaysia dipercayai menjadikan kongsi gelap di Tanah Besar China, Hong Kong dan Taiwan sebagai contoh penubuhannya, menjalankan operasi dan tetap menjadikan Guan Yu/Kuan Yee (Dewa Perang) sebagai idola yang dipuja-puja. Malah di dalam sumpah setia meraka, mereka masih menggunakan pengakuan menjadi ahli "Tentera Merah".
Sebab-sebab penubuhan kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina
1. Kewujudan kongsi-kongsi gelap di China Selatan
Kebanyakan orang Cina yang berhijrah secara ramai-ramai ke Negeri-negeri Selat dalam abad ke-19 merupakan bekas ahli kongsi-kongsi gelap di negara China. Tradisi kongsi-kongsi gelap ini telah diteruskan oleh orang Cina di Negeri-negeri Selat.
2. Keperluan organisasi bagi perlindungan dan bantuan bersama
Orang Cina yang berhijrah ke Negeri-negeri Selat berasal dari kawasan-kawasan yang berlainan di negara China dan terdiri daripada berbagai-bagai suku. Mereka juga mempunyai bahasa pertuturan dan adat yang berlainan. Faktor-faktor ini dan keadaan sekeliling yang baru telah menyebabkan orang Cina memasuki kongsi gelap yang seketurunan bagi tujuan perlindungan diri dan bantuan bersama. Selain daripada menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan jenayah, kongsi-kongsi gelap ini merupakan persatuan kebajikan dan sosial. Mereka membantu ahli-ahli yang berada dalam kesusahan, menguruskan pengebumian ahli-ahli yang meninggal dunia dan membantu ahli-ahli mencari pekerjaan.
3. Kewujudan peluang-peluang kekayaan dan kuasa
Kongsi-kongsi gelap juga ditubuhkan dengan tujuan menguasai lombong-lombong bijih timah, perdagangan kuli, perjudian dan pelacuran.
4. Sikap tidak peduli Kerajaan Negeri-negeri Selat
Sikap tidak peduli Kerajaan Negeri-negeri Selat telah menggalakkan penubuhan kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina. Pegawai-pegawai awam dan pasukan polis tidak mencukupi untuk mengawal kegiatan kongsi-kongsi gelap. Pada tahun 1831, hanya terdapat 18 orang polis sahaja bagi penduduk seramai kira-kira 16000 orang di Singapura. Malahan, tiada terdapat seorang pegawai pun sebelum tahun 1867 yang boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Cina atau memahami adat orang Cina. Tiada terdapat jentera kerajaan sebelum tahun 1877 bagi menguruskan hal-hal berkaitan dengan kaum Cina di Negeri-negeri Selat. Malahan tiada terdapat kakitangan kehakiman yang mencukupi untuk menyelesaikan kes-kes jenayah. Sehingga tahun 1856 hanya terdapat seorang hakim di Negeri-negeri Selat. Keadaan ini telah menggalakkan perkembangan kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina.
Langkah-langkah mengawal kegiatan kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina
1. Sebelum tahun 1867
Sehingga tahun 1867, tiada langkah-langkah positif yang diambil untuk mengawal kongsi-kongsi gelap. Pentadbiran Negeri-negeri Selat sehingga tahun tersebut adalah di bawah kawalan Kerajaan India yang telah mengamalkan sikap tidak peduli dalam hal ehwal tempatan. Langkah yang diambil oleh kerajaan sebelum tahun 1867 adalah hanya memanggil pemimpin-pemimpin pelbagai puak Cina apabila berlaku kekacauan dan meminta mereka menjaga ketenteraman.
2. Selepas tahun 1867
a. Akta Pemeliharaan Keamanan 1867
Pada tahun 1867, Sir Harry Ord, iaitu Gabenor pertama tanah jajahan Negeri-negeri Selat telah meluluskan Akta Pemeliharaan Keamanan. Melalui akta ini, Gabenor mempunyai kuasa untuk membuang negeri orang-orang salah yang mengancam ketenteraman awam tanpa sebarang perbicaraan atau hak kerakyatan. Hukuman dera (Corporal Punishment) dan menembak perusuh-perusuh dibenarkan.
b. Akta Pendaftaran Pertubuhan-pertubuhan 1869
Pada tahun 1869, kerajaan meluluskan Akta Pendaftaran Pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang mewajibkan pendaftaran semua pertubuhan yang terdiri daripada 10 atau lebih orang ahli. Semua pertubuhan dikehendaki memberi nama ahli-ahli yang memegang jawatan dan menyatakan tujuan-tujuan penubuhan mereka.
c. Penubuhan Protektorat Orang Cina 1877
Pada tahun 1877, kerajaan menubuhkan Protektorat Orang Cina yang diketuai oleh W.A. Pickering. W.A. Pickering yang boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Cina teklah mendapat keyakinan kaum Cina.
d. Kelulusan Undang-undang
Dua undang-undang untuk mencegah kuli-kuli serta melindungi pendatang-pendatang Cina telah diluluskan
e. Ordinan Pertubuhan-pertubuhan 1889
Pada tahun 1889, kerajaan meluluskan Ordinan Pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang mengharamkan kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina. Kongsi-kongsi gelap diberi tempoh 6 bulan untuk menghentikan kegiatan mereka. Ordinan tersebut memaksa kongsi-kongsi gelap bergerak secara rahsia atau disusun semula dengan menggunakan nama lain.
Walau bagaimanapun, langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh Kerjaan Negeri-negeri Selat untuk menghapuskan sama sekali kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina tidak berjaya. Kongsi-kongsi gelap Cina meneruskan kegiatan mereka secara rahsia dan masih wujud hingga hari ini.
Jika seseorang terlibat didalam aktiviti kongsi gelap atau jenayah, maka mereka boleh dikenakan tindakan seperti berikut:
Mengikut sek. 3 Ordinan Darurat anda boleh ditangkap dan ditahan selama 60 hari. Berikutnya dibawah sek. 4 (1) pula boleh dihukum oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri supaya ditahan di Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak, Pulau Jerejak, Pulau Pinang selama 2 tahun
Dibawah sek. 4A (1) Ordinan yang sama boleh diperintahkan kediaman terhad disesebuah tempat oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri untuk selama 2 tahun.

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26 April 2024 > 18 Syawal 1445H: 11.25 p.m

Wednesday, 24 April 2024


Oleh : Nizam Ali

Flat Sri Selangor atau lebih dikenal sebagai Flat San Peng, tempat membesar salah seorang admin The Patriots. Flat ni antara flat terawal yang dibina di Kuala Lumpur pada 1972 dan terkenal selepas flat Pekeliling.
Flat ni dikenal sebagai Flat San Peng sebab flat ni terletak di Jalan San Peng yang berada tak jauh dari Jalan Loke Yew. Walaupun Jalan San Peng terkenal dengan beberapa tempat makan yang sedap, seperti San Peng Prawn Mee dan Nasi Lemak San Peng, ia juga sering dikaitkan dengan jenayah dan aktiviti berkaitan dadah.
Flat San Peng ni banyak lahirkan orang-orang penting antaranya Tan Sri Datuk Dr Noor Hisham, Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Malaysia yang menjadi wira Malaysia ketika dilanda COVID-19.
Pada 1990-an, ramai orang Kuala Lumpur suka menyamakan nama “San Peng” dengan samseng. Tapi makin lama kawasan ni makin membangun dan lebih selamat daripada dulu.
Cuma mana datangnya nama San Peng ni?
Nama “San Peng” dipercayai merujuk kepada seorang lelaki bernama San Ah Peng, yang merupakan salah seorang kontraktor terkemuka di Kuala Lumpur pada akhir 1800-an.
San Peng dianggarkan lahir sekitar tahun 1808 hingga 1868. Beliau berasal dari wilayah Guangdong, China berhijrah dan menetap di Kuala Lumpur serta pernah menjadi pelombong bijih timah di Rawang, Ulu Selangor.
Beliau juga merupakan tokoh usahawan Cina yang banyak berkhidmat kepada masyarakat pelombong Cina di Kuala Lumpur suatu ketika dahulu.
Beliau menerima kontrak untuk buat banyak bangunan kerajaan, termasuk penjara baharu ketika itu di Pudu untuk menggantikan penjara di Bukit Aman.
Pembinaan Penjara Pudu telah siap pada tahun 1895, yang telah digunakan selama 101 tahun sebelum ditutup pada tahun 1996. Sekarang tapak Penjara Pudu dah jadi Lalaport Mall yang turut dikenal sebagai Bukit Bintang City Centre.
Banyak lagi nama-nama tempat di Kuala Lumpur yang diambil daripada nama-nama tokoh Cina yang berhijrah ke Tanah Melayu seperti Chow Kit yang dinamakan bersempena dengan nama seorang pelombong timah dan kanselor perbandaran, Loke Chow Kit dan Jalan Chan Sow Lin, yang mana nama ini diperoleh daripada Chan Sow Lin, ahli perniagaan kaya di dalam industri besi.
Malah nama anak kepada San Peng sendiri iaitu San Ah Wing turut diabadikan namanya pada sebuah jalan di Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur. San Ah Wing pernah menjawat jawatan sebagai pengarah urusan Kwong Yik (Selangor) Bank, bank tempatan pertama yang ditubuhkan di Tanah Melayu yang kini menjadi RHB Bank.
Oleh: Azizul Farhan
The Patriots

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24 April 2024 > 16 Syawal 1445H: 10.58 p.m

Sunday, 21 April 2024


6 APRIL 2024 
Hari ini 571 tahun yang lalu, Uthmaniyah pimpinan Sultan Mehmed II mula mengepung Constantinople.
Kota Constantinople diasaskan pada 330 oleh Constantine I sebagai ibu kota Empayar Byzantine. Beratus-ratus tahun ia teguh menahan pelbagai ancaman, namun jatuh ke tangan tentera Latin dalam Perang Salib Keempat pada 1204.
Orang Nicaea menawan semula Constantinople pada 1261 & membentuk semula Empayar Byzantine di bawah dinasti Palaiologos. Kerana berbeza fahaman, kerajaan Orthodoks Byzantine tak disokong Gereja Katolik. Lama kelamaan, kota ini melemah.
Byzantine terus ditekan apabila terbentuknya kerajaan Uthmaniyah pada 1299 & sedikit demi sedikit wilayahnya dirampas. Menjelang akhir abad ke-15, Byzantine hanya tinggal Constantinople yang terkepung di dalam wilayah yang dikuasai Uthmaniyah.
Mehmed II, yang naik takhta pada 1451 di usia 19 tahun, beriltizam tinggi meneruskan misi turun-temurun Uthmaniyah untuk menakluk Constantinople. Persiapan panjang dibuat & Mehmed bersama 100,000 tenteranya mula mengepung kota itu pada 6 April 1453.
Byzantine yang dipimpin Konstantinos XI Palaiologos ketika itu serba-serbi kekurangan dari segi ketenteraan. Walau punyai tembok kota yang teguh sepanjang 19km, tak cukup tentera untuk disusun memperkuat pertahanan.
Angkatan Mehmet memiliki sesuatu yang tak pernah dibawa oleh mana-mana musuh Byzantine sebelum itu - meriam. Yang terbesar adalah sepanjang 9m & berupaya menempak peluru seberat 500kg sejauh 1.5km.
Selepas 53 hari, pada subuh 29 Mei 1453, serangan habis-habisan dilancarkan. 3 lapisan Dinding Theodosian yang masyhur akhirnya bocor, membolehkan barisan Janissari memasuki kota & menghapuskan tentera musuh yang tersisa.
Konstantinos XI terbunuh dalam pertempuran akhir itu & mayatnya tak ditemukan. Menjelang tengahari, Mehmed masuk ke kota & mengisytiharkan Hagia Sofia, yang asalnya gereja, ditukar menjadi masjid & Constantinople sebagai ibu kota baharu Uthmaniyah.
Kejatuhan Byzantine itu menandakan berakhirnya riwayat Empayar Rom selepas wujud hampir 1,500 tahun, di tangan Mehmed yang digelar 'al-Fatih', bererti ‘Sang Penakluk’.
Sumber: World History

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21 April 2024 > 12 Syawal 1445H: 1.14 p.m

May be an image of text that says "PERISTIWA 6 APRIL 1453 astro AWAN"
All reacti


Sumber: Astro Awani

Hari ini 2,777 tahun yang lalu, kota Rom diasaskan.
Kisah pembentukan Rom bersandarkan pada mitos, yang muncul sekitar kurun ke-4 Sebelum Masihi (SM) & tarikh sebenar pengasasan Rom ditetapkan oleh Marcus Terentius Varro pada kurun pertama SM.
Menurut legenda, Rom diasaskan oleh Romulus & adik kembarnya Remus. Romulus & Remus adalah anak kepada Rhea Silvia, anak gadis Raja Numitor pemerintah Alba Longa, sebuah kota mitos di Perbukitan Alba tenggara kawasan yang kemudian menjadi kota Rom. Mereka dikatakan berketurunan Aeneas dari Troy.
Numitor diusir adiknya Amulius, yang memaksa Rhea kekal dara supaya dia tak melahirkan zuriat yang nanti akan menuntut gelarannya. Namun Rhea dihamilkan oleh dewa perang Mars lalu melahirkan Romulus & Remus.
Amulius memerintahkan bayi kembar itu dilemaskan di dalam sungai Tiber, tapi mereka terselamat & dihanyutkan ke darat di kaki Bukit Palatin, di mana mereka disusukan seekor serigala betina hingga ditemukan oleh pengembala bernama Faustulus.
Romulus & Remus membesar di bawah jagaan Faustulus menjadi pemimpin kumpulan pahlawan gembala muda. Lepas mengetahui identiti sebenar mereka, Romulus & Remus menyerang Alba Longa, membunuh Amulius & mengembalikan datuk mereka ke takhta.
Kembar itu kemudian mengasaskan sebuah kota di lokasi mereka diselamatkan ketika bayi. Bagaimanapun kemudian mereka bertelingkah & Remus dibunuh oleh abangnya. Romulus menjadi pentadbir penempatan itu yang dinamakan “Rom” sempena namanya.
Lepas memerintah cukup lama & jaya, Romulus mati atas sebab yang tak pasti. Ramai orang Rom percaya beliau bertukar menjadi dewa & memujanya sebagai Quirinus. Selepas Romulus, ada 6 lagi raja sebelum republik Rom diasaskan pada sekitar 509SM.
Sejarawan moden meragui kewujudan pengasas tunggal atau peristiwa pengasasan kota ini & tiada bahan bukti ditemukan yang menghubungkan Rom awal dengan Alba atau Troy, memandangkan kedua-dua kota itu dipercayai hanya mitos.
Pembuktian arkeologi memberitahu yang Rom membangun daripada penyatuan beberapa penempatan perbukitan ketika Zaman Gangsa Akhir/awal Zaman Besi.
Sumber: History

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21 April 2024 > 12 Syawal 1445H: 1.09 p.m

Monday, 15 April 2024


What Is Hajj?

Each year, millions of Muslims from all across the world perform Hajj, the sacred pilgrimage and the fifth pillar of Islam.

Hajj takes place in Makkah, in modern day Saudi Arabia, during the holy month of Dhul Hijjah, the 12th month in the Islamic calendar.

Hajj is a spiritual duty and a pillar of Islam, meaning that Hajj must be performed by every Muslim at least once in their lifetime, so long as they are financially, physically, and emotionally able to do so. Going more than once during your lifetime is permitted whilst sincerely seeking Allah’s (SWT) (which means ‘The Most Glorified, The Most High) pleasure.

Allah (SWT) says to the Muslims in the Qur’an:

"And (due) to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the house - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds."
(Quran 3:97)

For anyone preparing to perform Hajj, it’s an incredibly exciting time, but also a time of great spiritual importance – the first time going can be a once in a lifetime experience for a Muslim.

The Hajj is a test of patience and temperament – a spiritual, emotional, and physical challenge. However, it offers Muslims the opportunity to refresh our spiritual selves, to cleanse us of our sins and to draw closer to Allah (SWT).

As the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"Whoever performs Hajj for the sake of Allah and does not utter any obscene speech or do any evil deed, will go back (free of sin) as his mother bore him."
Hadith | Bukhari and Muslim

Hajj takes place each year between the 8th and 12th of Dhul Hijjah. Muslims use the lunar calendar, so the corresponding Gregorian date will vary year to year.

This year, Hajj begins in the evening of Thursday 7th July and ends in the evening of 12th July 2022.

This handy and comprehensive Hajj guide will help you understand the different aspects of the holy pilgrimage, from its origin, to how to perform Hajj.

The Story Of Hajj

While Hajj is something that was taught to Muslims by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), its origin actually dates back to the teachings of another of Islam’s beloved Prophets, Ibrahim (AS) (which means upon him be peace), thousands of years before.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) began the Hajj in 628 CE during the month of Dhul Hijjah, and is the same Hajj that Muslims perform today.

However, Dhul Hijjah was also a sacred month for the pagan Arabs in pre-Islamic Arabia.

During this month, fighting was forbidden for the Arabs, and they also made pilgrimage to the Kaa’ba – the cubic like structure in Masjid al-Haram, that at the time was being used to house the Arabs’ pagan idols.

It is known today by Muslims as Baitullah, or ‘the House of God’. It plays an important part in the rites of Hajj but is ultimately a mosque and not something that Muslims worship.

In fact, the Kaa’ba was built by Ibrahim (AS), or Prophet Abraham, thousands of years earlier by the command of Allah (SWT) – it is because of Ibrahim (AS) that Muslims perform Hajj.

Hajar, Isma’il (AS) And The Well Of Zamzam

Ibrahim (AS) or Khalilullah (the friend of Allah) as he is referred to, is considered to be one of the greatest of Allah’s (SWT) creations. His reflective nature and the soundness of his heart brought him to the revelation of one God, Allah (SWT) – Ibrahim’s (AS) story of prophethood is well documented in the Islamic tradition.

During his prophethood, Ibrahim (AS) encountered several trials that serve as reminders and lessons to mankind regarding devotion to Allah (SWT), sacrifice, faith, as well as other crucial tenets of Islam. These trials include the test of Ibrahim’s (AS) willingness to sacrifice his son Ishaq (AS) for the sake of Allah (SWT), and the test of leaving his wife Hajar and son Isma’il (AS) alone in the desert of Makkah – it is this test that provides the basis for Hajj.

By the instruction of Allah (SWT), Ibrahim (AS) was to leave Hajar and Isma’il (AS) in the ancient desert of Makkah. The little food and water that they had soon ran out, and Isma’il (AS), an infant at the time, was crying of thirst. Hajar, desperately in search of water, ran between the nearby hills of Safa and Marwah in the hope of spotting someone who may be able to help.

Hajar returned to find Isma’il (AS) striking and scraping the ground with his leg in distress, when suddenly a spring burst forth from the barren desert. By the command of Allah (SWT), a source of water from deep within the earth (that is still in use today), provided Hajar and Isma’il (AS) with water – this is known as the well of Zam Zam.

The water source provided a means of trade for Hajar, with passing nomads exchanging food and other provisions for water. The site became prosperous for Hajar and her son, and when Ibrahim (AS) was commanded to return to them in the desert, he was amazed to see the miracles that had unfolded for them, and the fruits of his faith in Allah (SWT).

The Construction Of The Kaa’ba

It was at the site of the well of Zam Zam that Ibrahim (AS) was commanded to build the Kaa’ba.

Ibrahim (AS) and his son Isma’il (AS) worked together to build a small stone structure called the Kaa’bah. It was built to mark a space for the sacred gathering of Muslims – all those who believed in the one God, Allah (SWT).

The Inception of Hajj (The Sacred Pilgrimage)

As time elapsed, the site of the miracle well of ZamZam and the Kaa’bah would provide the means for Makkah to become a thriving and prosperous settlement. Ibrahim (AS) returned to the site each year to offer his pilgrimage to Allah (SWT), and years later, when Isma’il (AS) was given his prophethood, he continued the tradition – the inception of the Hajj.

However, during the thousands of years that would pass, the site that was built to commemorate the lessons of Ibrahim’s (AS) trial, the miracle of Allah (SWT) and most importantly the belief in one God, was taken over by pagan Arabs and the worship of idols and spirits. This now thriving and prosperous settlement grew into a city for trade and the worship of pagan Gods – of which the Kaa’ba would eventually house.

Thousands of years later, a man named Muhammad, born into the high-status Quraysh tribe of Makkah, would be given revelation and prophethood. The last of Allah’s (SWT) messengers, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), established Islam in the land for mankind – with this came the commandment to restore the Kaa’ba to its original purpose and resume Hajj.

The first Hajj was performed in In 632 CE, by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), re-establishing the traditions started by the Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

Hajj As We Know It Today

Today, over 2.5 million Muslims of every race, class, and culture around the world travel to Makkah each year in Dhul Hijjah, to stand equal before Allah (SWT) and fulfil the rites of Hajj.

Some people save up money their entire lives to be able to perform Hajj, while others are able to fulfil it more than once. Regardless of whether you’ve yet been able to attend or not, the month of Dhul Hijjah holds countless blessings for Muslims around the world! 
During the month of Dhul Hijjah, Muslims can even achieve a similar reward to that of going to Hajj by seeking special reward during this holy month. Find out more about the benefits of Dhul Hijjah here.

Who Is Eligible To Perform Hajj?

Hajj forms one of the five pillars of Islam. As such, all Muslims must perform Hajj at least once in their lifetime.

The Five Pillars Of Islam:

1. Profession of Faith (Shahadah)

2. Prayer

3. Alms (Zakat)

4.Fasting in the month of Ramadan

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

However, there are still certain conditions that need to be met in order to perform Hajj:
  1. Firstly, only Muslim adults (whether male or female) are required to perform Hajj. This means that while children may go to Hajj, it is not required of them.
  2. Secondly, the very weak, sick, elderly, or otherwise physically incapable Muslims are exempt from having to perform the pilgrimage.
  3. Thirdly, the Muslim must be financially able to perform Hajj. This means that a person in debt is not obliged to perform Hajj until he has cleared his debt – and must have the intention of doing so as a priority. 
However, if one is in debt, they may still perform Hajj as long as:
  1. The creditor permits it 
  2. The debtor has time to pay off the debt, 
  3. Hajj does not affect their ability to pay off the debt

A Step-By-Step Guide To Performing Hajj

SubhanAllah, each and every year, around 25,000 Muslims from the UK travel to the holy cities of Makkah to perform Hajj, in unity with Muslims from all over the globe.

So, if you’re one of these pilgrims heading off to Saudi Arabia to fulfil this sacred pillar, read on! We’ve put together this handy step-by-step Hajj guide to help you through this blessed journey!

The 19 Steps Of Hajj At A Glance: 
  1. Preparation and Intention
  2. Enter state of Ihram
  3. Tawaf x7
  4. Safa and Marwa
  5. Clip/Shave Hair (Umrah ends)
  6. Resting and Praying
  7. Enter state of Ihram
  8. Arrive at Mina
  9. Day of ‘Arafah
  10. Muzdalifah (under the night sky)
  11. Rami (stoning of the devil)
  12. Hady
  13. Shaving of the Head
  14. Tawaf al-Ifadha
  15. Saai’
  16. Rami (stoning of the devil)
  17. Spend night at Mina
  18. Rami (stoning of the devil)
  19. Farewell Tawaf al-Wida
When Do I Perform Hajj?

In the Islamic tradition, Muslims operate within the lunar calendar (as opposed to the Gregorian calendar), and Hajj takes place each year between the 8th to the 12th of Dhul Hijjah. However, the corresponding Gregorian dates differ year to year as the lunar calendar appears to shift forward approximately 11-12 days.

These days, Hajj pilgrims travel to Makkah by land, air and sea during the days and weeks prior to the pilgrimage period. If you’re travelling from the UK, you are likely to fly to Saudi Arabia, touching down in Jeddah or Medina.

From there you will travel with your Hajj group to Makkah.

How Do I Perform Hajj?

There are three forms of Hajj: Tamattu, Ifraad and Qiran.

For the purpose of this Hajj guide, we will use the Tamattu form of Hajj, which is what the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged the Muslims to perform.

Here are the 19 steps of Hajj in detail:

Preparation and Intention

Before you arrive at Makkah to begin Hajj, it’s important to make your intention (niyyah) within your heart. The intention must be to perform the Hajj for the sake of Allah alone, with a desire for good in the hereafter. It should not be done with the intention of being seen by others or for worldly gain.

Entering The State Of Ihram

Next, you’ll enter into the state of Ihram (ritual purity). For men, this means wearing the designated white cloth with one piece wrapped around your shoulder and one around your waist. Ladies may wear any clothing of their choice but should ensure they observe the rules of Hijab. Face coverings, however, are not permitted. Fully-covering shoes are also not permitted. Footwear must be in the form of sandals for both women and men.

Ihram describes the spiritual state you enter once you have made the intention to go to Hajj. When over 2.5 million pilgrims descend into Makkah, there should not be any outward distinction between them. Everyone stands equal before Allah (SWT) – one’s status, race, culture, and wealth are irrelevant. 
The rules around the clothing of Ihram are extremely simple, yet strict and must be adhered to.

Throughout these holy days and whilst in the state of Ihram , we should also be particularly mindful of our behaviour and words. We should avoid smoking, engaging in sexual relations, swearing, shaving our hair, and cutting our nails. We must also not use perfume or scented soaps.

Once you arrive at the holy Masjid al-Haram in Makkah, with these preparations in mind, you’re ready to start the biggest spiritual journey of your life!

  • Tip: Carry spare Ihram clothing if you can. As for sandals, we recommend investing in a decent pair of trekking sandals. They tend to be the most comfortable and practical, given that you will be walking long distances on tarmac as well as gravel. Try and wear-in your sandals before you depart for Saudi so that you don’t break out in blisters or face discomfort once you’re there.
Upon arrival in Makkah, you must first perform your Umrah, which means you will do your Tawaf and Sa’i as outlined in the next steps.

Tawaf x 7

Tawaf is one of the principal rites of the pilgrimage and refers to walking in circles around the Kaa’bah in an anti-clockwise motion.

One Tawaf is made up of seven complete circuits, with each one starting and ending at the black stone, which is situated within the Kaa’bah.

In addition to your Tawaf, you can also offer voluntary prayers to thank Allah (SWT) for arriving safely and to mark the start of this incredibly special spiritual journey.

Safa and Marwa

After you’ve performed your Tawaf, you’ll then perform what’s known as Sa’i (walking and running between the two hills of Safa and Marwa).

You’ll begin the Sa’i on the hill of Safa and walk towards the hill of Marwa. You will eventually see the green marker, at which point you will run until the next green marker and continue walking until you reach Marwa. This completes one lap. You will then return to Safa to complete your second lap. Your Sa’i is complete once you have performed a total of seven laps between the hills of Safa and Marwa.

This is an important ritual in memory of Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) wife Hajar, and her struggle in the desert in search of water for her son Prophet Isma’il (AS). Sa’i symbolises the ongoing struggle that we encounter throughout our lives, as Hajar experienced herself.

Clip/Shave Hair (Umrah Ends)

Once Sa’i is complete, men will have their hair clipped or shaved, whilst a woman clips her hair to the length of her fingertip. This marks the completion of your umrah, allowing you to leave Ihram, until the 8th of Dhul Hijjah.

  • Tip: Be very patient here. You’ll be tired from tawaf, and you might notice fellow pilgrims in a hurry to complete the Sa’i. Feel free to take your time. Take regular breaks, and drink Zam Zam water which is available between Safa and Marwa.

Resting and praying

Now that you’ve performed your Umrah, for the rest of this blessed month, you’ll stay in Makkah to complete your spiritual journey of Hajj, surrounded by your fellow Muslim sisters and brothers, SubhanAllah! Make sure to get plenty of rest and make the best use of your time by performing sincere acts of worship. Your Hajj will begin on the 8th Dhul Hijjah.

Re-entering State of Ihram (Day 1 / 8th Dhul Hijjah)

Fulfilling your sacred obligation of Hajj will be the most spiritual period of your life Insha’Allah (God willing), filled with blessings and forgiveness from Allah (SWT)! The 8th day of Dhul Hijjah marks the beginning of the days of Hajj and the next stage of your spiritual journey. You’ll purify yourself and enter the state of Ihram once again.

Rules of Ihram

It’s very important to note that when you are in a state of Ihram, you are not permitted to smoke, swear, shave, clip your nails, or engage in any form of sexual relations.Fighting and arguments are also forbidden, and participants are prohibited from hunting, killing, or unjustifiably breaking anything. You must also avoid scented products such as perfumes, moisturisers, makeup, or soaps. You may, however, substitute them for unscented toiletries which are permissible to use.

Once you’re all set to enter the Ihram, you’ll begin reciting the following invocation called the Talbiyah:

لَبَّيْكَ اللَّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ، لَبَّيْكَ لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ، إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لاَشَرِيْكَ لَكَ


Labbayka Allāhumma labbayk. Labbayk lā shareeka laka labbayk. Inna al-ḥamda, wa n-‘imata, Laka wal mulk. Lā shareeka lak.


“Here I am, O Allah, here I am, here I am. You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty. You have no partner.”

You will then proceed with your Hajj group to the neighbourhood of Mina in Makkah, which is located roughly eight kilometres from the centre of Makkah.
  • Tip: We would highly recommend carrying some essentials such as unscented sun cream, moisturiser, Vaseline and soap. Sun cream is particularly handy, especially if you have no hair as it is not permissible for men to cover their head or face whilst in ihram. Vaseline is also particularly valuable for both women and men to protect against painful rashes that may occur as a result of constant walking. All of these are readily available in Saudi Arabia.
Arrive At Mina

Once you arrive in the tent city (neighbourhood) of Mina, you’ll settle into your allocated tent. Here you’ll pray Salah (obligatory prayers), including Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, ‘Isha and Fajr, shortening your four-unit prayers to two units each, without combining them,as stated in the Qu’ran.

You’ll spend the night and pray to Allah (SWT), reading the Qur’an and preparing for day two. It’s an important time for spiritual reflection and devotion, so try and make the most of this special night.

  • Tip: Be patient here, as space inside the tents can be very tight, and you might find yourself very close to fellow pilgrims. The weather is likely to be very hot, so remember to keep yourself hydrated. The Saudi authorities have installed cold water stations in close proximity to all tents, so familiarise yourself with your surroundings. You may also notice that Hajj authority workers regularly stock up complementary cold drinks in cooler boxes next to your tent. They’re there for you to consume, so enjoy them to quench your thirst, but don’t forget the spiritual purpose of being there.

Day of ‘Arafah (Day 2 / 9th Dhul Hijjah)

After sunrise in Mina, you’ll then head to the plains of ‘Arafah, reciting Istaghfar (asking for forgiveness) and making supplications – marking the Day of ‘Arafah when we ask Allah (SWT) for forgiveness for our sins.

Upon reaching the plains of Mount ‘Arafah, pilgrims observe shortened Dhuhr and Asr prayers combined (two rakat instead of four). However, according to Abu Hanifa, the combining of Dhur and Asr is only valid if one prays behind the Imam in the Masjid. Therefore if one was to pray in the tent, then they should not combine both salah.

On this day, there will be a sermon delivered from Masjid al-Nimra on Mount ‘Arafah.

Try to listen to the Khutbah (sermon) if possible. Your group may also facilitate a translation of this sermon in English.

The day of ‘Arafah is one of the most important days for Muslims across the world, as Allah (SWT) refers to the Day of ‘Arafah in Surah al-Maidah as the Day on which He perfected His religion, completed His favours upon His beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and approved Islam as a way of life!

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:

“There is no day on which Allah frees people from the Fire more so than on the day of ‘Arafah. He comes close to those (people standing on ‘Arafah), and then He reveals before His Angels saying, ‘What are these people seeking.”
Hadith | Muslim

So, be sure to stand on the plains of ‘Arafah and make lots of Du’a (supplication), focussing your energy on Allah (SWT), asking Him for forgiveness and blessings for you and your family. Don’t forget to include your friends, relatives, neighbours as well as the wider Ummah (community) in your Du’a on this special day.

  • Tip: Don’t be tempted to exhaust your energy and trek up Mount ‘Arafah, also known as Jabal al-Rahmah, on this day. Jabal al-Rahmah is the hill from where the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) delivered his sermon. There is no authentic source to suggest any benefit in trekking the hill itself or to undertake this climb as a religious ritual. The level area surrounding the hill is called the Plains of ‘Arafah and this is where you should be spending your time in contemplation and prayer.
Arrive in Muzdalifah

After sunset, you’ll depart ‘Arafah and head to Muzdalifah – an open plain between Mina and ‘Arafah. Once you reach Muzdalifah you’ll perform your Maghrib and ‘Isha Salah, one after the other, shortening the ‘Isha Salah to two Rakat.

As Abdullah ibn Umar (RA) narrates:

“The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) offered the Maghrib and ‘Isha prayers together at Muzdalifah with a separate Iqamah (second call to prayer) for each of them and did not offer any optional prayer in between them or after each of them.”
Hadith | Bukhari

Afterwards, you can then spend the night in worship or resting. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went to sleep until shortly before Fajr, choosing not to engage in night worship as he normally did. So, don’t be tempted to exhaust yourself but rest instead – you have a long day ahead of you!

While in Muzdalifah, you may also collect pebbles to perform Rami (the stoning of the devil) over the next three days.

The size of the pebbles should be similar to the size of date stones/seeds. You will need a total of 49 pebbles.

However, it is advised that you pick up a further 21 pebbles as a precautionary measure to bring your total up to 70.

When you proceed to the phases of throwing the pebbles at the Jamarat (the stone pillars), you may miss the target, or some pebbles may fall from your hand. Therefore, it’s better to have more than to be short. Pebbles can also be collected from anywhere in Mina.
  • Tip: At Muzdalifah, you will stay under the night sky. There are no tents or other accommodation facilities here. Although there are plenty of lights, it is still fairly dark. Try to stay near your group, as it is very easy to get lost among the thousands of pilgrims. Toilets and Wudhu facilities are available in Muzdalifah, but they will likely be crowded so patience must be exercised here.
We would highly recommend you use the toilets and freshen up before you leave ‘Arafah.

Rami and Hady (Day 3 / 10th Dhul Hijjah & start of Eid al-Adha)

The 10th of Dhul Hijjah is also called the Yawm al-Nahr, or the Day of Sacrifice (Qurbani).

After performing Fajr Salah you will depart Muzdalifah and go back towards Mina. Remember to continuously recite the Talbiyah.

On this day, Pilgrims perform the Hady (sacrificial animal) and also commence the first of three days ‘stoning of the devil’ rite or Rami. Muslims around the world also offer Qurbani during this time and begin the four-day festival of Eid al-Adha. We know this from this verse in the Qur’an:

“And when you are safe, then, whoever avails the advantage of the ‘Umrah along with the Hajj shall make an offering of whatever animal is available. However, any one who finds none shall fast for three days during Hajj, and for seven days when you return; thus they are ten in all. This is for him whose family folk are not residents of Al-Masjid-ul-Harām.”
Qur’an | 2:196

Origin Of Rami (The Stoning Of The Devil)

The stoning of the Jamarat – otherwise referred to as the ‘stoning of the devil’ – is a ritual carried out by Hajj pilgrims whereby pebbles are thrown at three stone structures in Mina across three days.

The first day of stoning occurs on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. On this day Muslims also offer Qurbani and celebrate Eid al-Adha.

The act of throwing stones at the Jamarat is known as Rami. The ritual of Rami is symbolic of the actions of Ibrahim (AS) when he was faced with the trial of having to sacrifice his son, Isma’il (AS) upon the commandment of Allah (SWT).

On the way to carry out the commandment, Iblis (Satan) repeatedly tried to tempt Ibrahim’s (AS) into disobeying Allah (SWT). As Ibrahim (AS) reached Jamarat al-Aqaba, Allah (SWT) ordered Angel Jibreel (AS) to instruct Ibrahim (AS) to throw seven stones at Iblis. He obliged, and Iblis fled immediately. The three Jamarat indicate the three places where Iblis tried to dissuade Ibrahim (AS) from obeying the command of Allah. However, the pillars do not contain Iblis, as many people are wrongly led to believe.

How To Perform The Rami (The Stoning Of The Devil)

On the 10th, 11th, and 12th day of Dhul Hijjah, you will perform Rami (the stoning of the devil). The size of the pebbles should be similar to the size of date stones or seeds. You will need a total of 49 pebbles.

You’ll need a certain number of pebbles for each of the three days. The breakdown is as follows:
  • 7 pebbles for the 10th of Dhul Hijjah
  • 21 pebbles for the 11th of Dhul Hijjah
  • 21 pebbles for the 12th of Dhul Hijjah
Try to carry four small pouches per person for your pebbles. UK coin bags are a good size and convenient to carry. Use the four pouches to group pebbles according to the breakdown above.

Once you reach the Jamarat, you will head to Jamarat al-Aqaba, which is the largest pillar, and here you will throw the first seven pebbles at the concrete pillar. You will only pelt this one pillar on the first day.

Upon each throw, you’ll say the takbir:

“اللهُ أَكْبَرُ”


“Allāhu ‘Akbar”


“Allah is The Greatest”

  • Tip: Don’t rush to perform the Rami. The Hajj authority will most likely allocate a set time for your group to go and perform Rami. They do this to minimise overcrowding and the risk to pilgrims.
Try not to get angry and throw your sandals or other valuable possessions at the pillars. Iblis is not contained within the pillar, so you’ll only lose your valuables and there is no benefit in doing so!

Qurbani and Eid al-Adha

The festival of Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, is also celebrated by Muslims around the world on this day who are not on pilgrimage on the 10th Dhul Hijjah. By offering Qurbani (sacrifice), Muslims mark Prophet Ibrahim’s (AS) willingness to sacrifice his son Isma’il (AS) upon the commandment of Allah (SWT).

Shaving The Head (Day 4 / 11th Dhul Hijjah)
After offering the Hady, you will proceed to shave or trim your hair if you are male. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) shaved his hair and this is preferable. A woman trims her hair by the length of a fingertip.

Now you are allowed to leave the state of Ihram and wear comfortable clothing. You are also allowed to resume otherwise Halal activities that were forbidden in the Ihram, except for sexual intimacy. It is Sunnah (practice of the Prophet PBUH) to apply perfume as the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) smelt strongly of musk at this point.
  • Tip: Use disposable blades to shave each other’s head within your group. If that’s not possible, you’ll notice a number of barbers in Mina ready to shave your head for a price. Ensure that the barbers use new blades to avoid infection.
Tawaf al-Ifadha and Saai’ (Day 5 / 12th Dhul Hijjah)

You will now go to Makkah to perform Tawaf al-Ifadha and then another circuit of Saai’as part of your Hajj rituals.

Tawaf al-Ifada and Sa’i are obligatory. You must perform the tawaf al-Ifadha and the Saai’ after the Rami, the Qurbani (sacrifice) and shaving (or trimming) of the head.

With the completion of the Tawaf and Saa’i, you are then allowed to relax and do everything that was lawful before entering the Ihram, including engaging in marital relations.

You will, however, return to your tents in Mina and continue with the remaining rituals of Hajj.
  • Tip: The Tawaf area will be extremely crowded during this time. Try to use the upper levels of the Haram or the roof. You might want to do this around midnight when it tends to be quieter.
The Second Day of Rami

On the 11th Dhul Hijjah, you will proceed to your second day of Rami (the stoning of the devil).

On this occasion you pelt each of the three pillars in order. You will begin with Jamarah al-Ula (the small pillar), then Jamarah al-Wusta (the second/middle pillar) and finally, Jamarah al-Aqaba (the third/large pillar). You stop after the first and second Jamarat to make Du’a facing the qibla. Each one should be stoned with seven consecutive pebbles accompanied by the Takbir. Remember to take your spare pebbles with you in case you lose some!

Spend the night in Mina

Once your second Rami is completed, you will return to your camp in Mina and spend the rest of the day and night in worship, making the most of the remaining time you have.

The Third Day of Rami

On the afternoon of 12th Dhul Hijjah, you’ll have your final batch of pebbles (21 pebbles) ready to repeat the same steps as the previous day.

Tawaf al-Wida (The Farewell Tawaf)

You’ve now only one step left to perform before completing Hajj and departing from Makkah. The farewell Tawaf is the last rite Muslims must perform.

This Tawaf is Wajib (obligatory) according to Hanafis, Shafi’is and Hanbalis but Sunnah according to Malikis and must be performed prior to leaving the boundaries of the Haram. Omitting this Tawaf, without a valid reason, is not deemed lawful in Islam.

Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated:

“The people were ordered to perform the Tawaf al-Wida as the last thing before leaving (Makkah), except the menstruating women who were excused. “
Hadith | Bukhari

For this Tawaf, you will complete seven laps of Tawaf. Then perform two Rakat of Salah and drink Zam Zam water. There is no Sa’i or shaving/trimming of the head after this Tawaf.

Hajj Mabrook! You’ve now completed your Hajj!

For those of us who are unable to travel and perform Hajj, don’t despair! The best ten days of the year are 1st to the 10th of Dhul Hijjah.

These days are a second chance to earn the mercy and forgiveness of Allah (SWT) after Ramadan.

For those of us who haven’t been able to go to Hajj this year, we should use this blessed time to do more good deeds. These can include anything such as giving charity, honouring one’s parents, upholding the ties of kinship, and enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil. It is also important to enhance our obligatory acts of worship by being mindful of our prayers and ensuring we pay our Zakat on time. For those of us who have not yet completed the pilgrimage of Hajj, this is also an ideal time to make Du’a that Allah (SWT) grants us the opportunity when He deems best.

Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“There are no days that are greater before Allah of in which good deeds are more beloved to Him, than these ten days, so recite a great deal of Tahleel (saying of La Illaha illa Allah), Takbeer (saying of Allahu Akbar) and Tahmeed (saying of Alhamdulillah) during them."
(Hadith Ahmad)

It’s highly recommended for you to fast and remember Allah (SWT) as much as you can.

The Qurbani for non-travellers is Sunnah muakkadah (confirmed Sunnah) according to most scholars and Waajib (a religious duty) according to the Hanafis. If you can afford to offer the sacrifice, then you are encouraged to do so. This would be in remembrance of the struggle and dedication of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to Allah (SWT) and support a family in need.

Give your Zakat and Sadaqah during the blessed days of Dhul Hijjah and reap the rewards of this blessed month.

Don’t forget to give your Qurbani in time for Eid!

We ensure our content is reviewed and verified by qualified scholars to provide you with the most accurate information. This webpage was last reviewed by Mufti Bilal Omarjee.

Page last reviewed: 22 August

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